If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, April 27, 2018

Society Impropriety Sobriety Test
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1331


(Part 9hu of 11)

Via the previous two messages, we're reminded spirit-soul is in control.
Spirit-Soul is in control of the circle, the universe, the Word, the Logic.
Spirit-Soul is responsible for design and implementation of discrimination and also for the redesign and de-implementation of discrimination.

All societies must take a good look at themselves and stop thinking their discriminations, that are not in the form of American-style racism, genderism and religiosity are less heinous. For that to be true, societies would have to go against the flow of Spirit-Soul that is in main control at all levels.

Logic has been assembled in such as way to bring about climate change, to more optimal harmony, from far less optimal disharmony that permeates all societies.

There is no such thing as a “civilized” society. There are only civilizations (civil realizations) and only societies (civil-lie-nations). Each of these ways humans organize themselves are always overall, either moving in the same direction of what they already are or are moving against the grain.

Evidence is revealing itself along with Amenet out front. As a result, societies are less able to use bright-side perspective, air fresh, carpet fresh and sweet talk caress their egos with, “we know we have a few problems.” To say a society filled with impropriety only has few problems, requires a sobriety test.

First of all, to say such a thing is the same as saying a house unfit to live in, is fit to live in while we talk about how to cover up the problem with more rugs, window dressings and paint.

Among the citizens of societies, context of cause and effect is clearly part of the foundation of everything else problematic.

Sobriety tests circular sight, insight, double vision, peripheral vision, hindsight, foresight and plain sight.
Does your society have this kind of sight?
This question is best answered by asking the same question of self.
Wherever sight is lacking, leaves logic closed which opens behavior to improprieties called evil discrimination.

Test Yourself, Then Test Your Society

All societies are committing the same dis-crimina-tions in one form or another.
Stand up for the society you love and tell me what they are not doing wrong that another society is.
Time to wake up and sober up about the underlying causes and effects of our thinking and behavior. I am talking to you Africa, Europe, Indonesia, China, Japan, Russia, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, America, Australia and all the rest.
You started out as the same people and you still are. You are manifesting different varieties of the same logic based on the amount of “power” you can use to get others to go along with your thinking.

Major upheaval and fulfillment of new status quos is a historical pattern. So if humans don't sober up and straighten up their improprieties in a hurry, the superhuman form of Spirit-soul will keep ripping us away from that loving feeling for the logic we cling to.

First & Last Two Questions On The Test

What is the nature of your spirit-soul? Is it sober? Is it for or against the evil discriminations plaguing your societies and spreading itself worldwide and to all creations on this planet, now even outside this planet, like a virus, infection and cancer?
What is the nature of the spirit-soul of your society?

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