If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, November 26, 2018

Churinga & Pet Rocks, Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1495


(Part 9ny of 11)

We've taken progressive steps to go back and fetch membrances of fetish. Now we go back further and farther to the word Churinga, which was used before the word fetish.

Churinga Comes From The Word Alcheringa

Alcheringa is the period of time when, and the place where, humans were differentiated out of other primates.
Alcheringa is also the elemental souls of life who made the transformation possible.
Alcheringa is three things in one, a trinity of thought.
Therefore, a Churinga is a three-way representation of Alcheringa, thus of totem identity.

Churinga is singular and plural and is the earlier word before fetish was used by us as Europeans. We will get to the root of this.

Fetish speaks to the elemental souls of life responsible for the manifestations of all things. Fetish is a reminder of the totem in its entirety (the extended self).
Churinga speaks to the elemental souls of life, plus the birthplace and birth period of humans.
As we can see, fetish and churinga, in their optimal forms of awareness, are the same things, that might sometimes emphasize one portion; however, all meanings are always present because they are inseparable.

Based on the overall encompassing aspect of churinga and the connection to visible nature and to invisible nature (spirit) and how all of this helps tell us who we are and where we come from and connects us to the life processes of birth, puberty transformation and death, then churinga must be the basis of church.
We can approach this another way from chur to khur to kher to kherkh to khekh.
“Ing” is a form of ankh. Ga is a form of Kha, Ka, Khu. (BB 209/221)
Roughly we can see the compound formation of churinga from Kher, ank, ka.
This also leads us to consider khekh yielding church and check, thus church is supposed to be where we check our logic against nature's logic, not against a small viewpoint within the already small human viewpoint.
Human and superhuman is not an equality although these two divisions form a whole.

Churinga As The Birthplace

The first two totem divisions are Mother Earth Totems based on South and North. The next two divisions are subdivisions of South and North. These subdivisions are the Human Mother Totems of Tree and Rock. These are the first human totems that divided humans based on birth through human mother blood. The divisions of North and South divided humans geographically but this did not create tabu against sexual relations within the Northern Totem or within the Southern Totem. Sexual tabu did not begin to take place until the Tree Totem and Rock Totem existed because these two totems are based on human mother blood relationship.

As a result of this distinction between Mother Earth Totems and Human Mother Totems, then Tree Totem and Rock Totem were designated as the Two Primary Classes (classifications). All humans fall into either the Tree Totem or Rock Totem which are two divisions of one human mother. Humans were born at the equator, thus it is splitting hairs to say humans initially belonged to the South Totem or North Totem. These totems pertain to all creations on Earth. For all intents and purposes, all humans belong to both totems South and North.

In order for humans to help identify who belonged to each totem, early humans created Churinga, which are objects made of stone or wood. (AE1 53/63, 56/66, 80-1/90-1, 101/111)

Churinga Are Sacred Stones & Sacred Pieces Of Wood

Since the first human birthplaces were the tree and the cave. and these were also the first human-based totems, then this piece of information, in the minds of humans, was represented by objects in the form pieces of wood and stones so the ideas could be communicated to each other. Eventually these churinga, which represented group identity. became also used to represent individual identity. Eventually these stones and pieces of wood were carved with markings and eventually into totem poles and rock sculptures and other smaller forms of churinga such as masks, sticks, stools, etc. Also there were larger sacred boulders, caves, rocks, mountains, trees and groves as another way to represent totem genealogy, not just the most recent totem. Early humans kept records of their ancestry.

All these behaviors are part of Sign-Language (communicating thoughts and ideas using one aspect of nature to represent another aspect.)
This must be properly understood. Humans communicated using the only thing available - - nature. This went through many forms including gestures, sound, images, objects and then mdw ntr (hieroglyphics), then other variations of languages. Even so, we still use all of the former methods of communicating and representation. What human group does not have something made out of some sort of material, usually stone or metal, as a symbol of their origin, or at least have a sacred mountain or other living type of representation? We even love to carve things in trees and get our names carved out of wood. We also like to chisel things into rocks and metal and put markings on things. Graffiti is a form of this behavior.
Today's forms of written and spoken language ARE NOT more preferable to former forms because we have lost context, definitions and meanings. As a result, the basis of our logic is disconnected from the nature of self and all else. Our behavior bears witness. Churinga are helpful in this regard because they concisely contain a lot of information. As a result, churinga were made of stone, ivory, wood or bone or the most durable material available. Churinga are recordings of history that existed when there were no other varieties of African in the world, long before the Twa became known as Egyptians. (Churchward: Signs 18, 251, 107/605)
Sometimes Churinga were worn, sometimes hung on totem poles, sometimes kept in a sacred place where only a few could view them and sometimes loaned to others. (AE1 60-1/70-1, 133-4/143-4) (Churchward: Signs 105-6/605)

I suspect “sticks and stones may break my bones” has something to do with Churinga and Tree and Rock Totems.

Whirler & Bull Roarer

One type of Churinga was a whirler which is also called roarer, bull-roarer, thun-thunie, menait. This later became a European toy called the “fun of the fair.” (AE1 102/112, 113/123, 308-9/318-19)

Since totems and elemental spirits are all tied into transformation which takes place at birth, puberty and resurrection, one of the animal symbols of this spirit is the hawk eagle that flies in circles to reach great heights. These types of birds are said to spiral, circle, wheel, whirl or turn round and round. They are called the turning ones or whirlers. These birds represent the soul of life in air that also turns round and roars when there is great change and transformation of weather. Also the sun rose daily on the breeze to great heights.
”Will it go round in circles, will it fly high like a bird up in the sky?”
If we reflect on these lyrics from the song “Will it Go Round In Circles, we can see the song is talking about changes that are different from, or opposite than, the status quo current way of thinking and behavior. These words were brought forth in 1972, and became a number one song in Summer 1973 during the first month of the Egyptian Year. All things considered, this song is likely a harbinger of Kepheus out front, whereas Aquaria was already being heralded out front by “The Age of Aquarius (Let The Sunshine In)” in 1969 With this reminder we can state that “dawn” is a time of Sun, wind, water, puberty and lions roaring on the horizons. (AE1 246/256)

We can take further note of the musical group, The Fifth Dimension's correlation with the fifth dimensional birth and rebirth of the eight principles and characteristics of everything. All of this is part of the current climate change, upheaval and fulfillment. Every thought, behavior, action, reaction, cause and effect of all things are all tied together. Many messages come through song and movies, including the movie “Hair” which incorporates the same coming of age, pubescent, twinlight zone where different worlds merge and collide and the opposite manifestation comes out on the other side, often counter to expectation.

Churinga Stones Are Pet Rocks In Ancient & Modern Senses

Even if we don't consciously keep in touch with spirit, spirit still consciously keeps in touch with us and with all other creations. This is the spirit keeping in touch with self.

We already know the human world is not a separate world. Neither is the spirit world separate from anything taking place with matter and energy.
As a small example, in the last century, to add to the process of reminding us who we are, spirit gave birth to “pet rock” logic which gave birth to pet rocks as a product. This is a suboptimal expression but is a precursor of seeking knowledge of self that is already taking place among greater numbers of people, even as the larger majority is still groggy. So regardless of the human intent of pet rocks, they were much more than that, beyond the Giri So.

Pet Rocks were announcers and re-introducers of the rebirth of Rock Totem awareness to masses wanting a different way of thinking and behaving. Now we offer a different way of looking at pet rocks.

“Pet” is the name of the birthplace as crib, bed, manger. (BB 123/135), (NG1 136/154)
Variations: Put, Puth, Peth, Peht, Apt, Aft, Beth, But, Bat, Pat, Pod, Pit, Fit, Feit, Fat, Phat, Phut, Bit, Bet, Ped, Fed... (BB 34/46, 115/122)

A Pet Rock is a Soul Rock, Rock Solid, Mother Rock, Birth Stone, Rock of Ages (Lineages), Cornerstone, Multiplication Rock, Bed Rock, Faith Rock

Pet also means two, both, foundation, heaven, circle, ser, seed, body, soul, matter, spirit-soul. All these we've discussed. (BB 53/65, 69/81, 114/126), (NG2 69/77)
Pet is not only the birthplace's gentle caress, it is also the beatdown. Pet also means: strike, beat, trample, foot, claw, hand, sceptre, rule, throne, sign of command, to stretch, to reach, to attain. (BB 52/64, 68/80, 252/264, 353/365)

We continue to infer and extract:
1. Since pet is heaven and circle, it is ter and total. Pet + ter or peht + ter likely connects to picture. This is seconded by pet as the pit as the abyss of waters that gives birth to all things. Waters are a mirror of images.

2. If heaven is pet and the parent is pet, then we are pets and pet projects. This is why we pet-ti-tion the Creator.

3. In the current sense, a pet is something dear to us that we take care of like a child. In a primitive sense, pet is the ever-coming child. Same is still same. (AE1 509/519)

4. This explains the birth of a child being associated with “hearing the pit-ter pat-ter of little feet.” Humans overall are still small in understanding and still children.

5. We can be certain pet and phet lead to fet, phat, fath, fat, fit, fait to faith to fetish, thus petish and phetish.

6. A Churinga (fetish) is based on faith because the evidence is everywhere in every form and every sense in every pet place, pet person, pet thing, pet rock and pet tree.
Even so, a partially good definition of faith in Hebrew 11:1 matches the trust in the elementals souls of life, which is what churinga (fetish) is partially about.
Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” [based on evidence already seen many times in many forms]

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Churchward, Albert, "The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man : The Evolution of Religious Doctrines from the Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians," George Allen & Company/E. P. Dutton & Company, (London/New York:1913), Second Edition, An authorized facsimile of the original book, and was produced in 1969 by University Microfilms, A Xerox Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.

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