If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Trueprint Blueprint: Dismantling Racism & Discrimination
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1330


(Part 9ht of 11)

From the previous message, we now know the poster child for racism copied the blueprint for racism and customized it, as did all other runner-up wannabe poster children.
The blueprint for racism was taken from the spirit-soul trueprint for cycles of duality.

Basic Plan To Dismantle Racism & Other Evil Discriminations

1. Use “any means necessary.”

2. Awaken the disfavored group in waves. Simultaneously, awaken the favored group in waves. Awaken them to more complete truth. Once they have been awakened to this new level of truth, their conscious and subconscious awareness move closer to equal. Now, whatever choice is made, assist the person with that choice. Thus those who know better and do not better, thus choosing the less optimal path will be used to dismantle discriminations via the suboptimal route of upheaval. Likewise the reverse is true for those who are awakened, in any way, to any degree, who choose the optimal route will be the fulfillers.

3. Bring forth children who are born awakened. Thus we have the Indigo Children and many other types. These first three steps take place long before the status quo changes. It ensures the society will be weakened by more division and separation while also being weakened by those who choose the optimal way, opting out of the societal ways. Because the society is aware of the changing dynamics, they are trying to use fear to squash the uprising. They understand not that the uprising is the phoenix of spirit-soul that is rising who is not afraid of humans on this planet during this stage of the cycle. All discriminations are being tabulated by Menat-Seshat & Taht-Tehuti. What this does is run the tab up to full much sooner than the scheduled final dismantling date. The day of reckoning of exhibited beasts is closer. Their gradient on the curve has exceeded capacity. The cracks are widening. Collapses are imminent.

4. For societies whose leadership and so-called experts do not obey the truth they are being shown, they will be assisted in doing things they think will preserve the society, but will dismantle the society quicker as it gets sicker. All Institutions and All Ideologies especially the Laws, their Administration and Adjudication, of racism will become burdens that cause the favored group to implode.

5. Re-Stratify the society into larger groupings that transcend human borders.

6. By exposing its contradictions and complicity in genderism, racism and other evil discriminations, begin the erosion of religion as a primary source of authority. Simultaneously replace religion with a more extended self perspective.

7. Begin the erosion of the favored group, including their cream of the crop. One of the many ways is to bring more discredit to the favored group, such as males, and expose them for the liars they are and for what they are doing to create discrimination in all areas of society that you feel privileged to and think are good things, such as their brand of education. In other words, change the perspective of males as the bastions of knowledge to the bastardizers of knowledge. Then if you choose to remain blind and follow their behinds, you will be reap what they have sown. Because worldwide constant wars and taxation and xyz have not been enough to show us the fallacy of male-logic dominated societies, spirit-soul is showing us. And if we think it is only related to sexual misconduct, we are in the kind of trouble we'll never see coming. (This also means females who are using an unbalanced amount of masculine principle logic will also share the fate of males who are doing the same.)
Give them more drugs by the jug for all four inseparable aspects of self. In addition to that alcohol they can't live without, give them the most deadly drug of being white elephant and white mice smug, feeling snug with heels deeply dug even though bugs don't belong in rugs. There are giants in the promised land.

8. Change the dynamics of economic power by redistributing wealth in ways that the craftiest of criminals in the status quo cannot foresee or stop.

9. Make the military and police the societal enemy and friend of injustice. As they use more of their weapons against the favored group, have them implode like fireworks against each other. Remind everyone where true power emanates from.

10. Adhere only to the Supremacy of Need Incentive and Rights Of Creation.

Neither the install nor the uninstall of discrimination logic are the primary domain of human control. What we continue to repeat in this message is that no ideology comes into or out of existence in the human circle without the assistance of other circles of spirit-soul assisting. Now since two of the main circles are changing via Ages of Aquaria an Kepheus, so must also the accompanying ideologies, thus the prevailing status quo in societies must go, even as their ideologies are transformed to support the more complete truth.

So to be briefly more clear, you dismantle racism by dismantling the human race, especially in areas that holds it suboptimally together. Racism has already done this. The more societies and their oppressive collectives cling to racism and other evil discriminations, the more the society builds up discredit for an unstoppable series of falls down a steep set of stairs. Not even the bottom will stop their descent because it is an abyss, a black hole. Now at the request of the King, comes the King's horses and King's men to put Humpty, the fragmented human race, back together again in a new extended form and remove parts opposed to it.

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