If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Mixed Metaphors: Fundamentally Two Messiahs
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1335


(Part 9hy of 11)

Ancient humans did what ancient superhumans were explaining. They mixed metaphors. We call it pagan, cult, devil worship, Baal worship, animism, voodoo, witchcraft, demonic and all sorts of names meant to be derogatory. The Universe is a big mes of mixed metaphors.
In earlier times, humans, via fundamental understandings of Sign-language, came to understand there were primarily two Messiahs. Mes means birth and re-birth. (NG1 430/448)

We go back to the metaphor of the Two Circles. Simply put, when there was one Circle, there was One Messiah. When One duplicated, there were two Circles, two Messiahs.
Back in the day, that one fertilized egg-sperm cell in your mother's womb is you, doing what the Messiah did. You as a fertilized egg contained spirit and matter which duplicated, turning you as one cell, into you as two cells. That saved you. You became two circles, two messiahs. The Messiah you are is spirit-soul and matter that keeps duplicating, ever-coming and resurrecting, causing you to have continuous life, saving your life continuously. Your fertilized egg-sperm cell is experiencing eternal life inside you because it keeps being reborn in many forms. The Messiah principle in you is the elementals.

Even though we use a human example, the Messiah is not primarily a human as we call ourselves.
The Messiah is spirit-soul manifesting as spirit and matter that keeps transforming itself into many forms to recreate self as the creations of this universe. This is what saves the world because it saves the one life the Supreme Being has to live. The life of the Creator is saved through us and through all else. The One through duplication of self gives all creations the ability to save self in conjunction with all else as the extended self. We the creatures are the second circle, the second form of the Messiah as Existence.

Before we summarize we revisit one of our biggest hurdles to understanding. In recent Ages, we humans have taken elemental ideas that apply to everything and have diminished the understanding to just applying to humans or just to that creature or this creature.

Reasons There Are Two Messiahs

1. Sixth reason - to know self through all else that exists. This cannot happen when there is only one. Knowing self is essential to maintaining eternal life.

2. Fifth reason - to create a continuous cycle where one Messiah is coming out front and one is going behind. This is the same as darkness and lightness which are always trading places. This is why there is a Messiah of Darkness and a Messiah of Lightness. Whenever one is in charge out front, we now call it the Messiah, but consider the other, a Pariah. Then the cycle changes and lightness becomes darkness and so also do our understanding and language change. I am talking about the changing of the Great Year Ages, the larger cycles of darkness and lightness.
Once again, we must not make the Messiah out to be a human person like us as the basis for understanding. If you do, you will leave out almost 100% of the universe in your understanding, and in fact, most of the universe won't fit into your understanding, thus will not fit into your behavior as a co-creator of this mes.
The Messiahs are spirit-soul, matter and other elementals. All Messiahs, even in human disguise, are based on the elementals, but when we don't understand this, we live imprisoned lives in an anemic thalassemic worldview.

3. Fourth reason - Preexistence must give birth to self in order to regenerate self. Thus, duplication is generation regeneration.
4. Third reason - the Parent as One has now become Parent as two. This oneness as two allows for a stable foundation anchor upon which to build more layered circle cycles of regeneration which allow the One to fully manifest in order to know self fully to the extent.

5. Second reason - the One Circle, who is the Messiah, is Spirit-Soul & Matter. When there is only One Messiah, Spirit-Soul and Matter are in harmony all the time. The second Messiah creates distance, difference and a mirror image of self for self-reflection from another perspective. This also is to know self since understanding is the principal thing that forms the basis for all actions and all use of power (genetic potential). Thus this also provides the basis for the One to understand self in harmony and in disharmony, thus creating the basis for what we call good and evil, God and Devil, and so on. This must be so. Clearly none of us can understand our goodness without looking at the variety of behavior of others then re-comparing all of that information to the variety of our own behaviors and doing all of this in the context of something else. For most of us right now that “something else” is a human certified holy book and culture.
And this is why the One created the basis for many forms of self-expression. All of this is for the Supreme Oneness who is the Messiah to know how self functions in different conditions before creating conditions that are not overcomeable.

6. First reason – Messiahs need each other. The Second Messiah must be born by the First. The First Messiah must be reborn by the Second. This is what the definition in the first paragraph tells us: there is a Messiah of birth and a Messiah of rebirth.

Through our inquires into dualities, we now know we need rain but we also need it not to rain, then we need it to rain. This basic example of the duality of wet and dry is the same as darkness and lightness and water and earth and heat and cold. How many of us don't understand the necessity of both hot and cold. Then we already have the basis for understanding love and hate once we put all of that in the optimal context with the elementals.
To understand the nature of cycles of continuous darkness and lightness is to understand a fundamental key of duality
...know something in relation to yourself in relation to all else to know something...
In doing so, you will realize, if the ancients were pagan, etc., then so are we because the entirety of our being, from the physical to the emotional to the mental and to the spirit-soul, is a combination of mixed metaphors whose basis are plants, other animals, stars, etc. I am the Messiah of well-kept secrets and I am coming out as planned as two (Aquaria and Kepheus).

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