If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Omniscient & All-Knowing Creator
Unity Consciousness #420


Because the Creator is Supreme and is the Highest, it seems to fit that the Creator must be all-everything: all-powerful (omnipotent), all-seeing (omnivision), all-present (omnipresent) and all-knowing (omniscient). Further scrutiny brings the all-knowing aspect into question.


This analysis presupposes the purpose of Creation is to provide understanding to the Creator so the Creator can better understand Self. This already means then, the Creator is not all-knowing.

We can look into this topic from above and below.

Heavens (The Above)

The Creator did not know Ogo/Yurugu would be the aspect to become power hungry and impatient to acquire the balancing understanding necessary to use power properly, thus create disharmony in the heavens. The Creator only knew this could happen - that power, misunderstood could be misapplied and power not understood could be under-applied.

The Creator is all-knowing in terms of the potential for things to happen.
The Creator is not all-knowing in terms of the when, how, where, who and why of all future events.
The Creator is all-knowing in terms of the when, how, where, who and why of events as they happen. This is true because the spirit of the Creator is everywhere.

Earth (The Below)

Creation started in the heavens. Then Earth and all within Earth were created. As above, so below tells us all other events happen the same way - first in the heavens, then, based on these energies from which Earth is fed, corresponding events occur in Earth.

Now, once the potential for something to happen manifests itself as a specific event in the heavens, the Creator then uses that understanding, to know with certainty that a corresponding event is going to take place in Earth. Even so, the Creator still doesn't know the exact details; however, as more events take place, the Creator is able to calculate probabilities that indicate with greater likelihood what those details will be. In other words, the Creator is not totally clueless and caught off guard because the Creator is able to constantly calculate and update everything taking place above and below in order to know as much as possible about what's going on inside Self.

In General

The reason we assume the Creator is all-knowing is due to logical error. We figure since we are beings and don't understand everything and the Creator is the Supreme Being of everything, the Creator must understand everything. Truth is, the Creator only understands much more than us, just as it is with our parents who remain in their process of becoming.

Another similar logical error is made when we conclude that if one or more things are true, then all things must be true. This type of logical error takes many forms and is responsible for many problems in our thought processes. This is the logical error described in the first paragraph. It is also the logical error that the baby and the bathwater metaphor warns us against making.*


(1) Just as there are different ways of knowing and different levels of awareness for humans below, so it is for the Creator above.

(2) If the Creator was all-knowing of every detail in advance, there would be no need for creation to simply play out what the Creator already knows and no such thing as free will but there would be such a thing as predestination because how could the Creator not predestine something the Creator already knows is going to happen and the Creator knew before the Creator created Creation?

(3) The understanding the Creator is gaining is part of the reason why everyone and everything is changing.

(4) It is obvious Jesus was not all-knowing unless he came out of the womb, fed and dressed himself and started walking, talking and knowing all there was to know about everything in his life. This is unlikely; therefore, Jesus (God) is not always all-knowing. If Jesus learned at least one thing during his lifetime in Earth, that means he did not know it.

*The error is made by concluding since the bathwater is no good and it's time to throw it out, that either whatever else is in the bathwater is also no good and might as well be thrown out also or the person does not take the time to check the bathwater to see if it contains something else and then assess that something else on its own merits, rather than assume it is no good just because it is in the bathwater and it has already been decided the bathwater is no good. By extension and expansion, we are able to also understand many other things such as, despite the dangers of swallowing the scriptures of religions as a whole, they still contain nutrients and should be picked through for those particular nutrients.