Beginning To Define Persuasion
First of all, no one can persuade you. The best anyone can do is invite you to consider another viewpoint and interact with that viewpoint, just as you would interact with a person you just met. You take your time to get the know the person. At a minimum you would listen and ask questions and try to understand what the other person is talking about. You would participate in the conversation by being fully engaged in dialogue. Afterwards, you would look into the information further. This is the best case scenario, the optimal approach. This is the approach you must take when you encounter a new viewpoint - an understanding very different or slightly different.Moral Persuasion
Just like everyone else you are always persuaded by your own understandings rather than by the information itself. Even if you rely on another person or another source, it is your understanding of that person or that source that persuades you, not the person or source themselves. Awareness of what actually persuades you is crucial because it affects all decisions. You are always in control of what persuades you because you are in control of your own understanding. It's up to you to gain sufficient understanding to make decisions. This is why it is necessary to assess information by putting the information through a thought process that will provide enough additional information to allow you to grasp the essential meanings above and below the surface. It is your own understandings that persuade your decisions when it comes to moral issues. When it comes to matters that define your character, your understandings always lead you to choose either your conscience (higher spirit guidance) or your ego (lower spirit guidance). This basic choice of which spirit to follow is constantly being made. It's up to you to continue to gain understanings in order to know which spirit you are choosing to follow and why. This is accomplished by examining and re-examining your understandings and the understandings of others. Also use metaphor.What Is Self-Revelation?
In simple terms, self-revelations come through nutritions. You must receive nutrition for each of the four inseparable aspects of self. Because nutritions are basic needs, nutritions for the entire self are achievable. As you continue to get consistent nutrition for all aspects of self, your understandings will improve. You will not only understand the specific information you are studying, but also related understandings will also rise from this ongoing process. When you are focused on providing nutrition for your entire self you are engaged in the journey to know yourself. Through this journey, you will grow into knowledge of self, thus self-revelations will emerge in your consciousness. These revelations are simply the natural sensing abilities every creation has within itself. These revelations are understandings which will help you understand more fully which decisions are in accordance with the Highest Power.First Summary
No one can persuade you to think or do anything. Your understandings are what persuade you. Be careful of strong feelings. How strongly you feel about something is not a way to know if you understand it. Understanding means the information makes sense in terms of the the natural world and in terms of the universal. It makes sense in terms of what the Creator has made rather than being based on what humans have made. When information is being understood, you will know how the information interrelates and interconnects with other information in nature and in the universe. It is this understanding that determines your moral persuasion. You will know you are on the right path of understanding when this understanding comes through the process of understanding self because you are nature and you are universal. Be careful of simply being in possession of information. Just because you have information, can remember it and can talk about it doesn't mean you understand it sufficiently enough to make decisions that clearly define which spirit your decision is supporting.Second Summary
In order to be healthy you must consider other points of view sufficiently enough to understand, where, how and why you differ and why these different understandings exist. You must understand the process of digesting information in order to get nutrition out of information. It is always necessary to inspect understandings you currently have in order to update your understandings as you continue to live, learn and encounter information. You cheat yourself if you don't understand something important to your life and you stop there.You cheat yourself if you understand something important to your life and you stop there. There is always more to understand.
It is not enough to just agree or disagree. You must understand more about the information you are using that causes you to agree or disagree. You have the ability to understand everything you need to understand so you can recognize which moral spirit your decision is feeding into.