If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Know Yourself & The Purposes Of Dimensions
Unity Consciousness #176


Continued from, ”What Is The Meaning Of Dimension? | Definition.”

The Purposes Of Dimensions

The purposes of dimensions are the same as the combined purposes of differentiation, separation and identification.

Purposes Of Differentiation, Separation & Identification

1. Difference is a necessary part of creation.
If the Creator only existed as the Creator and as nothing else, then nothing could be created. The universe (creation) is made of many different things. The Creator had to differentiate self in order to create the universe and all it contains. The Creator had to make part of self different and then separate in order for creation and Creator to exist simultaneously. For example, Mother, Father and Son are different aspects of the Creator, separately identifiable but connected in oneness.

2. Difference is a necessary part of growth.
A purpose of creation is for the Creator to learn more about self. The Creator learns more about self through creation. This is why the main purpose of every aspect of creation is to know yourself.
The Creator is seeking understanding through us.
The Creator is seeking to restore Maat within self, the universe, which means the Creator is seeking to restore Maat in each and every one of us.

3. The Creator Must Also Mature/Evolve.
The Creator is a living being and must stay in motion by learning, growing and developing. Motion is fundamental to life. This is why the universe is expanding. If the creator did not grow and develop then there would be no strengthening. Why does the Creator need to strengthen? Because a living being cannot remain stagnant and must strengthen or weaken. Since the universe is expanding, the Creator is strengthening because expansion without strengthening, weakens. We know this from the example of a balloon that expands until it bursts because it remained at the same strength before it was inflated. Strength comes from understanding. Understanding comes through process. Process is motion. Motion is energy. Energy is spirit. Spirit is life.

4. Separation Is A Rigorous Test.
If the Creator is to remain all powerful and evolve, the foundation of self must be tested. Every part of the Creator must be tested. It is one thing to be all powerful as one being in oneness and it is another thing to be all powerful as one being separated into uncountable aspects of self. If the Creator is to be all powerful, it must be both as one being and as separated aspects. If not, weakness exists.

5. Separation Provides Learning Opportunities.
The Creator is able to study self in minute and great detail and understand each aspect fundamentally from tiny particles to plants to humans to stars to galaxies. When fundamental understanding of any aspect of creation is achieved, all the dimensional veils between separation and oneness are pierced and that aspect can be understood universally, thus, so can self.