If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Another Angle View Into IU, Jew & You
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1307


(Part 9gw of 11)

The inner self petitions your attention: let me be your angle.
All that follows is to say what we already knew. All religions are a version of African Mythology. Everybody is still worshiping that same superhuman nature powers in the form of gods and goddesses in different versions. Since we have been studying SU, HU and IU, we bring out the IU again to show its connection to Judaism-Christianity.

We've shown Iu the su is Iesus which became Jesus through the Greek. This is enough for truthseekers to investigate further and enough for funk fakers to remain haters – of their inner self talk.

Elsewhere under many messages mentioning religion, we've discovered religions by many names connected at their nodes to Nile ValleyAfrican spiritual teaching vine. All anyone has to do is begin searching their religion in relation to its African origin and you will find it. The Iuniverse now commands it for greater numbers of us to be awakened. All you have to do is iunderstand in general what Africa Mythology is talking about and you will know all other teachings, which came tens of thousands of years later, must then be variations of the same, especially since the earliest writings in your religion admit their African origins. Back then, there was no reason for them to lie about obvious truth. It would have as ridiculous them saying they were not African.

We can use the same IU connection to show the connection to many religions, see the 1300 series of messages. For now we only provide more detail on the IU is Jew connection.

1. In the suboptimal sense, Jews are Europeans of the Hebrew system of beliefs. Jews are Judaism and Abrahamites, Israelites and Judahites. (John Henrik Clarke, Exactly Who Or What Is A Jew?, Youtube) (AE1 501/511)

2. In the optimal sense, Jews are the followers of IU (HU, SU, Shu, Khu) who is the ever-living Parent and ever-coming Child, both of which represent spirit-soul and other elementals.

Absorb the list in the previous message. Clearly, Jews and Jesus have the same trunk connection, no matter their distance from each other. U is W and I is J.
Judah is not far from Iuhuh or Buddha.

Abram Abraham has been shown to be a form of the Ab-ra and Af-ra, both of which are forms of the IU, the one who is dual as father-mother and son (su).

The followers of IU are the followers of HU, SU, Shu and Khu who were also called, the Ia, Iao, Iau, IU, HU, Ju, Jupiter, Iho-Iho. All of these lead to the word “Jews.” Especially Ius = JUs = JOOs spelled Jews, while retaining the OO as in Moo, Hu, Iu, You. Thus, Jesus is more accurately Joo-soos.
See also recent message on Khuman, Shuman & The Human Constriction.

The original black African Jews are duality worshipers beginning with darkness and light. All religions today are still duality worshipers, it's just that most are now only honoring one side of the duality and symbolize it mainly through the human male. And this is what supports genderism – all such religions.

Everybody is still worshiping the same African originated deities in some discombobulated discomfited form. (AE1 501/511)

As we shown in discussions of pagans, the followers of HU and of all other religions are the true Heathen, because Heathen is Huthen is a form of the followers of HU, IU. As a side note, all religions are simultaneously polytheistic and monotheistic. (BB 460/472)

Johnny-come-lately white European Jews love to claim Elohim, as some special designation of God, but do not admit Elohim is still based on IU, thus based on the elementals which are the basis of Du, Su, Hu, Iu and You. (AE1 422-4/432-4)

So we wrap this up by saying the Age of Kepheus is another form of the IU, HU, SHU, KHU and YOU.
The Age of Kepheus-Aquaria is when DU-ality changes back towards the other side and lessens the divides until they are side by side for a twilight season.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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