If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, April 23, 2018

Seeing Seven Eleven
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1324


(Part 9hn of 11)

This message continues to re-lay a more expansive foundation so we can understand more fundamentally what is taking place today is by virtue of the fundamental workings of the universe, thus of self, thus of all else. The more we understand the foundational, fundamental, elemental, the easier it will be to understand the sameness of cycles taking place, even as it changes forms.

Messages are in all things. Everything that exist is a message that speaks of what is taking place.

Seven-eleven rose-like heaven's-leaven.

In recent times:
Soft drink 7up came up in 1929 based on lemon-lime duality, Name changed 1936.
Store 7-Eleven, came up in 1927, originally named Tote'm (Totem), thus duality. Name changed in 1946.
7 shipwrecked castaways was the focus of Gilligan's Island in 1964, This brief 3 year series could represent the low point Winter Solstice when the sun stands still for three days before rising again. Egyptian mythology is filled with references to the elementals being portrayed as crossing the water in a boat.
More recently the phrase “24/7” rose to common usage. All of this is a reflection of fundamental cycle changes.
Now we move back to earlier times. Africa, as the birthplace, is a mirror of the heavenly birthplace. Heaven was divided and so was Africa. The divisions existing today around the Great Lakes Region are reflective of the Seven Elementals That Have Gone Through Further Divisions: Kongo, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Somalia, Zambia, Burundi, Mozambique, Malawi, Eritrea, Djibouti, DR of Congo.
Heaven is changing and so is Africa.

In 1927 we entered the last degree of the Age of the Jackal, the last part of the transformation into Kepheus.

More News On Eleven

From 2018 to 2029 is 11 years.
From 2029 to 2040 is 11 years. (Aquaria)
From 2040 to 2051 is 11 years. (Kepheus)
This adds up to 33 years until the Age of Kepheus is fully in position. Kepheus is 33 years away and, as the child, is the third cycle of the ever-coming one. Aquaria is 22 years away and, as the parent, is the second cycle of the ever-coming one.
What is 11 years away as the first cycle of the ever-coming one?
This is just April 2018, and as said elsewhere, this year has the feel and facts of producing easily noticeable upheaval and fulfillment. Sooner than later these small events are going to add up to bigger events that will show us just how weak our societies are when the basics we slave for are not available for purchase. Disruptions in electricity, water and gasoline have not been enough to shake us awake, not even for the sake of our children and grandchildren who will most certainly be in the thickest part of the changeover.

In keeping with the 7 and 11 game of craps, we gain the following understanding.
Two dice are rolling across the heavens. Two circles are turning, two numbered squares. Elementals are moving around in different combinations. Sometimes they are in favor of the duality we are manifesting, sometimes not. Depending on where we have placed our bets during this round, we will win or lose. The dice are being passed to the next ones who are already here and coming out more.

From 2007 to 2018 this weblog has existed.
In 1992, Prince released “7”which again foretold of the fall of the status quo of the so-called seven continents.
All seven and we'll watch them fall / They stand in the way of love / And we will smoke them all
Prince is the ever-coming one as the elder, equal to the Age of The Jackal.
The New Power Generation is the seven elementals who come to assist the Prince and rearrange via climate change to bring an end to reigns. Historically, via rhythms and vibrations of karma and har-ma, the same chorus repeats with a verse change.

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