If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, August 23, 2015

What Is Predestination, Fate & Determinism? | Definition
Unity Consciousness #427


Although predestination is the same as fate and determinism, these terms are not used; however, all of the following, including #425 and #426, also applies to these terms.

What Is Predestination?

Predestination is pre-destiny. This means destiny has been determined beforehand.

Predestination Exists In Some Ways

Some destinies are determined beforehand as explained in #426.

Predestination Does Not Exist In Some Ways

Some destinies can be altered, thus, are not set in stone as explained in #426.

Predestination Always Exists

All destinies must exist beforehand before they can be fulfilled.


Predestination exists for all destinies but does not exist equally in terms of:
1. How long the destiny has existed.
2. How long the destiny will last.
3. The flexibility of changing the destiny.

The Case Against 100% Predestination

The case against 100% predestination (in all ways for all things in the same way at the same time) has been proven. Several additional points are still necessary.

(1) In order for 100% predestination to exist, the Creator must know everything in advance. First of all, the Creator is not all-knowing as explained in #420. Second of all, even if the Creator is all-knowing, just like you, once the Creator knows something, the Creator must take that information and understanding into account. The Creator must deal with it in some way. Predestination in a 100% way means, that despite knowing what the Creator knows, this Supreme Intelligent Being still decided to allow deities and humans to have free will while fully understanding when, how, where, who and why this free will would be used. This logic freezes at some point along the thought process because it contradicts many other understandings about the Creator and the collaborative co-existing nature of natural systems; therefore, this logic must be faulty somewhere.

(2) There is always the potential for a different decision to be made during every moment of life. Something started doesn't always have to be finished. Something not started doesn't always have to remain motionless. This gives you the opportunity to change all the way up to the last moment of having a thought, of making a decision, of acting on the decision and behaving based on the decision. This is why free will exists. This is why fixed and variable destinies exist. This is why 100% predestination does not exist. This is why Creation exists - because there is no 100% predestination. This is why,even after the fact, repentance and self-correction exist.

(3) If 100% predestination exists, you are a robot on autopilot and might as well do what you want to, do it everyone,..

(4) 100% predestination makes plausible deniability a valid excuse for everything. For everything you do or don't do you can simply say you were destined to think and behave that way.

(5) 100% predestination is the basis of the false notions of Manifest Destiny and the false curses in the Abrahamic bibles.