Sacredness Of Great Year
Egyptian priests rectified all time just before the changeover to Greek and Roman rule in Egypt. They balanced the register. All basic cycles such as the Great Bear Constellation, the Circumpolar Constellations, the Zodiac Constellations, Sothis-Sirius-Dog star of Canis Major, Moon, Sun and other planets were combined into the Great Year. (AE2 742/206) Therefore, we will use the Great Year and all symbolism as the basis and backdrop of reckoning. Time cycles above and symbolism below are connected and are jam-packed with natural fact that can no longer be hidden from the unwilling to be disabled. This is just another step to ease us backwards and beyond to the future that has become our past. To help us realize the past was once our future. The future is behind us, the past is in front of us. We look back to the future to learn so we can create a different past as we move forward into that past. How quickly does tomorrow become today become yesterday. It's the same day in a different position in our perspective. The future becomes the present becomes the past. Thus the future is the past. If we don't learn from futures that have already passed, then the future does not change. Futures just accumulate and assimilate into a larger mass of the same past. We must reorient ourselves in place, space and time so we'll keep in mind what we're facing. The past is staring us in the face and the future's got our back. The present is the pivotal position and stage, the vantage point. It's kinda difficult to learn from the future when the future is in front of us. So when we combine this with the “forget about the past” mindset and the “let's just move on from the past” mindset, then all that's left is the present, on an island, by its lonesome, with a status quo mindset that caused the disconnect in the first place. Do you realize how much effort is dedicated to teaching people and kids about Egypt? What's being taught is misconception and deception. Why is that still going on as we speak? Because as Egypt in our mind goes, so goes all that flows through our minds about Africa. Thus so goes knowledge of self. Egypt is Africa's child. Under no circumstances does any child jump up and give birth to itself, nurture itself and become great on its own through individual hard work. Where's Egypt's mommy and daddy? As it always is, Egypt's parent's are not two people or two places, it's the entire Nile Valley Village that raised Egypt on a 4,100 mile umbilical cord of understandings. And this is why, what we understand or misunderstand about the child has far-reaching implications, that affect the entire world's understanding about self and all else.Egypt's Birth Year, Near 4400 BCE, Must Be Reconciled, With The Great Year
1. When we view Egypt from the perspective of beginning approximately 4400 BCE, give or take 1,000 years, we are viewing Egypt in its old age with left foot in the grave, on its way from being enslaver to enslaved. Prophetic justice. 2. It makes no sense for Egypt to begin 4400 BCE, and then instantaneously jump into writing, building houses, cities, monuments and doing all sorts of things. People who were previously prehistoric and proto-historic suddenly becoming historic in meteoric fashion....well,.... is nonsense. 3. It makes no sense for Egyptians to have no recorded history, then jump full force into recording history using linear writing. 4. It is not possible to know a Great Year exists until you have watched and recorded cycles of heaven for an entire Great Year of 25,920 years. So now immediately we must turn back the hands of time aligned to malign and misalign Egypt in the timeline of history. Egypt is at least 27,938 years old (25,920 + 2,018). 5. Since it takes three occurrences before pattern can be recognized, Egypt is at least 79,778 years old (3 x 25,920 + 2018). This assumes observations of heavenly cycles began the very first day they arrived in Egypt. This also accounts for Nubia since Egypt and Nubia-Kush-Aethiopia are one. Also, the area called Nubia was once part of Egypt and the other way around. 6. We are supposed to keep believing the Egyptians kept track of cycles of celestial bodies before they had a history and before they knew how to write. They must have done this while waiting for the great Eurasian pumpkin to arrive bearing gifts of superior intelligence. 7. Prior to 4400 BCE, the Sahara Desert was a full-fledged rainforest. Approximately 4400 BCE climate change began and by 1000 BCE there was no more rainforest. Do you know how huge the Sahara is? Imagine how much easier the living would have been which would have afforded people the opportunity to climb the hierarchy of needs and reach the pinnacle – spirituality expressed in all aspects of life. Under no circumstances did a people who were supposedly a beginner nation at 4400 BCE, climb from primitive in an unfavorable way to spiritual giants in 4,000 years during that last phase of Sahara drying up. (UC#1283) 8. It is not possible for an individual or a collective to evolve, when their best daily energy is applied to acquiring the most basic physical needs of basic needs. So when we account for this self-evident truth, how can a prehistoric people, who must provide for their basic needs, start from 4400 BCE and then a few thousand years later build the Great Pyramid and the Great Sphinx and the Labyrinth? Wow! They deserve the MVPPPPPH Award (most valuable people on the planet of pre, proto and post-history). 9. The metaphor has been given. If those neophyte Egyptians were able to achieve monuments of colossal size and perfection, while developing writing and developing mythology from scratch also, then the foundation of their existence must far exceed the finished product. UC#1508 10. Mdw Ntr (hieroglyphics) is writing. Whether you draw a picture of a bird or write the word bird, you have just done the same thing. Writing is art and art is writing. If writing using letters was evidence of superior intelligence then by now we should have figured out those primitive hieroglyphics drawn by the less intelligent, whose earlier form of writing we treat condescendingly akin to finger painting. We keep this perspective even as their hieroglyphics perplex us. Furthermore, the only reason we have some inkling about the hieroglyphics is because the Egyptians left us clues on how to decipher some of the hieroglyphics at the surface level. Linear writing using letters is a lesser way of knowing when understanding of the sign-language symbolism behind each letter is unknown. No! “A” is much more than apples you eat. “A” is the primary one, one, “I,” triangle, pyramid, apt, water, mother, child, fish, eagle, goose, ibis, head, duality, trinity and much more. Now how can that be when most of those words do not begin with the letter A? It's because the Egyptian Alphabet was well evolved prior to 4400 BCE. Find out when English became the claim of Europeans and you will find out when the Egyptian Alphabet was lowjacked. (NG1 45/63, 538/556) 11. The Egyptian Book of the Dead, which is a written document, is older than 4400 BCE. At 4400 BCE Egyptian mythology was in its final eschatology phase. Furthermore, the lunar and stellar mythology phases are indefinitely older than the monuments, which only cover the past three Ages (6,480 years – 2018 = 4462 BCE). (AE1 45/55) 12. Mount Sinai was part of Egypt from 5000 BCE to 11000 BCE. How did the Egyptians make it down and around or across the Red Sea to Mount Sinai but had no time to set up shop in Egypt until thousands of years later? (AE2 677/141)They either got ahead of the future or we are behind the past.We know something fishy is going on with the birthdate of Egypt when we look at the official histories of other nations. Go to their government website, and in most cases you will find dates related to their origins that exceed that of Egypt's, and in no fashion give any credit to any part of Africa for their existence. All of which seems to fly in the face of the human genome and evolution of cultures worldwide.
Narmer Mena Menes Deserves Special Attention
13. We are told the first King Pharaoh of Egypt is Narmer Mena Menes who obtained the throne via war and was the first to unite the two lands. What two lands? Egypt had supposedly just started. Did they start Egypt in both the Upper and Lower portions? What were they fighting with? Sticks and stones? What were they fighting for if they were virtually newcomer pioneers? 14. Narmer (Mena, Menes) was not the first ruler of Egypt. He may have been the first one called Pharaoh, but there were other Kings. We know by the simple fact that the Great Sphinx, which was built before Narmer took office, bears the face of the ruler during a time long before Narmer was born. 15. To repeat: Narmer (Mena, Menes) was not the first dynasty of Egypt. He may have been the first human dynasty, but there were many divine dynasties. But even as the first human dynasty he was still not among the first rulers who reigned, but possibly did not pass on rulership by birthright, or at least not by birthright obtained through war. 16. Using Namer Mena Menes as a basis for determining the Age of Egypt is like determining the Age of America by starting with Bill Clinton and Manhattan. 4400 BCE is barely a smidgen of the true Age of Egypt. 17. By the time we reach Narmer's rule as Pharaoh, Egypt had long since been perfected and was well into its declining phase. Egypt had already perfected its mythology through the stages of elemental, stellar, lunar, solar and eschatology. You don't do this without monitoring the stars, moons, planets and sun through their cycles. (BB 10/22), (NG1 4/22) 18. Anytime we start with a suboptimal context and stick with it, despite its warning signs, we are in nonsense no man's land, out of sorts in place, time and space. (BB 38/50) 19. The Egypt of the lists and dynasties beginning with Narmer Mena Menes is no time at all compared with the time demanded for the development of language, myths, hieroglyphics, astronomy, math, biology and knowledge of how to do anything such as build a monument, especially an enormous number of pyramids. Pyramids had become so common, every ruler was building multiple ones. And let us not forget the temples, especially Waset (Luxor & Karnak). 20. To date the Age of Egypt at 4400 BCE is like using one day as the timeframe for what takes ten years to accomplish. Monuments are a lesser form of evidence when they become the only way of knowing. It's like asking rocks to fall on us. 21. We are getting warmer by being the informers instead of the conformers, the farther and further we push back from Narmer. No monument associated with Pharaoh Mena has ever been found. Nothing is inscribed with his name. Nothing is known to have been made in the time of Mena, yet he supposedly built Memphis.In Egypt the only fixed or definite era was astronomical. In other words, periods of time were not evidenced by what was found below, it was based on what is found above. Prior to the period identified with Mena of 4400 BCE, the Egyptians kept track of vast lengths of time as “ reigns ” of sacred monarchs without human name, because these humans were representative of the divinities. Before that was the “direct dominion” of the gods [which seems to indicate a lesser form of human rule or no human rule in the beginning stages of Egypt]
To repeat: Heaven south and north is the mirror; Earth is the reflection. Then Earth becomes the mirror and humans the reflection. Then humans become the mirror and what humans produce becomes the reflection. Thus the chain of events of causes and effects tells us that what humans produce is a reflection of the Heavens. So in the absence of knowing through one method on Earth, the signs and symbols of heavens are always there and cannot be altered by humans. Humans have tampered with dates and other information but they can't change the time cycles of heavens and its symbols and neither did they change the symbols reflected through humans during those time periods. Therefore we have the fundamental key to unlocking the kingdom of knowledge.This is another reminder of what we already know: the best lies contain the most truth.
Thus, by default, the best lies contain the basis to expose those lies. Study lies. Make sure you use a different context worldview than the one that produces the lie. Then you will understand that the lie “tells on itself.” In other words, in order to expose lies produced via the European worldview, you must use the African Utamawazo's Optimal Theory. (BB 38-9/50-1)George Massey states it clearly:
”The truth is that a great deal of history and mythology have to change places with each other; the history has to be resolved into myth, whilst the myths will be found to contain the only history. The ancient fables were veiled facts, and when we can get no further records on the earth, it is in the heavens we must seek for the Egyptian chronology. It is the astronomical mythology solely that will reveal to us what the Egyptians and other nations meant by dynasties of deities and the development of series and succession in their rule.” (BB 40/52)
Moving On From Narmer
22. Time to relearn to read what we write so we can rewrite what we read. Much mention has been made regarding false notions associated with the way humans view human intelligence in relation to other creations, and in the way humans view intelligence among human groups. Thinking, by man or animal, does not depend on speech or writing. At least, not the kind of speech humans can hear. And at least not the kind of writing humans use. The foundation of thought is the ability to reflect upon images of nature as they really are. In other words, the foundation of thought is the ability to understand what is happening and what you are experiencing. The use of words does not guarantee complete thinking is taking place, unless those words connect the user of the words to sign-language images of nature. Clearly, if the ability to think required words, then humans, starting out with no words, would never be able to think, in order to create words. Hieroglyphics are images of highly concentrated thought such that each symbol has the potential to have many meanings. There are at least 1,000 picture words in Egyptian hieroglyphics, and only 26 letters in the Englicized version of the alphabet. This means the meanings of the 1,000 are condensed into the 26. And this is why a picture is worth a thousand words and why a Great Year of 25,920 is also almost (26 letters x 1,000 pictures = 26,000). In other words, the big picture is the Great Year.I suspect this also indicates the total number of meanings available when we combine non-linear thinking with linear thinking. Since we don't know much about any of this or use much of this approach, then we are missing a lot of meaning, thus understandings, even though we know how to read and write. (AE1 40-1/50-1, 44/54) 23. The Stone Age existed at least by 73000 BCE. In Egypt there are visible signs of the existence of a stone age culture. The Stone Age did not begin in Egypt in 4400 BCE when supposedly monuments began. Egypt is at least 75,018 years old (BB 7-11/19-23)
Go Jigger
24. To believe Egypt began around 4400 BCE is like believing an old woman can have hundreds of children while at the same time create what baffles the mind in all subject areas and that the combined efforts of all today's nations cannot duplicate. 25. To believe the significance of Egypt began around 4400 BCE is to believe God created everything in the universe in six days or six thousand years and that two Eve-like and Adam-like people came straight from God as homo sapiens and hit the ground running so all they had to do was name animals using words they somehow knew and use speech they somehow knew to communicate with each other, God, and serpents. And then since everything they needed was available, all they had to do was just start having babies. Supposedly those first two humans and everything else were fully evolved pretty early in the process. (Let's be clear, if God gave them those mature abilities, then why not give the mature ability to critically think before they flunked the first test they faced? Because it didn't happen that way and neither did a lot of things about the history of Egypt happen the way we are being told.) 26. In order to trace evolution and development of a person, place or thing, you have to go beyond the truncated thought processes we use today. We must go deeper than the finished product we see and don't see. Carbon dating and radio isotopes and whatever those dating methods are called is one way of knowing, but yet, there are other ways. Every piece of information is a clue to the jigsaw puzzle, that has temporarily been gerryrigged. And now the jig is up. 27. How is it that prior to 4400 BCE, shipbuilding was taking place in Egypt? (BB 23/35)Can You Feel The Rebirth Of Truth?
28. If the mind-blowing nature of Egypt's massive multi-disciplinary accomplishments (not just stone buildings), in relatively “no time at all,” ranging from 4400 BCE to 332 BCE, seems to be the whole truth, then what Egypt accomplished before that time will indeed make your head implode. And you will ask rocks to fall on you.This must be so because by default, we are utterly amazed by the last little bit of Egypt's achievements when they were intellectually “in their rocking chair years.” They were chilling, cruising and coasting downhill, and thus, seemingly unimpeded, they forgot to use the brakes and ran right into, serpents who knew the secrets to their gardens. 29. We know a lot of the story about Egypt is missing because, “Where is the Great Mother?” No human and no country can begin to begin without mama. When we encounter Egypt at 4400 BCE, Egypt is in Father First-mode and masculine mode. 30. At the time of 4400 BCE, Egypt has been in the Amenta stage of its life since 11000 BCE. Thus so has the rest of the world been in an underworld state of existence, even as empire building became the main thing and began changing hands. The world is not in Amenta mode because of Egypt, but because the Great Year cycle of energy is in Amenta mode. The Great Year has been reformulating the Great Mother. The Great Mother is the Manes in Amenta whose spirit-soul is phoenix rising in many forms. (BB 13-14/25-26) (BB 7-11/19-23)Until such time as our memory is fully restored, consciousness unified and the circle of logic is no longer broken, we must continue to do one or two things and both. (1) Use what is below and reconcile it with that which is above. (2) The other way around. References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2