If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, February 8, 2019

Mestrea, Mestraea, Mestria Defined & Recombined
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1538


(Part 9pp of 11)

Before the Egyptians reached the area that is today called Egypt, the Egyptians were already Egyptians.
Back then, to be an Egyptian was to be a later form of what you already were.
Not only that, but to be in Egypt meant to be in the same place in a different location and stage.
Likewise, Earth did not come ready made. We already know Lower Egypt was once part of the Great Green Sea. But there's more to the story.
Earth also had to grow and develop like all other lifeforms, all other planets, all other stars, all other bodies. Same as other creations, Earth was formed from a seed that had to unpack and specialize to develop its different parts. This is why Earth was, and still is, one land mass. Just because part of your body is sometimes underwater doesn't mean it stops being one body, still connected above to the below.
Land on Earth has simply become separated by being submerged in water. At the equator, Africa is a plateau. From this point, land began to form in various directions out of the mes deposited from the abyss by the four rivers. The entire Nile (Gihon) did not exist as it does today. Neither was Lower Egypt the only land formed from the mes. Land began to be formed in Khartum. From Khartum to the Great Green Sea (Mediterranean) is the area called Mestrea.

Understanding Mestrea By Word Association

Mestrea is a form of Mest-ru, the rebirthplace or otherwise stated as the second birth place or the outlet from the birthplace. Mestrea is formed from the mes, the primordial matter from the Khaos abyss containing all essences of the elemental souls of life. (BB 447/459)
Sample Of Variations: Mest-ur, Mitzr, Muzr. Muzau, Mesr, Metzr, Mazr, Mizr, Mestraim, Mitzraim, Mestruan, Mest-ruan, Muru, Meroe, Merowe, Mes-terui, Kep-en-teriu. (UC#1238), (UC#1242), (BB 4-5/16-17, 34/46)

Mest-ru and Mest-ur are the Egyptian equivalents for the Hebrew Mitzr, plural Mitzraim.
Mest-ur is the chief and most ancient place of birth which is not to be limited to Lower Egypt. Mestur expresses both the eldest born and the oldest birthplace. (BB 3-5/15-17)

Mestrea begins with Khebma.
Khebma begins in the great lakes region and expands in all directions around the globe and fills the entire globe. There is no land on this Earth and no people on this Earth that do not begin in the Great Lakes Region of Eastern Africa.
Khebma modifies into Khcb and Kam. These three words are the names of lands and names of groups of people. Mitzraim is Khebma, Kheb or Kam. The children of Mitzraim are the Ari or Kabiri or Kamari or Arians. (BB 456/468 )
Mitzraim is not just a name of the area that is today called Egypt. At a minimum, Mitzraim began in Khartum, but totally, Mitzraim refers to all of Africa, thus to all lands, because not only was Africa formed out of the mes as the Mest-ru, but so were all other lands. Therefore, Mitzraim, Mestrea, Kheb, Kam, Khemi, Egypt, Ta-meri, Aethiopia, Karua, Aeria and many other names are names for Earth, because even Earth itself was formed as mes out of the waters of Nun. All lands of Earth are parts of the whole, thus take their identity from the whole. (BB 3/15)

Mestrea Is Earth

Earth is one land separated into many parts by waters.
Humans are one people separated into many parts by murky water memories.
In the northern heaven, Nut, the abyss of heaven, contains Cassiopeia which is close to the release point of the Milky Way River. In the southern heaven, Nut contains the River Iarutana (Eridanus). These two rivers above are the same as the White & Blue Nile. These two rivers above combine to form the mes, the mass of Earth.
There is Metrea on Earth below and Mestrea above. And just like below, Earth is only one of the parts of the celestial Mestrea.

Place is like race. It's all one pie that depends on how you slice it and name it.
Then the pie is recombined and sliced again and named again. This process is never-ending.

Who you once were as the descendants of twins, you are now as the descendants of their grandchildren.
Who you once were as Pangeans, Karuans and Africans, you are now from the lands separated by the waters above, but connected by the land below the waters.
All of this speaks to your context, worldview, utamawazo, definitions, meanings, perception, awareness, orientation and understandings.

Bringing us back down to Earth, I repeat. Mestrea begins where the waters and mes from the abyss originate out of Nyanja ya Tanganyika and Nyanja ya Ukerewe. However, I have temporarily limited our focus of Mestrea to beginning at Khartum because we are expanding our mind in stages. We are expanding Mestrea from beginning at Lower Egypt to beginning at Khartum. We are also expanding Mestrea from ending south of Philae to ending where the Delta of Lower Egypt merges with the Great Green Sea.
This is again for the purpose of helping us understand that we must expand the location of Egypt from the commonly stated Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt designations and extend Egypt at least all the way up south to Khartum.
Egypt, Mestrea and Khartum share the same meaning, yet they are only part of the even larger Egypt, larger Mestrea and larger Khartum.
We can understand these things better by remembering basic processes of evolution relating to all creations. Earth evolved in stages, yet the entire place is and was, still the same Earth. Humans evolved in stages, yet the entire people, is and was, still the same humans. Locations where humans congregate evolve in stages, yet, the sum of all those places, is and was, still the same place and the same people. A rose by any other name is still a rose, even each petal when separated. These evolutions of natural fact and of human understandings represent births and rebirths.

At this point in our journey in the spiritsphere, we know there is more than one Earth. Now we also know there is more than one Mestrea and more than one Egypt. In each case, there is more than two. There are many. One and Many are two truths.

Kharum, Khartoom, Kartoum Where Ancient Egypt Extends

Khartum begins at 15.5 degrees north latitude and goes for another 8 degrees to 23.5 degrees which is the end of the tropical zone. Eight is also the number of the feminine composite as Kar-tek (Otava, Octavia). The end of the northern tropics could be the transition from feminine Ptah to masculine Ptah.

What we can say with a high degree of certainty is that Khartum, at one point in time, was inclusive of the cataract containing Skail Island and also inclusive of the highlands of Koloe. Even if this is not true of Khartum, it is true of Mestrea. Khartum is likely where the stellar or luni-stellar began or perhaps both.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Morse, Jedidiah, "The American Universal Geography: Or, A View of the Present State of All the Kingdoms, States and Colonies in the Known World," Lincoln & Edmands, S.T. Armstrong, West, Richardson & Lord, (Boston:1819), Seventh Edition, Vol II of II.

Cory, Isaac Preston, "Ancient Fragments Of The Phoenician, Chaldean, Egyptian, Tyrian, Carthaginian, Indian, Persian, And Other Writers; With An Introductory Dissertation: And An Inquiry Into The Philosophy And Trinity Of The Ancients," William Pickering (London:1832), Second Edition

For Initiates: (Cory: Ancient Fragments 38, 230, 237-8), (BB 3-5/15-17, 29-30/41-2, 33-4/45-6)