If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, January 28, 2019

Symbolism Of Rams & Patriots, Superbowl LIII
Unity Consciousness #1528


(Part 9pf of 11)

As always, we are seeking to connect more parts of truth in order to form a more complete picture of understanding how everything is related.

It took intervention, beyond human players and human referees, in order for the Rams and Patriots to be in the superbowl. Otherwise it really should have been Saints and Chiefs.


“Patriot” comes from pater, which means father. For most of the past several hundred years, “patriot” has an unfavorable meaning; however, in the most recent of times, patriot has been used as doublespeak to get people to feel favorable about nations which hold their citizens in disfavor (as pawns who will do anything to serve and protect the monarchy). Recent use of patriot is subtle ridicule of someone who pledges allegiance to one-sidedness, the pater, the father, the masculine. Think of patriot as pater + idiot, except the id is absent.

“PA” is breath, wind, soul that protects, supports, nourishes, bears, carries and pregnancy. Based on this, we know the first Pa was Ma, the mother. Later on, Pa became male and father. In the recent thousands of years, at the societal level, Pa as masculine, has not done a good job of protecting, supporting and nourishing the society. Due to a superiority complex over any other truth, Pa's human manifestation of logic has inflicted harm on anything and everything across all inner lands and hinterlands. (BB 240-2/252-4), (NG1 548/566)


Ra is holy spirit, the sum of all parts of all elementals. Ra is Ar. This mirror image combo is mother and child. Ar is Star. Star is Kar.
M , in this instance, is the mother out front. (NG!195/213)
The it gets deeper when we realize M for (Mam) and B for (Bab and Babe) are signs of first and second, one and two. (NG1198-9/216-17)
Ram or Lion represent male pubescence. One of the names of the Ram is Ba, which relates to Baba and Bata, both of which are the pubescent male child who was the first father as the bull of the mother. This is Kepheus who is Aethiopian King Obatala, Shu-Tefnut, Wind & Water primarily, Heat & Earth secondarily. (NG1 45/63, 102/120, 252-3/270-1), (NG2 200/208, 218/226)

Other Rams

1. Ram -headed crocodile, dragon, serpent or hippopotamus of Sebek-Ra, child of the mother. Sebek-Ra and Amen-Ra are the twins who are a later form of Osiris, the father being renewed and transformed in Amenta into the prepubescent, then the pubescent. Osiris was likely Draconis, then Sebek-Ra was Jackal, the prepubescent. Now the ram-headed bull, Amen-Ra, is Kepheus, the pubescent. (BB 33/46, 43-5/55-7), (NG2 334/342), (AE1 302/312)

Ra is the soul of life in the sun. Both Sebek-Ra and Amen-Ra are two phases of the nocturnal sun in the hidden underworld. This time around, this form of the sun is more representative of child and mother. (AE2 565-6/29-30, 579/43), (BB 45/57,130/142), (Churchward: Origin 290/510)

2. Ram is one of the symbols of the Khiser, the rising ruler. Forms of the word are Kheser, Seser, User, Ser, Tsar, Caesar, Kaiser, Tzer, Af-ra. (BB 214-15/226-7)

3. During the most recent Age of Aries and Age of Jackal, both were symbols of the Ram. Multiple events took place that changed human logic, especially regarding, the ever-coming one, prince of peace, karest, karu, heru, hero, savior, caveat, cave-at, cave+uat, cave-iot, khi-ot, griot. Kepheus, the Dog-Faced Ape, is now at hand as the pubescent form of Jackal (Dog), who got this partly started. (NG2 333-44/341-2)


The word combatant comes from the same root as compatriot.
The Universe, Galaxy, Solar System and Earth are forms of a Super Bowl where “Fights Of All Types, Everywhere For All Times Continue.”
The Patriots represent the father in the form of father only who is maximizing suboptimal logic.
The Rams represent the father in the form of the pubescent male child of the mother. This first form of the father is more in balance with the two truths of self. (BB 115/127)

There are four basic outcomes for the Superbowl and three subplots.
1. Patriots trounce Rams
2. Patriots barely win
3. Rams barely win
4. Rams trounce Patriots
5. Referees (elementals) give an extra assist to the Patriots
6. Referees (elementals) assist Rams
7. Referees judge evenly and allow the outcome to be viewed as caused solely by the current form of the combatants themselves.

Except for 1 and 5*, all of the above bode well for humanity, superhumanity and 2019 as the beginning of another phase of revolutionizing logic, thus thinking, thus behavior, thus the unhealthy conditions pus-aiding and pulsating through societies.
All signs I'm aware of point to Rams winning, Patriots losing.
The only name that jumps out on the Rams team is Micah Kiser, who appears to not be a starter, but by name is Makha Khiser. We shall see.

*This translates into a 25% to 33% chance of an unfavorable outcome with the average at 29%.

This matchup of Rams & Patriots follows the super blood wolf moon and the red Christmas tree symbolism that both indicate the beginning of a new cycle. This comes when the extended period of arrogance of human patriots keeps pushing limits in all areas of life causing rising levels of injuries to the body of christ. The American state of the union has been delayed in words, but not in deeds.

As discussed elsewhere Barack Obama was another sign of the coming Celestial Ethiopian King Kepheus. Obama was an early stage version. Now it's been about 11 years later. The Ram symbol fits perfectly with Kepheus and with Aquarius, both of which are exerting stronger and stronger influences as pressures and tensions reach new breaking points causing something to give.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Churchward, Albert, "The Origin & Evolution Of Religion," George Allen & Unwin Ltd., (London:1924)