If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, August 22, 2015

What Is Destiny & Purpose? | Definition (Part A)
Unity Consciousness #425


Destiny and Purpose are the same things and are used interchangeably.

What Is Destiny?

To do your parts of the process to help complete this cycle of the Creator's life and existence.

This means your life and your destiny are not for yourself but for the Creator.

You have multiple destinies. Every aspect of creation is multifaceted and multipurposed.

What Are Your Destinies?

(1) Do what you are designed to do. This means your life and destinies are not based on you but based on the Creator who designed you.

(2) Know Yourself. To do what you are designed to do, you must know yourself in the natural way you were created.

(3) Return understanding to the Creator. This is accomplished by doing #1 and #2 above.

(4) Teach Teach what you understand as you continue understanding what you are teaching.

(5) Do Maat by honoring responsibilities to the Rights Of Creation.

(6) Use jobs and careers to accomplish destinies by first understanding jobs and careers themselves are not destinies.

(7) Develop abilities, agilities, talents, gifts and skills so you can fulfill your destinies. Your life is not for the purpose of a personal legacy, honor, attention, glory, fame or fortune. Even though these things might be part of different parts of the journey, they are not supposed to be the focus and priority. As long as you have what you need to accomplish your destinies, you have enough.

(8) Work towards collectively beneficial purposes in two ways: (a) Within self, understand how to bring the different aspects of self into optimal functioning and (b) Without self, understand how to work with others optimally. This means you must assist others in fulfilling their destinies.

(9) The purpose of this journey is to find reconnections by finding the other end to what resonates within. It is the return journey home to oneness through the Spiritsphere. Another way of saying this is: "...human purpose is to realize union with the Supreme Being..." (a)

(10) Consciously change consciously. Change is one of your destinies. It is one of the few destinies that cannot be avoided. Because everyone and everything is changing, the Creator is changing. You are changing proactively and reactively, on purpose or off purpose. You are constantly being redesigned. Your understandings are changing. All these things mean your destinies are also changing, not necessarily completely, but sometimes they are. This means, no matter what, you always have destinies, even if your original ones were not fulfilled, there are other destinies for you to fulfill. Even if your original ones were fulfilled, there are other destinies for you to fulfill. Destinies are designed to always fit your current situation in order to move you along a path towards oneness. You have never wasted your life until you have given up the search for more understanding of self. You have never wasted your life until you decide you are never going to self-correct. All you have to do is begin the process of knowing self. Once you do that, then that starting point will be the same as if you started at any other point in your life. There are destinies for you to complete at any point in your life. You were pre-designed with multiple destinies because the Creator understands there are many variables in life. This is why Maat is both fixed and variable. This is also why your destinies are fixed and variable. Your fixed destinies are the same as mine and are listed above. Your variable destinies are for you to discover through the process of knowing self which includes help from your parents, family, ancestors, other teachers, nature, spirit and other sources. This you will understand more once you decide to become an Initiate of Learning. The Creator always has different and changing destinies for you because as the Creator evolves and the universe expands, the needs of the Creator change and you are needed to help the universe maintain the rhythm of change.

“Expanding Definition | Higher Purposes & Reasons”

(a) Myers, Linda James, Ph.D. & Speight, Suzette L., Ph.D., "Reframing Mental Health and Psychological Well-Being Among Persons of African Descent: Africana/Black Psychology Meeting the Challenges of Fractured Social and Cultural Realities," The Journal of Pan African Studies, (2010, June), vol.3, no.8, p. 74.