If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, February 22, 2019

Prostitution Is Already Legal
Unity Consciousness #1545


(Part 9pw of 11)

In order to change society, we must rethink our thinking and rethink our behavior.
We already know there are multiple forms of prostitution. Most societies tend to focus on one type of prostitution under very specific circumstances.
Sexual prostitution is only illegal if you go to a store to buy it.
This is yet another of thousands of idiotic laws, just as is the illegality of marijuana and the the legality of many harmful things. I am being brief because all these things have been discussed elsewhere in greater detail.

If a society was healthy, i.e., balanced, the society would focus on three things:
1. Severely punish those who force people to do things.
2. Help those who want out.
3. Examine itself to find out and correct what leads people into this situation of wanting to force people and becoming forced and those who feel this is the best choice to “make it” in this life. In other words, don't hate the players and the payers, take a good look at yourself America in all of your prostituting ways and in all the ways you are the pimp who forces people to prostitute.

If a society was mentally stable, instead of doing stupid “stings,” it would immediately shut down every location, when the first instance of “forced prostitution” takes place. Only silly adults care about adults paying for sex. All of us have done it and are still doing it. We all know, if you don't pay up, you won't be having much sex. Most sex taking place requires upfront payment or a huge down-payment, i.e., marriage, as in, “you can have the milk for free, if you pay for the cow,” I.e,, give me legitimacy and security.

In backwards societies, sexual prostitution is not illegal if pimp, ho, and john, actually date each other, get engaged, get married, work together, and so on in an enormous amount of legal prostitution scenarios.
Sexual prostitution is not illegal if you just go to strip clubs, or if you order “take out” sex by calling it a bachelor or bachelorette party or if you call it Playboy.
And the list goes on and on of things that are legally right, but ain't and things that are legally wrong, but ain't.

Meanwhile, we clearly speak out against the wrongness of so-called sexual prostitution and want to crack down on human sex trafficking, while being afraid to speak out against and do something about the constancy of racism.

The larger takeaway is that we must change our context, worldview, utamawazo if we are to truly change our thinking and behavior.