Cupid Definitions & Meanings
See Part 1/4 where Cupid was reintroduced.Psyche + Cupid = Sakhu One of the parts of Sakhu is Cupid as the soul in spirit, in energy, not confined to matter, less tangible at lower levels of awareness. Despite recent renderings, Cupid, like all truths, is always both truths, even if not depicted as both. Because Cupid is both, it is certain Cupid has been or will be considered the soul of life in matter.
Cupid As Eros & Anteros
Cupid is also called Eros.Eros is the younger twin Horus, the soul of life in spirit. Parent is Cupid-Psyche.
Anteros is the elder twin Horus, the soul of life in matter. Parent is Psyche-Cupid. (AE1 223), (NG1 298) The reason Cupid is both Eros and Anteros is because Psyche is Cupid.
Erotic & Neurotic
When we consider Cupid relating to erotic, this tends to be related to the mind, the Nous. Nous + Erotic leads to Neurotic.The Nous, as currently calibrated, is the male aspect of Mother Psyche that is out front and combined with Father Cupid. This is male plus male as Parent spirit for the word of god. Thus this is way out of balance, thus leads to being neurotic logic. Same is true when logic is flipped. When Nous comes from Father Cupid is the female aspect out front and combined with Mother Psyche, this female + female is out of balance and leads to neurotic logic. Both of these express what happens when there is an imbalance of spirit-soul logic in any aspect of self. This is made worse when most of the logic pieces being combined are mostly suboptimal and are in a suboptimal worldview. This has indeed led to many forms of neurotic logic that crept up on us in the form of the feel good exciting opiate induced erotic. Once again, this is not limited to physical forms.
Cubit becomes Cupid
The cubit Meh (Ma, Meh), the measure, has the name of number nine and of fulfillment. The period of fulfillment for the child, and another Nile inundation was nine solar months. The cubit is the child of Hathor (Venus), is Meh-Urt, the first fulfiller. This is the same as Psyche giving birth to Cupid. And the same as First Truth giving birth to Second Truth. (NG2 208-9) Ultimately khu is spirit-soul. A cubit is a division of spirit-soul. Same as Cupid. (UC#1469), (AE1 372)Cupid's Rainbow
A rainbow symbolizes ending and beginning of a cycle and is also connected to the crescent moon and moonbows. Cupid, the soul of life in spirit, uses these bows to shoot arrows into hearts. Some are definitely darts that freeze and harden hearts. With Aquaria as 7 and Kepheus as 9 and gestation as 9, we are likely going to see an increase of bows or something “unusual” in relation to bows. (NG2 210) The word seti has the meanings of: to copulate, goddess of the white, upper, crown, the beam and arrow of light; set, illumine. (NG2 517)Copulate coincides with the reunion in Tattu.
Goddess of the White coincides with Kepheus-Obatala as Lord of the White Cloth. Thus the Goddess included is Ma or Tefnut.
Upper and Crown coincide with Kepheus as Ruler of the Two Lands.
Beam and arrow of light coincides with the rising Sun of Aquaria and the rising Polestar of Kepheus and the rising Polestar of Pavo and the rising Moon cycles not understood.
Illumine coincides with these next Ages, as evidenced by what is already on display in the shifting of logic, are all about the true light of truth, the whole word of God. Seti is a form of two truths. It is equal to Horus. Thus Seti is an enormous concept and definitely includes all forms of two truths mentioned all the time especially first, last, light, dark, male, female, energy, matter and those that are the most fundamental before humans evolved into existence.
Cupid In The Beginning
We've already discussed the early formation of creation and evolutions of Ra from varying perspectives. Additionally, the beginning, has been discussed in various parts. We now add a Phoenician-Egyptian view in relation to Khekh, Sakhu, Spirit-Soul, Psyche, Cupid and a long list of other names. The Phoenicians said the beginning was with dark Chaos and a dark Wind. Chaos (first principle) and Wind (second principle) united to form Pothos (Cupid). Cupid then formed Mot (Ilus, Mud, the putrefaction of a watery mixture, from which sprung all seeds of creation. This was symbolized by an Egg enfolded by a Serpent (circle and Eye). Based on this section and other information, we tie this back to the Egyptian. Pothos (Ptah, Cupid) is the first principle of two-in-one. Pothos (Ptah, Cupid) is also (Maat, Mes, Waters of Nun). Out of Maat comes Water, Earth, Wind, Fire. Although the Phoenician states Chaos is first principle, it can't be. Chaos is first in relation to Wind, but not in relation to Pothos. Where is the Psyche, the Sakhu? (Cory: Ancient 74-76) The Phoenician account is a subversion of spirit-soul that forms the waters of nun that ferment the mes mud it contains and forms a mound that rises out of the waters. The waters contain all the seeds, including the word, which is also seed. The Phoenicians might not be as far off if Chaos is Khaos. It appears the Phoenicians were using the concept of Ptah as both Parents and instead using it as Cupid, one Parent as Father. This leaves out Psyche by name; however Pothos Cupid gives birth to Mot, the Mud the watery mixture who evidently is the soul of life in matter that is Psyche in other versions of mythology. Remember, although this message is about Cupid, Cupid is part of Sakhu as partner with Psyche.Spirit-soul are partners as are soul of life in matter and soul of life in spirit. First and second or First and Last are longtime partners in the elemental world before we humans came along as a monkey wrench in the divine plan. Make no mistake and underestimate the change of fates tied to the coming of Kepheus, the Big Ape who comes to overrule, and guide the human ape. References:
Cory, Isaac Preston, "Ancient Fragments Of The Phoenician, Chaldean, Egyptian, Tyrian, Carthaginian, Indian, Persian, And Other Writers; With An Introductory Dissertation: And An Inquiry Into The Philosophy And Trinity Of The Ancients," William Pickering (London:1832), Second Edition