If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Parent Of Everything | Genitrix & Progenitor Definition
Unity Consciousness #1484


(Part 9nn of 11)

Genitrix is the original first female parent of everything. The genitrix is viewed as female because throughout nature, the mother manifests first, thus was recognized first, thus was reckoned by first.
Although the feminine manifested first outwardly, both feminine and masculine manifested at the same time inwardly.

To avoid confusion, the masculine genitrix is called the progenitor.

Progenitor, is sometimes used in a lesser sense to signify a male who is the father of many but not everyone.
The use of genitrix in this lesser sense has not yet been encountered.

Virgin Not At All

Due to singular recognition of the female from the start, the Genitrix was said to be Virgin. Since she is the Only One, she is the self-created who creates by herself.
At a much later point in time in the human mind, the male was finally recognized as the father of all, the Progenitor.
He too was also a type of Virgin, since he was the Only One who was self-created and creates by himself.
The Progenitor was Virgin in terms of Spirit whereas the Genitrix was Virgin in terms of matter as flesh.

There has always been One Parent composed of Genitrix & Progenitor.
Both contribute matter and spirit to creations. Both contribute an equal portion of whatever any creation is formed of.

Progenitor & Genitrix are simply a form of The Two Truths; therefore we can expand and apply the metaphor of the Sem-Sem.

Whenever there is one, the other always exists.

There has always been spirit and soul, always darkness and lightness, always liquid and solid, always negative and positive. If there is ever a time when one does not exist, then the other does not exist and cannot exist.
One or the other is simply less active, asleep, dormant, hidden or fully functioning and manifesting in another dimension.

No god or human or creation of any type can create by itself unless that creation is the union of both truths.
If there is ever an Only One who self-creates, then that Only One has to be both female and male, thus, neutral, neuter, neither.

In order to create Creation, the very first act of the Only One is to duplicate within self. It takes at least two as the basis for creation.

The One and the Two is the Circle and the Cross.
Two must cross to form the circle to form the cycle of two.

Whenever you see a cross or plus sign by itself, draw a circle around it in your mind because the circle is there, hidden in another level of awareness. When you do so, you unify consciousness of the one circle as two truths, containing two truths and based on two truths.

Whenever you see a circle of any shape, draw a cross inside it in your mind because the cross is already there, hidden in plain sight. When you do so, you unify consciousness of the two truths in one circle, based on one truth and forming one truth.

This union of two truths is also referred to as biune, which means bi unity. Each human is biune, two in one and also one in two.
Add those two designations and we become a third form, a trinity. This is exactly what Mother, Father & Child represent.

From the Genitrix we get genes, genetics, genitals. From Progenitor we get progeny.

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