If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, September 13, 2019

Psyche, Cupid & Nous | Definitions, Meanings Part 1/5
Unity Consciousness #1731


(Part 9uv of 11)

The current state of human psyche is so frailly established on weak logic, that as the universal foundation of logic shakes, rattles and rolls to turn the prevailing pages of Ages, human logic is crashing, burning, sinking, erupting, bursting, collapsing, deteriorating and upheaving, along with many human creation constructs. This is the sequence of self-destruct automatically created by the sequence of what self constructs. This is the secondary sequence. The primary sequence is what humans have constructed in ignorance and defiance of nature. Not even nature can stand against nature over the long run or when nature shifts gears. Not much longer will humans be able to remain in a strained relationship with nature. Tension pressure favors nature re-establishing the upper hand, climate-changing reminding man. (UC#1681)

Psyche Definitions & Meanings

Sakhu is the understanding, the illuminator, the eye and soul of being, that which inspires. Sakhu became P-Su-Khe (Greek). P-Su-Khe became Psyche.
SA or SU is she (both genders). Khe or Khu is soul.

In Cornwall England, departed souls, moths and fairies are called Piskeys (thus Pixies). Piskey is the same word as Psyche. The moth is also the butterfly, both are something that passes, dies, unfolds, unwinds and opens as that within a chrysalis. It emerges as a winged thing, like beingness.
Moth-ter (Moth) is the Parent as Mother. Put-ter (Butterfly) is the Parent as Father (Pother, Potter).
Thus the Moth and Butterfly are Two Truths. Each a stage of the other. Moth mostly for Darkness and Moon; Butterfly mostly for Lightness and Sun. (BB 105)

Psyche is the soul of life in matter. It is dual in nature, thus when we put Psyche in gender terms, Sakhu started out as dual, but by the time it became known as Psyche, it was dived into two parts. The first part is Psyche as still both female and male, two stages, two forms, two truths, but as matter out front revealed. Psyche is the soul that illuminates and inspires through matter. The soul that manifests expresses itself through matter. This is the soul of the flesh and of the mind. This we claim as the soul in the body of the human; however the Psyche is in all matter.

The second part of Sakhu is Cupid as the soul in spirit, or we can say, in energy, or not confined to matter or less tangible at lower vibrations of awareness. Cupid is neither male nor female or both, but is the soul in spirit out front revealed.

In other words, Psyche is the hidden part of Cupid, while Cupid is the hidden part of Psyche.
The soul in matter is the hidden part of the soul in spirit, while the soul in spirit is the hidden part of the soul in matter.
Thus they are each other in different positions and degrees of manifestation expression.
Thus we need not go any further to recognize how easily and most certainly the Psyche becomes the Psycho when not connected to Cupid. And in truth, Cupid also acts Stupid.
One without the other, both are crazy, the soul in matter and the soul in spirit, life in matter and life in spirit.

I'm not talking about simply being connected. To be connected properly is for the soul of life in matter revealed to be connected to the soul of life in spirit revealed, while the soul in life in spirit hidden is connected to the soul of life in matter hidden.
This is why mythology tells us Psyche and Cupid are married, which is at each of the four corners in Tattu (Annu) where the two become one in balance, not become one imbalanced. Thus we can also add to what we said in the message about Trumpet and Trump. Since the primary four corners are now once again at the corners, there are four primary marriages taking place. This is the same as the eight in the ark who started a new world, era, year, age. Understand clearly that when Pisces rounded the corner, Egypt went down beforehand, then the rest of Africa. As Aquaria is rounding the corner and Kepheus is preparing to wear the double crown, Africa is being taken back and so are all four corners of Earth. (AE1 223)

The Word Of God Is Not Always Neutral (Balanced) In The Short-Term

Despite the gender neutrality of Psyche and Cupid, the dual Soul of the Supreme Being, this balance does not stop either truth from being portrayed solely as one or the other, due to dynamic balance. Thus in recent Ages, Psyche is said to be feminine and holds the mirror, while Cupid shoots the arrow as masculine. They both set aside their differences by laying down the mirror and arrow, in order to celebrate the seventh day sabbath day festival. The number 7 is signified by seven large spots, eye-spots or disks depicted on the wings of Psyche. In this instance, Psyche is Aquaria and Cupid is Aquarius. First Truth and Second Truth reunited in a holy kiss to again be set adrift on a memory bliss, temporarily. (NG2 298)

Also in recent Ages, Psyche is the Parent, God The Mother who is the female Word & Wisdom of God. Psyche is the word of god that manifests in matter. This is the first half of the word. This is also called Sophia. Sophia gives us the word philosophy. In other words, whether you know or believe God is also the Mother, you still talk about Her and you still use Her soul in your everyday logic, because all logic is based on philosophy, Sophia, Psyche, Sakhu.

In recent Ages some groups of people said you cannot know God through Mother Sophia (Psyche) because she is the soul in matter and not the true word of god, the light of spirit that illuminates the mind. It was said you can only know God through the son, Christ who is the soul in spirit and who represents the Father.
Truth is God cannot be fully known through either flesh or spirit, darkness or light, hesmen or semen, female or male; but rather God can only be known through both, since God is both. God can only be fully understood through that which forms the whole and which manifests expresses itself in your logic.

The soul of the Mother-Son and the soul of the Son-Father, can be called spirit-soul, Holy Ghost, Ra, Khekh, or Sakhu.

We must understand, that all that is favorable is now said to be of the Father; however, it was first said to be of the Mother. All that is now said of the Mother, had been said of the Father.
The vine was feminine (umbilical) before masculine.
The female has a penis before the male had a vagina. The Ages and logic are in transition. And this is why we see these same manifestations among humans.

Each Group Of The Past 13,000 Years Have Been Busy Making Us Dizzy With Fuzzy Logic

The Gnostics also divided Mother Psyche Sophia, into Psyche as feminine soul of life in flesh and Nous, masculine soul of life in the mind, who manifests the Father through mental logic or the masculine word and wisdom of God.
Sakhu was the total spirit-soul as Dual Parent.
Sakhu was divided into Psyche one-half and Cupid one-half. This was due to “delayed reaction.”
Psyche was again divided into Psyche one-fourth and Nous one-fourth. Cupid remained one-half.
Thus we have the spirit-soul of god as one—fourth female and three-fourths male.
This then means the Trinity, as currently used today is Father 50%, Son 25%, Holy Spirit (Mother Hidden) 25% to 12.5%. This arrangement caused God to be seen as Male Only. Which is why the Holy Spirit, supposedly male, impregnated Mary, mother of Jeshua Jesus, in one of the greatest tall tales ever told.

Then during the early co-rule stage of Wepwawet-Kepheus and early co-rule stage of Pisces-Aquaria, God as female began to exert self in the Universe, unfolding as moth on the way to becoming butterfly. A clear example is that of the “single parent” as mostly female. This of course is a suboptimal prepubescent manifestation. An earlier example is female Moses, Harriet Tubman. Hidden figures is another, now more well-known example.
Now comes the female out front as Aquaria and also as side-by-side as Tefnut in Kepheus. This changes balances in fundamental elemental ways.
Since evolution is not always straight-line, we have taken a dip backwards in utilizing the power of the Ages. Mainly because we are applying power in the wrong Context Worldview Utamawazo.

The two emerging Ages foretell the simultaneous liberation of two lands by two more Moses', one female and one male. One from or in the east and one from or in the North. They will combine along with those likewise aligned to double down to take the devils crowns.

Back To The Nous, The Soul Of God As The Word and Wisdom Of The Mind As Male In All Humans

Since the Age of Taurus and partways through the Age of Draconis, the process began to portray Nous as the only way to have the intelligence to know God as Father. Which is likely why a lot of females today, still feel that way despite much evidence to the contrary and to the binary.

Thus the Gnostics said to know God the Father requires Nous and also requires the mother's child of matter to be reborn begotten of the Father, so this reborn child could be the Christ to manifest the Father and be the true light of the world. Can you hear the logic and its effect on the weakened Psyche?

Thus Psyche as female was demoted to flesh only, non-thinking, while Cupid, the spirit remained as the Father, but divorced from the Mother, or at least separated by stature and hidden behind a Holy Ghost cloak.
Now I understand why people scream, dance and shout when they say they have the Holy Ghost, because it is the Mother-Daughter-Sister-Wife Coming Out and screaming as a child being reborn awakening fresh for another cycle of more fully expressing self.

Furthermore, during recent Ages, Psyche was reduced to lesser aspects of nature, while Nous and Cupid were elevated to more prominent aspects of nature focused on, such as the Sun and elevated to being supremely manifested in male humans and white humans. As you can see, under such tutelage, most of nature has been severely damaged for the purpose of domination and accumulation to legitimize the existence of current power-control-rule-self-determination. Fooled Fools Fool.

We can now see how this logic produced many other forms of the same logic.

Logic had to be created to dethrone nature and enshrine humans. Logic had to be created to dethrone human females and to dethrone black humans. Simultaneously logic had to be created to enshrine males and whites. This is cyclical and is why logic is shifting today and white males are in a panic like roaches knowing they encroaching. White males and their female co-horts and multi-colored cohort coalition, are using any means necessary to sedate their misery, pain and envy of those who rose before them and can't be stopped from rising again. May the Lord of Lords and King of Kings add blessings to the repeating of the Word and may it be reestablished in our hearts as phoenix rise and fall.

All of the above must be properly understood by the huddled masses, still befuddled in “the hood.”
The reason you are ugly is because you were the first to be considered beautiful.
Reasons change like seasons.
The reasoning you are ugly came from the very people who first worshiped you as most beautiful.

The reason your hair was attacked is because it amplifies natural fact.
The reason you are not smart is because you are highly intelligent.
The reason you are lazy is because you figured everything out.
The reason you are enslaved is because you were the most free.
The reason you are primitive is because you are first.
The reason you fall in love with any god is because you were the first, and perhaps only, to fully understand god is all things.
The reason you are criminals is because you were the first to be as benevolent, charitable, altruistic as Mother Earth herself.
The reason you are sick is because you were the healthiest. Ask Henrietta Lacks about this.
The reason you are the most athletic is because you have always been the most in touch with yourself, even suboptimally.
The reason you are the most creative, is because you had to be, since you are the seed in all and of all humans.
The reason you are not the first thing, and are now the second, is because reasoning changed. It didn't change in you first, it changed in somebody else, who then oppressed you to death and caused you to accept whatever explanation was left. So how did you come to accept that kind of reasoning? What's the reason?

Go back to the top of this message and keep going back inside your ancestral wealth until you know yourself.