If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Three Types of Thought Process, Conclusions, People
Unity Consciousness #1523


(Part 9pa of 11)

We've already shown how there are at least two sides to every story and many angles. Now we summarize the most common types of people and the type of conclusions they reach.

1. The person who always stays in the middle, waffles, vacillates and considers all things as a toss-up, as “could go either way.” Nothing is ever one way or another, therefore this person never really makes a decision one way or another. This person misuses and abuses the middle. The middle is not used as a vantage point turning point that allows motion out to the perimeter and back and then around and across various angles. Personal growth in the four inseparable aspects of self, is suboptimal.

2. The person whose conclusions tend to one side and end up one-sided, lop-sided, stuck, stagnant, showing no growth in none of the four inseparable aspects of self. Immature conclusions persist from childhood, yet the purity of childhood reasoning does not. All else must conform to self which causes most logic scripts to be skewed in place.

3. The person whose thought processes evolve and continue to incorporate more of the full circle. Thought processes move from side to middle to side, before finally concluding temporarily, adjusting permanently, continuously improving in knowledge of self, all else, thinking, behavior. Since this person is the current human anomaly, most thinking and behavior runs afoul of the other two types of people who comprise the status quo masses.

Every person's choice, decision and conclusion process involves one or more of the above three types of people. All information currently in our possession has been processed through one or more of the above categories. Whenever we encounter new information, it too, goes through the same process, which is usually one of the above that we use most often. Force of habit causes our thought processes to become so automatic, that we don't even think about the process we are using, therefore are generally aware of what type of person the majority of our choices, decisions and conclusions reflect. I'm talking about the majority of our logic. Since each of the above processes are necessary parts of the whole, all of us have some logic that falls into each category. And this is why, the universe continuously goes around and around over the same circles of logic and makes adjustments until it can find the optimal combination that brings about evolution and de-evolution as necessary, and also bring about harmony and disharmony as necessary, first and last as necessary, and so on for all truths.
As a result, each of the three general types of thought processes, conclusions and people are appropriate at some point during each complete cycle of thought. All logic, including the superhuman, goes through a range of processes. We have simply summarized the human process of logic into the three most common. A little more awareness that such a thing exists, can help us understand cycles in the lifetime of an ideology, a human, a year, a nation or some other life cycle.

faces come as a base pair.