If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Four Of Us Ignoring Pain & What Inflames
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1334


(Part 9hx of 11)

Ignoring pain and inflammation can be as harmful as the root cause(s) of the pain.
Ignoring pain is a dangerous “Russian roulette” shell game of chicken that we use as a trusted “go to” thought process.

Pain is an effect that has a cause.
It is foolish to consider pain as “nothing,” or “no big deal.”
Pain is always something. Pain is always caused by something.
Pain is a signal, a sign, a signature of something else.
Pain is the language of the elementals telling us something at deeper levels is taking place.

What Causes Pain?


What Causes Inflammation?

Cellular imbalance.

What Causes Cellular Imbalance?

Cellular malfunction.

What Causes Cellular Malfunction?

1. Malnutrition.

2. Toxins that are unable to be dealt with quick enough or by the body's resources.

3. Inflammation is a sensible response to what the body is sensing.
Inflammation is an immune system response which sends extra resources to the site of obvious injury or where injury is beginning to occur, but not outwardly noticeable.

4. Diffusion Occlusion. In other words, ”stress.” Stress that is blocked and trying to find a way out.
Stress is the buildup of tension pressure strain that is not alleviated. This causes cells to be out of balance, thus malfunction.

There are good and bad versions of everything. There is good pain and bad pain. There is the pain that kills and the pain that heals. The pain that weakens and the pain that strengthens. And so on.

We must learn more so we can discern which type of pain is occurring. This is unlikely to be understood without understanding the causes of the pain(s) we are experiencing.
We must seek understanding as earnestly as we seek to understand why the “check engine light.” is on in our vehicle.
Pain is a “check engine” signal.

We must seek understanding of the pain(s) we are experiencing as earnestly as we wanna know why our computers “ain't working right.” Pain is a pop-up window to tell us something in the background is taking place that we should be aware of..

We must seek understanding of pain as earnestly as we wanna know why any of our machines and devices are malfunctioning.

Do Not Just Take An Aspirin

If our primary and main response to pain is to take an aspirin, that's the same thing as taking a chill pill to deal with pain. You have a pain, okay, just take a chill pill and it'll go away and you can move on because everything will be better.

We must not just take an aspirin for pain and leave it at that.

For pain, we must not just take spirit-soul aspirins called religion.
For pain, we must not just take emotional aspirins of misguided affections.
For pain, we must not just take mental aspirin of justifications provided by miseducation of logic.

Just taking aspirin and ignoring pain is a shell game where we know pain is there but we only look in one place, for the nearest form of aspirin regardless if it has anything to do with the location of the cause of pain.

The Four Of Us

1. How many times do we ignore pain? (physical, mental, emotional, spirit-soul)
2. How many times are we aware of others ignoring pain?
3. Don't we already know our societies are ignoring pain? Are the chill pills our societies are telling us to take, making the pain go way, making everything okay? Are the pains, false pains, meaningless?
4. How many time do you think the immune system of the universal body ignores pain? You can be certain that whatever we experience, the universe experiences it more intensely.

What Causes Us Humans To Keep On Keeping On Ignoring Pain?

Ignorance of pain causes ignoring of pain causes more pain until inflammation swells implodes explodes.

As a result, pain ignored leads to sudden death.

A pain that happens for the first time is something we should not ignore.
A pain that happens more than once is generously urgently trying to implore us to do more. The cells in our bodies are sending a message to our head brain and asking for help. Why did the pain cross the road of my mind? To get me to the other side so I can pacify it with an aspirin or to get me to cross the river of understanding so I can identify the cause of pain, so I can restore homeostasis equilibrium balance again?

Danger Games

One of the most dangerous pains we individuals ignore are headaches, aka migraines.
When a collective of individuals ignore societal headaches, you know that approach is unacceptable and sooner or later something more painful is going to take the place of the earlier pain.

When we add in the ignoring of heartaches, stomachaches, backaches, can't-sleep-aches thus can't rejuvenate, etc., then we know the system of cultural clubs that define the society is, not only malfunctioning, out of balance and sick, but we also know the society is about to break outwardly into more pain and suffering due to unresolved internal issues, chief among those are the evil discriminations we all know too well that ignore the rights of creation.

This must be properly understood another way.
The cell called Mother Earth, has done her best to keep love together during this cycle. And so have Set and Horus as Moonstar and Sunstar and both as darkness and lightness. And so have the rest of the planetstars. Now comes reinforcements, help from the Sage of Aquaria Waters and Sage of Kepheus Winds, along with all the other seven elemental-based stars at their command, including their spirit-souls of life. These macro-sages are preparing macrophages. Do not ignore the metaphor. Macrophages manifest as white cells but originate as black cells. Logic is transformed within cells to change their thinking and behavior to cause pain and remove the cause of pain. Now because we are near to the horizon of the twinlight twilight zone, sacred dusk and sacred dawn are trading places and sides along with the forms of red khemistry they bring.

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