If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Two Circles: Preexistence & Existence Du-ing The Do
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1318


(Part 9hh of 11)

Two circles, old and new, du-ing the do in ultramacro forms as Preexistence and Existence creating me and you, both as self, and all else there is too.

”Nonexistence & Existence | Expanded Definitions & Meanings, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1110”

Before there were solstices, equinoxes, quarters, seasons, split-seconds, seconds, minutes, half-hours, hours, days, weeks, weekends, months, years, ages and great years, the beginning was one circle (seed cell nucleus heaven universe egg). Then that circle expanded and duplicated to become two identical circles (upper and lower). Since the circles are identical, it matters not which is which. Likewise then, no matter how the two circles differentiate, it matters not which is which. It only matters to the extent that difference allows the two circles to form cycles. A basic cycle consisting of a starting point, a second point and then a return to the starting point. Sameness allows for continuity and transformation. All this together allows the circles to be two and one at the same time and at different times (points in the cycle).

We already know spirit-soul becomes whatever it chooses to transform into (differentiate into). And so it does, beginning with the elementals in order to create more dimensions. We know dark becomes light becomes dark. We know first becomes last becomes first. These basic examples apply to all things. Everything switches places in some way in at least one form because everything is transformed – over and over again . Therefore, we are no longer surprised upper becomes lower becomes upper or that south becomes north becomes south or that heaven becomes hell becomes heaven or that seed becomes plant becomes seed or that child becomes parent becomes child or that water becomes blood milk nectar sap which becomes water again. Neither are we surprised by thousands of things that trade places forth and back and forth. We see some evidence of this everyday, even during this short stage we call this lifetime. The continuously changing state and position of water as explained by the water cycle is enough natural fact to form the foundation upon which we should base all other notions about what exactly is “fact.” The breathing cycle is additional proof that allows you to take in one thing, give off another thing and then take in one thing, but not the thing you just let out that's right there in the same airspace. All things move between stages and cycles, round and around we go in circles in cycles.

What we are remembering to understand is that it matters not the position of something in the cycle when we come to understand the continuous nature of the need incentive that causes the Supreme Being to be inventive.

So be not deceived by the current position of anything. Its relationship to the cycles is more important to understand. For instance, knowing a person is a newborn, toddler, teenager, adult or elderly has little meaning without also understanding the stages and cycles that the person is part of. In other areas of our thought processes, this loss of awareness of how our thinking connects to the whole has us so confused we think the position of things has always been and will always be. Nothing we know and experience daily supports this blurred vision theory except short-term fragmented memory.

The two circles are duality. Everything in this universe is a form of this duality. All creations, including you, are multiple layered forms of duality because we are composed of multiple layers of dualities. One example is simply: you are still egg and sperm in a different form. Your Preexistence (preexisting state) still exists and so does your Existence (existing state). Most of us, know we have not always existed in our current state and that our current state will not always exist.
And so it is also with humans as a group and with the status quo of our societies. This is why we really need to do more adjusting to what climate change means by going back and understanding what process and change mean. Climate change opened the door of the nucleus to allow the virus to take over the cell. Climate change is ramping up the immune system within the superhuman and human cycles to reverse this process. The good news is, this is nothing new. The bad news is, it is new to most of us. Old game causes climate change.
Pick anything that is not the way you want it to be. It changed and is changing. Pick anything that is the way you want it to be. It changed and is changing. For instance, education changed into miseducation is changing back to education. As you can see by the recent Philadelphia Starbucks incident, racism logic is slowly changing, extremely slowly unevenly changing, starting at the Giri So level of awakening. How many murders does it take to shake some of us partially awake?** Millions before a handful say the truth about race we must face. Even religions and their needful confusions are changing. All of these things and more are changing, not just by human hands, and are moving forward while also moving back. This is the nature of a circle, of a cycle.
When we take into account the beginning two circles and two cycles, we can begin to remember, what is taking place in our ultramicro human cycles and circles is due to larger and smaller circle cycles influencing and exerting more control.
We are mistaken when we think humans control any form of darkness, lightness, spirit, soul, water, fire, earth, air, blood and flesh. Only temporarily are we able to do so, as allowed by the combined effects of all cycles. We are again reminded of momentum and cycles of change.

We gotta reboot and stop being so human-minded and become once again more superhuman-minded. We must become more aware of the smaller and larger cycles we are part of. There was a need to create two circles. There was a will and this is the way – one circle becomes two becomes many becomes two becomes one. There is a need for all cycles that exist. And this is why we must begin to simultaneously take into account more cycles – re-expand and reconsolidate.
As we do so, we will remember, it matters not whether or not the names we call the Supreme Being by. The Supreme Being is still who the Supreme Being has always been. Just because we say it's a male or that it's black or white, doesn't change who the Supreme Being is. Even when we say, “God the Father,” we are still also saying “Goddess, the Mother.” Why? Because Father means duality, both, male and female, god and goddess, first and last. All things are this way no matter how reconfigured disfigured transfigured.
So again, it doesn't matter whether or not we call the Supreme Being: him, her, it, that, whatchamacallit, I am, animal, creature, being, divine, deity, brotherman, sistegirl, person, place, thing, alien, monster, devil, nothing, everything or whatever. Everything we say and do is a reflection of the nature of the duality of the two circles. Even when we express a duality in its singular form such as darkness or female, that singular form is still duality, thus still manifesting the logic of the two circles, who are taking turns out front, on top and side-by-side by changing positions, thus changing cycles, du-ing what they dudu worst and best.

And so now we go back to understand, when there was one circle, that represents the old. Two circles represents the new. Yet they are identical, thus old and new are the same, just different stages and forms of each other. A baby is the new and then that same baby becomes old. Also, in the reverse, a new baby is born old. The baby is older than it was 9 months earlier. And yet, the egg, sperm, gametes, zygote, fetus, baby and old person are all the same.
So in the life cycle of the two circles, even though one is old and one is new, the new becomes the old because the old became the new, plus they are identical.
We continue to expand and extend our thinking full circles. A new heaven and a new earth means the transformation of the old current heaven and old current earth. Do not expect a prepackaged earth to be dropped into place already setup and installed with all logic needed to change things.

If we understood ourselves in our earlier forms and stages, we could better understand our current form and stages. This basic truth applies to all things we think we understand and that we need to understand - small and large, important and unimportant, significant and insignificant.
For those who are entrenched in any form of religion (including democracy, capitalism, patriotism, patriarch-tism, monotheism, modernism, etc.), your preference for the “recent” and “new” puts you at odds with your Gods, because your God, by any name, is “old.” This must be so. So then, how and why does this old God create new things such as a new heaven and new earth, yet this old God has not made SELF, new? And this same old God is going to resurrect you, who is made in the same image. Please don't invoke corruptible, incorruptible, mortal and immortal without saying where this comes from and how it fits into your entire God logic and fits into all logic as you see expressed throughout nature?

These answers are clearly in our understandings of what “old” and “new” mean, plus in our understandings of what a “being” is or a “person.” God is a personage, a personality. This is what all things are. God cannot be a person of this earth and of current humans unless both earth and current humans are universal, thus all of us persons, beings and creatures must be the same universal things in different smaller cycle forms.

Which circle of logic are you following?
What smaller circles of logic are you following?
Identify them by name.

Fear not and be of good cheer. It matters not the current position and condition of logic in this universe. It all changes and is changing. So it is also with Galaxy, Sun, Earth, other superhumans and humans – perhaps not this generation, but humans absolutely must, will and are changing their logic because the two circles are changing their logic.

Feel free to move about the cabin but remain fastened to the center of all circles.

**Note: How many cycle clicks of Sign-language did it take for Tutsi, Watutsi, Hutu, Twa, Batwa, Inapertwa, Angolians, Bantu, Bahutu, Bushmen, Dwarf, Galla, Gullah, Hottentot, Igala, Kalahari, Khoi-Khoi, Khoisan, Nahisi, Nahsi, Negro, San, and other such fragments to forget they are from the same spot on the circumference? And how many clickbacks is it taking for them to remember and reclaim the same heritage? Sahara knows.

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