If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Gevim, Goyim, Gentiles & Hindu | Judaism-Christianity
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1309


(Part 9gy of 11)

As it is with Pisces, Jackal and all metaphors
Current conditions shall be no more
Hindered potential comes to the fore

As teachers are teaching us, they are reminding us that we are returning to Africa, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, before we return physically. One of the ways has been in re-identifying ourselves.

Khut & Khuti

Khut & Khuti are another form of birthplace, parent and child. Thus these words designate duality circle, circuit, cycle, power. (BB)
Some Word Variations: kuti, suti, gudi, guti, gutim, gutiutn, goim, goyim, gentiles, gevi, gevim , khefti, kheftim, ketti, coti, catini, gadeni, cotani, catieuchlani,... (BB 362/374, 458/470 ); (AE2626-7/90-1)

Goy, Goyim in Judaism and Gentile, Gentiles in Christianity have been abused to mean a certain group of humans, but originally these words were taken from Khuti which essentially means spirit-soul in a resurrected perfected state of existence. So as we can now see, the words have been used to be mean the opposite, the lowest of the low of humans, not worth saving.
Truth is, all humans are the descendants of Goyim and Gentiles.

We are again reminded these words also apply to elementals and to dualities more than they apply to humans. In the course of cycles, some elementals rise and some fall as surely as this happens to darkness and lightness and Moon and Sun.

Gentile Profiled

Gevi is Khevi is Khefti is ultimately Suti, the Supreme. (BB 46-7/58-9)
The race of Japheth is the race of Kheft, thus the Goyim & Gentiles.

Here's what this means according to white people's version of Judaism-Christianity:
Shem was favored.
Japheth was disfavored as being Goyim Gentile. (UC#477)
Ham was supposedly cursed. (UC#452)

Shem's descendants are the upper class elite.
Japheth's descendants are the middle class working poor.
Ham's descendants are the lower class subject to wage limits. (BB 455/467)

The really inconsistent part of Judaism-Christianity is that Abram Abraham is a Goyim Gentile per those bibles themselves, even though Abraham was of the lineage of Shem.

All Humans are Goyim Gentiles

As said above and in many other messages, all humans have the same one origin, thus have all the same genetics and potential. Clues are all over the place. We use an easy one found in South Africa in the people who call themselves Khoi-Khoim, Ama-Khoim, Gui-Khoim. They have also been called by others Khoisan, Khoi-Khoi and disparagingly Hottentot, Hot-en-tot. (Names, 149)
In Khoi we see Khui, Khuti.
In Khoim we see Goim.
In Gui we see Khui, Gudi, Guti, Gutim.

We have gone through this small exercise to show the basis of Goyim Gentile is not found in Hebrew, modern Judaism or modern Christianity, thus neither is the fuller meaning. This is why we seek to use Egyptian iunderstandings before they left Africa or at least before they were duly corrupted.

Hindu & Gentile Connection

This is a summary from UC#823.
The first India on the planet was south, in Africa, in the area known as Punt. Kent and Khentu yield the word Hindu: Khentu to Ghentu to Hentu to Hendu to Hindu. Also Khentu to Khentoo to Ghentoo to Gentoo to Gintoo to Gindu to Hindu. All of this is another way to say what is true for all people - the people of India, in Asia, are Africans from the seed of inner Africa in the Great Lakes region. (BB 23/35 ); (NG2 164-5/172-3)

Gentile, Genti, Ghenti, Ghentoo and Hindu are all the same.

So we don't forget, the larger purpose of this message is to remind us of who we are more fully, so as not to be constricted by the human only version So we will stop being constricted by a small matrix of human thinking that allows things that don't make sense to make sense because the matrix itself is held together by the cement of incongruence and fragments.
For those who follow the white Jew version of the IU, you are a Gentile. For those who believe they are a Gentile, make sure you include the full version of YOU per earlier messages in the 1300 series of unity consciousness.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Taylor, Isaac, "Names and Their Histories: A Handbook of Historical Geography and Topographical Nomenclature," Rivingtons, (London:1898), Second Edition Revised, p. , download pdf.

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