Two Truths Of A Kind
1. Racism is a global system that one group of people, as a collective, uses to interfere with the rights of another group of people as a collective. 2. Racism is a global system of discrimination where one group acts as a collective to infringe upon the rights of another group as a collective. Racism uses all of the society's institutions, systems and subsystems. 3. Racism is a global system of discrimination where one group acts as a collective infringes upon the rights of another group as a collective. Racism does its discrimination through all institutions in the society while telling you there are laws against discrimination, so see, we are good people, yet there are laws against murder and we are constantly being reminded how much goodness is actually in these people. 4. Racism means one group as a collective infringes upon the rights of another group as a collective. We all know racism involves far more than feelings getting hurt. Racism is never an individual act. The collective is always a co-conspirator through all of its major institutions, culture and deep culture. 5. Structural Racism in the U.S. Is the normalization and legitimization of an array of dynamics – historical, cultural, institutional and interpersonal – that routinely advantage whites while producing cumulative and chronic adverse outcomes for people of color.5. 6. Per Ancestor Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing;Racism White Supremacy is a power system dynamic structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as White whether consciously or subconsciously determined which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thoughts, speech, actions and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and preventing white genetic annihilation on Planet Earth. A Planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as non-white by white-skinned people, and all of them are genetically dominant in terms of skin coloration compared to genetically recessive white skinned people.
Now go back and take Another Look At Tools & Weapons & Power, Unity Consciousness #1709