If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Libations Of Life, Cycles | Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1502


(Part 9of of 11)

A libation is anything poured out to refresh, cleanse, purify, enjoy, honor or celebrate life.
A libation can exist in any form of matter: spirit, liquid, solid, vapor, radiation energy (I.e. light, heat), and so on.

The first libation was a pouring out or outpouring of spirit.
We can call this spirit by a countless number of names such as khekh, spirit, soul, spirit-soul, ra, holy spirit, holy ghost, ruach hakodesh, goblin, ghost, heavenly host, anointing, messu, messiah, savior, creator, glory, divine spark, chi, kundalini, energy, force, power, ba, ka, sa, khu, ah, ankh, naga, wind, breath, inspiration, divine inspiration, prana, life force, essence, essential, nature and so on.


The first libation comes from the womb of the Supreme Being as a pouring out of self. This is done in order to recreate self in order to sustain the life of self.

One of the words for Womb is Kab or Khab which also means Cup, Container, Cab, Cabin, Cavity, Cave, Birthplace, Rebirthplace, Cocoon, Tomb, Circle, Universe and so on.
Kab, Khab or Kabh signifies liquid, water, pure water, purifying water, libation, the place of libation, refresh, enjoy, celebrate. (BB 130/142, 199/211, 205/217), (NG2 511/519)

Secondarily Focusing on Liquid Libation

Although any form of essence is a libation, we are mainly focusing on spirit, then focusing on the liquid essence of life poured out, such as fresh water, salt water, plasma, wine, nectar, oil, blood, milk, juice, sap and human-made forms such as tea, beer and other beverages. Some of these in the hands of humans are suboptimized.

Nevertheless, when any of these liquid essences are poured out, a libation is taking place.
For example, an inundation, a flood, rain, evaporation, urine, spit, sweat, breathing, washing, showering, spilling, drinking, leaking, melting, tears, mucous, mist, dew, snow, hail, sleet, lake, ocean, sea, river, stream, creek, spring, well, hesmen, semen.... (NG2 255/263)

In The Body & Womb Of The Creator

At the root of libation is its twoness in one and oneness in two.

At the core of libation is the two truths.

At the seed of libation is that whatever is being used as a libation, contains twoness and oneness.

At the nucleus of libation is the connection between two or more personal things, aspects of self. The nucleus is the cup that contains the whole total, thus the two things are the cupful, cupple, the couple and are coupled. Linked, joined, shared, connected, this coupling remains intact no matter how many degrees of separation in time, space and understanding. This is so because of the beauty of it all. The coupling of the couple exists in many forms in many places and are always intact in some shape, form or fashion. Even within ourselves, the two truths of life are still there, joined at the hip, the hep, the khep.
To refresh the universe back to its last known good configuration, all it takes is for one seed, one libation, one fertilization, one germination of the two truths in the wholeness of logic to continue maturing and pouring out libations, thus duplicating self and helping transform other forms of self already in existence.
At the fundamental level of libation is its sameness with anointing, appointing, offering, prayer, consecration, dedication, propitiation and sacrifice. All of this means to designate something for a particular time, place, destinypurpose, function, duty, job, effect. All of this then is cause and effect. “I do this libation because I expect or want to create such and such effect.” “I appoint my time and energy for this and that in order to get back such and such.” This then speaks for itself to tell you what I honor, respect, value and worship the most as the most important things in life. What I pour myself into. (BB 443/455)

I pour myself into me to become the you I pour myself into. I am the libation of self and all else. I am the life, the sacrifice and the resurrection through spirit, water, blood and also through blood, sweat and tears.
I am coming out.

At the foundation of life is the natural fact that whatever is a libation, is being used to make a shared connection to something else. This shared connection is life to life. Life in one form, state, stage, phase, dimension shared with life in another form, state, stage, phase, dimension. Each creation is a dimension of the Supreme Being that was poured out as spirit and then transformed into another form. This is what is happening inside our own bodies. Thus, we are the sensing abilities of the Creator. We are inside the body of the Creator sensing what is going on inside the universe and we are relaying uploading that information into Earth and other larger brain centers. The pouring out and taking in of information is a form of libation.
When we expand awareness, we see the universe is simply multi-dimensions of the Supreme Being - - every motion, every creature.
Everything is being poured out and everything is being poured into. Everything is a libation in one way or another. Not just a single instance of libation, but continuous zillions of libations are taking place connected to each individual and to each grouping of individuals. Every use of time and energy is a libation. Everything given and everything received is a libation.

The essential essence of libation is life. Life is basically the continuous repetition of spirit-motion transitioning through many forms, thus the spirit is encountering many experiences with itself. Getting to know self, however long it takes, however many “wrong” turns it takes.
In this manner then, we understand libation is life itself in action. Libation is not something separate we do on special occasions. Good grief! To think and behave this way is to give god grief. To think in behave this way is what creates grief because most of the time we are not in conscious awareness of the two truths of life. Every moment of life is a special occasion.

Just like early humans, we still consciously and subconsciously participate in many forms of libations constantly.

We have previously remembered that spirit is life and that spirit wants to keep in touch with itself through us. In other words life wants to keep in touch with life. Another word for libation is “Keep.” So to keep in touch is to “libation in touch.” To libation in touch is to reach out, pour out and give of self to keep in touch with life and spirit in the form of another person as human or another person as any other form of creation. We already do this when we commune with nature, pray, mediate, seek silence and stillness, etc. All of these are forms of libation and all are fundamentally the pouring out of spirit. (BB 204/216, 443/455), (NG1 390/4080)

This brings us back around to again confirm that a libation is a form of fetish because a libation is doing something in one form to keep in touch with something else in another form. Even when we consciously perform divine, holy or sacred acts of libation, it is still a form of fetish. So once again, all of our offerings, prayers and other worshipful acts are fetishes and libations. Furthermore, all of actions are fetishes and libations because the only way we can do anything is to pour out our spirit to do so, and in doing so, we are connected to and kept in touch with something else, through those actions. Life into life, spirit into spirit.

Coming Back Around Full Circle To The Downside

We have already stated a libation is anything poured out to refresh, cleanse, purify, enjoy, honor or celebrate life.
A libation is also anything poured out that takes away from life, diminshes life, suboptimizes heaven on earth, etc.

We know life is a cycle. The Supreme Being gives and takes, creates and destroy, composes and decomposes in order to create continuous cycles of birth and rebirth renewal. So even if our intent is not contribute to the downside of life, or even if it is and even if we are aware or not, all of us and all other creations are still continuously participating in libations that take away from the life of self and something else.
For individuals and smaller collectives, some of this is necessary and some is not. On the other hand, all of this is necessary as part of the larger consolidated collective process of life of the individual Supreme Being.

Both forms of libation are necessary for life, that which consecrates and that which desecrates.

See ”Ten Cardinal Principles Of Ancient African Deep Thought, Unity Consciousness #45”

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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