If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Seeing More What Red & Circle Signify, Symbolize
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1325


(Part 9ho of 11)

1. The Great Mother-Father Above & Below
a) Water, Air
b) Soul of Life in water and air (BB 365/377)

2. Hesmen, the menstrual substance, red water.

3. Aquaria, The Great Mother of The Waters is menstruating and breastfeeding after giving birth as Pisces. Blood is flowing for a period. Milk also, until the child's digestive system (thought processes) have matured more.

4. The Child
a) Shu-Anhur the other elementals in more even balance
b) Twin Balanced Warrior of Two Truths
c) Mars, Sun, Stars, Fire, Blood
d) Kepheus (AE2 665-6/129-130)

5. The Seven Elementals. Also collectively as the eighth elemental.

6. The Parent and Child as each being the elementals and together being the elementals. (NG2 15/23, 104/112)

7. Spirit-Soul

8. Red and blue waters of the inundation, above (breasts) and below (uterus), thus they are both flowing in both places, giving and taking life. (BB 188-9/200-1)

Heaven Is Still Changing

We already know stars such as planets, suns and moons, change.
We already know a child changes color after coming out of the water and adapting to this environment.
We know stars change colors and brightness.
Most stars, if any, are not born white. All indications tell us, light is born red as fire. Above and below starts from trinity seeds (darkness, water and spirit-soul) as composites of all things. Most stars are not perceivable by current human eyesight. In the spaces between the stars we can see, there are many more stars we can't see. Stars are the elementals. Circles are filled with life. There is no space anywhere that does not contain life, the spirit-soul of life, each of them a spark, a star, ready to come out of the dark matter energy womb that bleeds/breeds/breathes red.

Red Constellations, Element Factories

Ursa Minor, the Little Bear Constellation, used to be called the Red Hippopotamus. The stars in Red Hippo Ursa Minor re-present the seven elementals. (NG2 10/18 )

As we know, Kepheus the child is a form of Kep, the Great Mother who was the first Red Hippopotamus Constellation, now called Ursa Major, the Great Bear.

Part of the 7up logo is a red circle.
Everything taking place above must be dramatized and symbolized below - must work its way through the circles out from the source and then back to the source. Thus everything taking place on this Earth and among humans is a dramatization of what is taking place at elemental levels by any sense of the word necessary. There is no limit to what the word of Goddess God can do. Everything is subject and everything is change. In one sense, the other truth is now being shown to us out front in our faces of our societal disgraces. On the other hand, the other truth is coming to displace this truth. We are seeing red in more ways than one. It is not just us. Justice travels in circles. Har-ma (geddon) for this transition of Ages has reached another critical point of shift. Gideon is being reformulated for this time of Geddon. Fear not, Faint not, Despair Not family. Seemingly outnumbered and overpowered, Jerubbaal, oracle, executor and ruler of the red cross in the circle, is ever-coming in the form of the Shu-Maat-Kheru, the coming true sense of the word, the combined elemental forces to be reckoned with. Realign your energy.

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