If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Tattoo, Tattu & Totems, Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1493


(Part 9nw of 11)

We've just shown how totems of the past are still very much alive in totems of the present, thus active in our lives. Likewise, tribal markings of the past are also still alive in many forms. One of those present-day tribal forms is the tattoo (tattu). Tattus came into use long ago, but...

Before Tattus There Was Physical Demonstration Of Totem Identity

There were no totem names developed yet which could be spoken to communicate totem identity. Neither had the art and science of tattuing been created. Therefore, identify in the totem was communicated to each other by acting and imitating the character of the zoötype of the totem. This was demonstrated to the best they could mimic the animal through gestures, sounds and wearing the skin, feathers horns and other body parts of the animals. This developed into more elaborate use of masks, costumes and dance. This is the origin of theatrical pantomime that has been attributed to much later people. No wonder we dance the funky chicken, jitterbug, watusi, snake, bump and many other animal-based, plant-based and totem-based dances. (AE1 51/61, 62/72)
We also do totemic dances at sporting events when teams win, they gather in a bunch, jump on each other, then jump up and down like pogo sticks. Fans do the same thing. Fans also wear various costumes, yell whoop and holler.

Initial Purposes Of Tattus

Once the art of tattuing was created, it was used for the same purposes as physical demonstrations:
1. Permanently mark a person with their identifying totem. The tattu served as a group name badge. Therefore, tattus were easily visible and not placed on a portion of the body frequently covered. (AE1 62/72)

2. Indicate pubescence has been reached and initiation completed. Thus a tattu was a sign and seal of womanhood and manhood. A seal of approval of being ready for what comes with full membership in the totem. This seal became the origin of family seals, family crests, coats of arms, signets, and government seals stamped into official documents. (AE1 62/72, 95/105), (NG1 62/80, 361/369)
The totemic spirit descends upon the child and causes transformation into puberty. (AE1 246/256)

3. Help indicate which members certain tabus applied. (AE1 60/70)

4. Demonstrate bravery and triumph over pain, thus readiness to deal with responsibilities necessary to maintain the group. (NG1 92/110)

Additional Purposes Of Tattus Were Added As Understandings Matured

5. Demonstrate union of divine superhuman nature and human nature. (AE1 224/234)

6. Represent transformation from firstborn child of mother to first begotten child of father. (AE2 902/366)
Ra, the holy spirit, descends upon the child and causes transformation into puberty. This same process causes resurrection in Amenta. (AE1 246/256)

7. Symbol and reminder of Tattu, the place of establishing and re-establishing stability, foundation and foreverness. (BB 267/279), (AE1 351/361), (NG1 437/455)

8. Sign of the bond of fellowship before tattus were turned into badges of bondage. Along these lines, there are many natural tattus used as badges of bondage such as gender, skin color and many other tattus we are born with. (NG1 111/129)

9. A tattoo is a graven image. Additional purposes are interwoven in sections below.

Methods Of Tattuing

1. Cutting deep designs into the skin to cause raised scars. Keloidable skin is perfect for this. The use of cutting was diminished as skin grew relatively lighter. (NG1 91/109)

2. Patterns were made in the skin by a series of pricks. Same as use of needles. (NG1 111/129)

3. An image of the totem was formed on the skin using a paste made from crushed plants. This was set on fire to cause the image to be burned into the flesh. Some humans today still choose to have their flesh branded by hot instruments. (AE1 95/105)

4. Painting the body. Face painting and body painting are still common today. (AE1 96/106)

5. Dyeing the skin. Skin lightening, darkening, bleaching and tanning is still taking place in several ways, including through daily use of makeup. However, to have naturally red lips or paint the lips red was tabu because it represented prepubescence. Naturally red lips of pubescent girls were covered or tattued darker.

6. Blacking the teeth or filing the teeth down is a modified form of tattuing. Instead of this, Egyptians painted or tattued ovals around their eyes and put black or green lines under their eyes. Makeup then and now is still a symbol of pubescent females. (NG1 95-8/113-14)

7. Clothing is also a form of tattu as explained in the opening section of this message. We still use clothing, attire and uniforms in various situations to indicate what totem we are part of or temporarily participating in. An easy one to recognize is the clothing we tattu ourselves with when going to our work totem. We can easily see it in others when they wear certain colors and styles. We call these gang members.
These things must be properly understood. The universe is moving us back to understanding practices that existed long ago. Back to the way we were during the days we came to be mostly who we are now. These back and forth motions of universe and our motions are creating energies that are assisting hidden and suboptimal truth and allowing it re-germinate, gain nutrient strengths and emerge in pubescent optimal forms. We are reassembling the pieces of the puzzle so it all makes sense and works. This helps us understand that the same powers to be, back then, are the same powers to be, now. This further helps us be encouraged and follow healthy processes because big and small rise and fall in cycles and so do all empires, underdogs, cinderellas and stepchildren. We just need to understand what season we are in so we will know what season comes next so we'll know how to adjust our logic and behavior to be prepared.

Tat or Tatt

In early human thought, tat only represented the maternal, but was later understood to also represent the paternal. This is the double tat or tat times two or tattu. It represents the cross of solstice totem and equinox totem, the two dividing lines of the circle. The cross was an early image used as a body tattu. Turnabout always happens. First the cross was put on the man, then man was put on the cross. (NG1 63/81, 438/456)

A tattu represents the combining, blending, joining, reuniting of two truths that visibly re-displays the covenant implied by tabu, totem, existence. Tattu is a reminder that the covenant remains despite transformation.

Before there was sufficient speech or tattooing and even before dancing was used, humans first demonstrated the covenant by “tatting” on each other (licking each other with their tongue). This expressed mutual agreement, mutual affection, giving and taking. Licking is a good healthy natural part of animal communication.
All tied up in the notion of tat, tattu, hand, tongue and licking is also the notion of belt, whip, lashing, thrashing and beating. This latter group of words is obviously in relation to a broken covenant.
Eventually licking by humans gave way to spitting. This led to spitting colors on the hand to make an imprint as a tattu of covenant. This led to spitting in the hand and joining hands (shaking hands) as a form of demonstrating a covenant. We still shake hands today. Lastly, we transformed licking and spitting into joining mouth to mouth or mouth to cheek and also tongue kissing. These methods also communicate bond and covenant and sealing with a kiss. (NG1 86-7/104-5, 88/106)

Opportune Segue To Discuss An Interesting Connection

When animals are in a mixed setting, with balanced space allotted and access to basic needs, animals are then drawn out of their primal isolation thinking and behavior driven by fear and desperation for survival. This reduces conflict and animals are then moved towards a mature preexistence state of logic which is mixing behavior that forms friendships with different creations. A live and let live mentality is an indicator of evolution into civilized thinking and behavior, and away from the need to establish an equilibrium-altering ranking system with self at the top by any means necessary to the detriment of self

By looking at the example of all animals before humans were created, we know there is no single animal that reigns supreme. Various animals reign supreme temporarily in a given space under a given set of conditions, then that changes and keeps changing. This helps us understand flawed human logic. Most animals only use what they were born with in dealing with each other. Humans require the use of many things they were not born with. Human also require the use of many things just to deal with the environment. It is mental illness to put unshakable faith in what humans create in light of evidence that humans of the current Age have forgotten how to live on land or live with each other. So now, as ecosystem living conditions significantly change, what should we expect when superhuman change meets human unchanged? As weather does whatever, what will keep us secure in basic needs when our thinking is basically insecure? We frequently find ourselves without power because our logic lacks power that comes from wholeness thinking modeled after Mother Earth's wholeness behavior.

Our ape ancestor, the perfect beast, tends towards friendship and cooperation with other creatures. There is no species or group within a species that collude in alignment against another species or groups within their species beyond the extent of necessary territory. This explains what is also known based on human thinking and behavior of the past few Ages. We know there are some creatures (including humans) that never evolve beyond a certain point or they devolve to the point where their imperfection threatens optimizing the diversity of the greater collective. The output of these creatures tag them for extinction because the rest of the universe is moving towards optimizing the diversity of the collective by re-establishing balance. Thus, creatures unable to change become untenable tenants in the current living arrangement of space and time as determined by judgment made in Tattu, not determined by me or you. Simply put, their lease on life expires in time while their leash on life expires in space. This is what is happening to a large portion of the defective genetics of a large portion of the human collective. Only the remnants of tribes will remain, which will be gathered from all corners, as promised, in order to reunite that which has been dispersed and weakened. The universe always keeps it covenants, always takes and gives lickings. (NG1 88/106)

Tattu Is Also A Place

As indicated elsewhere and above, Tattu is also a place. Tattu is the place of re-establishing perfection, thus balance, thus health, thus justice, thus eternal life, (AE1 363/373), (AE2 870/334)
Tattu is where the two halves of the two truths are reunited in a holy kiss of agreement. The two halves of the soul are blended in reunion through perfect communion. This is the core root basis of family reunions and all reunions of any type. All forms of two truths are blended in Tattu in order to become one again and no longer two. Major forms of this blending are feminine and masculine; darkness and lightness; water and air; mortal and immortal, matter and spirit. Tattu is the place of origin of preexistence before there was division and all things were in harmony because knowledge of self was optimal. When harmony is re-established via behavior informed by healthy knowledge of self, eternal life is re-established, ready to begin anew in Annu due to Tattu. In addition to that which is obvious, Abyss, Amen and Amenta are also active. (AE1 224/234, 237/247)

This must be properly understood:
Knowledge of self is essential to turning things around. This will take place in humans come hell or high water, and if necessary, through hell and high water. By any means necessary to get humans to go back and reunite with who we are, where we came from and why we are here. Even if this process requires putting humans in a position where we no longer have all these modern contrivances that make us isolated by the human.


Those who have read more than a handful of messages on this blog have likely realized the pattern of different messages leading to the same understandings in different forms which lead to the same conclusions. This is so because this Existence called Creation is based on the same two things that manifest in different forms but together express oneness of truth.

In a fuller sense, a tattoo is a symbol of a covenant between many forms of the two truths and a basic societal symbol of totem identity based on elemental souls of life, Mother Earth and Mother Blood.
It's good to increase understanding of tattoos and connect thinking and behavior “back then,” to thinking and behavior “now.”
A very interesting connection of Tat, is to the inevitable resurrection of truth that has been under subjection so long, it seems hopeless. This resurrection is said to be accomplished via the Avenger. This lends credence to “vengeance is mine saith the Lord of Tattu” who rules all four corners, thus leaving nowhere else to turn, nowhere to run and nowhere where human rule is permanently sovereign and able to continue to run roughshod over dogs and gods.
In the historical record are many mentions of a certain day and night when things finally reverse as if a switch and script have been flipped. We frequently witness such occurrences in nature, especially among the primordial avengers: water, wind, sun and earth, These are the ones who make that which is high low, and that which is low, high. (AE2 741/205)

There are two truths, four truths, twelve truths, seventy-two truths and seven times seventy. All of these, form crosses, circles and foundations which serve as points of establishing and re-establishing law and order (the covenant between preexistence and existence, self and all else). Simply put, humans have been temporarily allowed to do what we do, but now, the extent of our free willy-nillyness is being limited, once again becoming Tabu, because of our harmful effects upon greater totem stability.
As is common, humans are resistant to the changing of the guard, so we double down on ignorance and arrogance, yet there are two many forms of the same truth in too many locations for humans to continue to “conquer,” hold down and avoid. To the degree humans are able to “defeat” nature, is the degree to which nature will “defeat” humans, when the time for change comes.
We can recognize these things through what is already on display. Signs and symbols exist everywhere because all creations are a form of ever-changing tattoo in animation as moving pictures. Tattoos are messages that communicate information. Cloud formations, star constellations, moonbows, rainbows...everything that displays any shape, form or design. Everything is part of the Greater Covenant, part of the deal between the Divine Being as One and the Divine Being as Many. The Divine Being always Self-Corrects even if it requires cutting off and casting part of self into the fire, so the rest may enter into another cycle of eternal life. (AE2 750/214)

Things always change in time as a fail-safe when things don't change in mind. Things changed in paradise in Africa, in paradise in Mesopotamia, in paradise in all river valleys, in paradise in Puerto Rico, in paradise in Hawaii, in paradise in California, in paradise in habitats everywhere on Earth. We are in the midst of days and nights of increasing vibration frequency momentum producing quicker series of major seismic shifts. Big Mama Great Mother Mami Wata is almost fully in the driver's seat with Big Poppa as co-pilot. She is moving from tongue lashing to whip lashing.
As said before, whatever we are already paying attention to, that place also includes enough messages for us to know change that's gonna come is already coming down our streets, locally, nationally and celestially.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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