Whatever we need, fear jumps in front and discourages.Fear is a choice because fear comes from what is perceived, thought, believed and understood. All these things guide the mind to conclusions and decisions. We choose fear because we continuously choose what we learn every moment. What have we learned? What are we learning? What type of fear are we choosing? Thought processes are necessary to ensure fear is used to create helpful behaviors rather than harmful behaviors. Thought processes are essential to everything we do. There is no avoiding the process of thinking. Likewise, there is no avoiding encountering fear along the way. Everyone thinks and everyone encounters fear frequently in some form or another and to some degree or another. This may not be recognizable because we've automated our responses to most of these fears. Many of our responses are appropriate, but some are just not. It is these few behaviors, which are preventing us from becoming who we need to be. It's up to us to rethink our fears by continuously learning more and going over thought processes to rework our perceptions, thoughts, beliefs and understandings until we choose the fear that benefits us rather than the fear that limits us - the fear that restores health rather than destroys health. Be certain that both of these fears are the same fear, it's just that they become different by being transformed by what we choose to perceive, think, believe, understand and learn. The summary of what there is to learn is to know self. It is the key to learning. The more we understand fear by understanding self, the energy that fear has is transformed and redirected from being a destructive force into being a constructive force. Fear is transformed from an obstacle into a challenge. The greatest fear of higher intelligence is to not know self; therefore, the knowledge of self is sought above all else. Without the challenge of fear, love for self cannot be fully manifested. If love is the greater force then love must overcome the challenge fear presents in preventing knowing self. The love for self must be tough love, the toughest kind of love. Just as the greatest reward comes after the greatest struggle, so also does the greatest love for self show through after working through fears by learning to understand what the fear is really all about. It's up to us to get nutrition we need to feed every part of ourselves so we can remember all aspects of who we are. Nutrition is the healthy healing energy that transforms the unhealthy sickening energy of fear. Dedication to nutrition will heal every aspect of self. Choose to learn about nutrition and everything else will build soundly from this foundation. What kind of fear are we facing right now? Which way is it being transformed, right now, by our own understandings and our willingness to understand right now? What kind of fear are we going to choose right now, during this moment of opportunity, that is only promised right now?
Whatever we don't need, fear jumps behind and encourages.
Whatever it is, fear can be redirected.
because that is the choice that requires most from you."
- - Peninah Nthenya Musyimi
Note: The ability to transform fear is evident in examples of human experience and is supported by Optimal Theory.