If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, November 2, 2018

Always Positive Thinking Sugarcoats Eternal Life
Unity Consciousness #1481


(Part 9nk of 11)

Not only does always positive thinking sugarcoat eternal life and paradise, it causes cavities, otherwise known as voids in understanding.

Do you or someone you know still say things like “I don't know why there's so much violence, crime, hate, etc. in the world?”
Do you or someone you know say things like this as if violence is a new thing in our, “otherwise utopian societies?”
As if “lately” is the only problem and up until “recently,” the world has been a better place, grits and gravy everywhere with endless biscuits for everyone.
As if lately the well-publicized forms of violence are the only forms of violence and acts of violence taking place.

In order to be safe, you must be aware of and speak of dangers. It's called safety awareness, not negative thinking. Always wear your life vest.
In order to love, you must be on the look out for the warning signs of hate, however small and seemingly harmless, benign, innocuous. It's called remaining whole by recognizing what weakens the soul.

At the adult level of thinking, sugarcoating is poisonous. It causes us to swallow poisons without thinking twice.
Sugarcoating in our societies is a form of denial that is used to get us to believe something already exists what we have not actually achieved at the foundation of culture. Sugarcoating has only allowed many harmful thoughts and behaviors to go unnoticed, except by those who the harmful effects reach first. Yet we all feel the effects, which ultimately accumulate and continue to circulate in cycles, gaining momentum and venom and growing multiple heads. This continues until positive thinking is balanced with positive behavior as the savior to its neighbor - - negative causes and effects, negative thinking and behavior. Likewise, negative thinking is the savior to the dangerous imbalance of always positive thinking.

In and of itself, positive thinking and talking will not make things better. No, not until the appropriate actions are taken to bring about what positive thinking speaks of. No, positive thinking will not make things better until fundamental things are done about things such as priests, about genderism, about racism, about cops and militaries, about bullying as a nation, about homelessness, about hunger, about minimum wage, about taxes and fees, about so many things.

Too much positive thinking about what is inherently wrong will bite us in the butt because always positive thinking prevents a seeking and fixing of the root causes. This is what has been taking place in societies. We've overly embraced and misapplied the positive thinking mantra. Meanwhile, “bullets” are flying in many forms, people are dying in many forms and we treat it as a difference of opinion, until finally a type of bullet hits home and we wonder how did things suddenly go wrong such as more and more kids having cancer and kidney dialysis becoming a normal thing and so on and on? Yet we carry on praising our medicine, our food systems, our governments, our education, our institutions, our ideologies, our values, our misshapen identities....

It's okay to “look on the bright side” but if that causes you to forget and/or ignore the “night side” or dark side or the reality of what is taking place, then positive thinking leads to illusion and mental confusion which leads to not knowing why there is no much violence in the world, yet the answer is manifesting all over the place. Always positive thinking causes us to say foolish things such as “human nature is greater than nature.” It might sound good to you but are humans really greater than water or wind or earth or fire? Always positive thinking we are greater than nature puts us in harm's way when there is no harm if we simply understood the positive and negative aspects of water, wind, earth and fire. Always positive thinking the sun will come out tomorrow causes us to not know what to do or how to adjust or be surprised when night falls or when seasons change or when the other side of truth manifests. It causes us to wear shorts in winter or during pneumonia weather because we have thought away the chill, then wonder why we wake up the next day, sick. These are the next days when positive thinking about human behavior towards one another is showing itself as being insufficient to create a safe place for anyone. No one nowhere at no time can use sugarcoating to protect them from our trampling on the rights of creation. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. alluded to, thinking and behavior misapplied is a threat to the thinking and behavior we hope to realize. Sugarcoating the poisonous philosophies in our societies softly damages our immune system until the autoimmune is pleasing and we only notice when there's a problem with our insurance, and other assurances are insufficient to sugarcoat the greater, more fundamental realities that affect all lifeforms.

Everything taking place and not taking place, is a message. Read and heed the signs. Don't use always positive thinking when thunder booms and lightening is flashing. Understand it for what is it and take appropriate action. If we keep insisting the sun is shining while in the midst of a series of predictable hurricanes, we only have ourselves to blame for what we experience. If for instance, we keep speaking positively and say we're going to rebuild after a natural disaster, we are setting ourselves up because we are not considering what needs to be changed. Sometimes the positive thing is to not rebuild in the same way in the same place using the same ideologies about building codes and other ways of living.

Learn when and how to use positive and negative thinking in the same way you use any other form of the two truths.
Failure to think in pairs, impairs critical thinking, critical analysis.
Neither cold nor hot are inherently positive or negative. It's how and when you use them.
Neither wet nor dry are inherently negative or positive.
Neither positive or negative is preferable over the other. Both are needed in dynamic balance.

Eternal life is not a separate thing from life right now
The life we have is not spare time of the Creator
Given to each person as “my life” “mine all mine”
That we can use to decide about which things to care
And the rest of it, because we don't care
Won't ever find us to remind us
Hey, I'm still here, everything comes in pairs
If both sides in your thought processes do not share
Sooner or later, the other one in the mirror
Will shock you with its stare
Not because it suddenly appeared
But because you didn't look both ways before crossing
Thoughts in your mind with what you actually say and do

In order to come true, eternal life depends on two
Negative and positive thinking must always be used

Human nature, in the kherrekh relationship with superhuman nature, is great.
Positive thinking and behavior, in the kherrekh relationship with negative thinking and behavior, is great.
Life, throughout its three stages of womb, cocoon, tomb, is great in the correct relationship with the eternalness of the two truths.

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