If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How Racism Is Reborn Of Misery Then Envy
Unity Consciousness #1726

(Part 9uq of 11)

Despite the gigantic ever-present nature of RACISM, the majority of people still feel there are many places they can escape it. On one account, they are correct because RACISM escapes their understanding. You can escape RACISM in your mind; however, ignorance in the child and denial in the adult, might cover the mind such as to make it noticeably blind, but those two covers of brightness and darkness, can never cover your behind.

To help understand the deep pervasive pathology of RACISM, this message is best understood by first reviewing: Three Sisters & Videos | History Racism Dynamics, Unity Consciousness #1722

This is a good place to repeat what has been mentioned many times elsewhere. In order for any collective of any size to work together to infringe upon the rights of another person or collective of any size, the attackers must first be sick themselves and continuously poison themselves and continuously poison a significant amount of others in order to reach a critical mass such that sickening and sickness becomes the norm. Now you have the self-fulfilling prophecy perfect storm of a cesspool (success pool).

The Pain Truth

Everyone hates it when they don't understand something, are weak, are sick, are in anguish and can't escape the pain associated with it, especially when realizing others do understand something you don't, are not weak in the way you are, are not sick as you and are not in your kind of anguish.

Pain will make you do strange things, such as take any kind of side-effect-riddled medication or treatment, to alleviate the pain. And then exclaim, I'm feeling better, even though not better off.

Spirit-emotion-mind pain will make you do even more stranger, stranger-to-myself, estranged things.

Inward hate is a hate you cannot escape through denial and/or ignorance. Inward hate that is not properly root cause investigated, will seek to alleviate itself by focusing on something else.....or someone else.

So now you can already see and remember the pain truth.

Focus on something else, the outward things, the physical, the accumulation of things, of status, etc. Now you feel good about yourself don't you? Do I do.
Focus on someone else and say, hey, look at me, I must be doing better because I'm doing better than so-and-so, or such-and-such group.. Look at me, look at us, boy, don't we have camaraderie. It is in our best interests to function collectively to keep this good feeling going. We don't want to come back to life, back to reality where the pain and misery is here and now.
Now you see how RACISM is easily and predictably reborn our of pain, misery, and then how that leads to envy of others who are not in pain and misery, but we think they should be, because we are, and hey, aren't they just like me, what's wrong with me. And then the sickness within flips the script and goes on the attack outside of self.

RACISM became a white against black thing after all of the above.

Not All racism Is RACISM

A 24/7 trick of the enemy is to keep you confused as to what things mean.
RACISM means white global collective against black global collective. Not just in their minds, but in their entire being and in every thing they say and do and in every part of the societies they construct concoct.
The term :racism” is often used to refer to the behavior of other groups against other groups, or to refer to whites “racially profiling” people who are not black.
Let us be certain to understand that, IF those things can be considered “racism,” then we must at least distinguish the whole truth.
If any group can or is using racism against another group, that racism is in no way equal to RACISM (whites hate blacks.)

Racism, by others, against others, is like a 1 on a scale of 1,000. RACISM is 2,000+. That's a difference of 1,999+ degrees of intensity. And you think 2 or 3 degrees of global warming is a big deal catastrophe.
Go To Health!

Another way to distinguish between forms of racism is to call RACISM, the Maafa (Racism maintained at 2,000+ degrees)

The Present World Ends When Pigs Fly

Now we get back to the nuts and guts of the glory gangrene created by nuts and their dreams.
The only way to escape spirit-mind-emotion pain is through heavy doses of knowledge of self.
Otherwise to seek escape through denial and ignorance is to seek escape through schism.
Schism is prison.

Thus the basic strategy of a sick person, is to duplicate self by creating the conditions for denial and ignorance within others, so they too can be in the same prison, then more people like you can construct a world within that prison (matrix) while superimposing that prison on the world outside of the prison. See manipulation.

So we quickly move to the summary portion.
White people hate whiteness love blackness hate black people for having what white people don't have. See victim, victims.

Another way to think of RACISM is: white people have pineal envy and melanin envy.
First the spirit-mind-emotion pain turned into pineal envy.
Then that was reborn as melanin envy.
Then that was reborn as RACISM.

RACISM is the only plausibly deniable smiling face explanation that would alleviate the pain of deep spirit-emotion-mind sickness that is multi-generational. I'm talking tens of thousands of years of pain circulating ice water into their brains. Thus the pineal envy. Thus also, the perfect storm finally produced the perfect pair: melanin envy and pineal envy gave rebirth to a child called RACISM.

RACISM is a white pain pill for being so ill, with a kind of pain that feels worse than death.

Dem people had to come up with RACISM after they murdered stole the land and all it's resources{especially intellectual}, then murdered stole the people, then murdered stole the history. So how can I justify all this to my soul? In order to cope with pain and feel good about self, folks white had to create somebody much worse off than them. Since that didn't exist, we just create some people. So slowly, the demon seed, the child RACISM was fed. There was no master plan in the beginning. Not smart enough. They just kinda fell into it, stumbled upon it.

So the basic formula is:
First you sicken the group you want to use as your soldiers (your white children).
Then you give then a target to focus on so they won't notice their own sickness, and instead, view their sickness as health and privilege.
Your boy, Plato said Greek education was for pigs and was unlike the education of the Egyptians (Kamites, Kemites, Kenites) which made children more alert, useful and made them human beings.

There has never been a bird that has flown so high, that it didn't have to come down for a drink of water.

There has never been a pig that has flown so high, that it didn't also fry itself.

Forget All This

Until you perfectly understand that Maafa RACISM was not achieved by, and is not maintained by brain power, intellectual superiority. Instead Maafa RACISM was achieved and is maintained by any means necessary, which means murder in all forms, attacks in all forms, wars in all forms, and all three of these against all people on the planet, especially, first and foremost, those who think they are in the favored group.

Again Great America Make

Means let us re-dedicate ourselves to masterfully copulate so we can give rebirth to yet, another form of RACISM, says the virus to the virus.
Do not underestimate what is taking place by the normalized use of “going viral.”
It speaks to the desperation of the times in the minds of the virus because it knows it is running out of time.

Note: This message is not intended to be the complete history of racism. There are events before, after and between those stated above. Many additional factors are discussed elsewhere, such as the role of “divide and conquer” in trying to control those who were enslaved, indentured servants and those who were already inhabiting the land Europeans invaded. This message is intended to show the role of misery and envy in giving birth to racism.