If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, February 8, 2019

Racism, An Equal Opportunity Employer, Still Hiring
Unity Consciousness #1536


(Part 9pn of 11)

Until racism is dealt with from a system perspective and its extensive network and foundation dismantled and eradicated, we will keep mentioning racism, lest we fall into the trap of thinking, lack of constant mention means lack of constant occurrence, thus falsely think racism is an infrequent act perpetrated by a small number of individuals against a small number of individuals.
Lest we immaturely think racism is wearing blackface or a white hood or calling someone nigger. No! That's stupidity. Racism is a deep abiding mental illness that also poisons body, emotion and spirit. A person can be individually stupid, but not individually racist. Racism requires the collective consciousness of an enormously large group of people who exist in every aspect of life worldwide. Racism is not just an American problem. It exists in China, in India, in Europe, of course, in Brazil, in Africa, in the Caribbean and in many other places. These are not independent places of racism, they are all part of the same collective racism the permeates the entire culture and all major institutions, not limited to government, religion, schools, media, entertainment such as sports, politics, law, business, labor, non-profits. Racism does not equal KKK, no more than the fingernail on your pinky finger equals your body.
Every time you identify a racist act or person or hear about a racist act or person, you should ask yourself what does this person think and where did they get that logic from. Follow the trail. Also ask what supports that kind of behavior? Follow the trail. If you follow either trail you will end up at the foundation of the culture, the foundation of the people, the foundation of who the people think they are and the foundation of what causes people to think they have the right to infringe upon the rights of another group of people. You must learn to be more thorough in your critical analysis of all the causes and effects and how they connect.
Be very clear, that none of those white people crying foul about the Governor of Virginia in blackface has every come out publicly and consistently and loudly protested against acts of racism, not even when the racism is the murder of people by police. Stop falling for the okie doke. The only reason these white folks are claiming to be against racism is because this is one group of white people trying to get power from another group of white people. It is not about racism. They are using racism as a way to get power for themselves, not to put an end to the foundations of racism.
Racism teaches one group to think in terms of superiority and privilege and another group to think in terms of inferiority, minority and underprivileged. As a result, this thinking concludes that whatever the superior and privileged does, must be right and okay because, most certainly, the inferior cannot possibly intellectually challenge us or have no moral standing with our God. To go along with this, both sides are taught FEAR.
Racism logic, once deployed will employ any means necessary to manifest fully and for as long as possible. Racism is still hiring all applicants and never fires anyone,except, of course, those who think they are simply working for a company or government.
Racism is an equal opportunity destroyer as an employer of genetic potential. Racism uses your genetic potential to infringe upon the rights of another human just because that human belongs to a group designated by the culture as “fair game” in a 365/24/7 hunting season. Racism destroys the doer who conceives, the doee who receives and the doer who carries out the logic. Racism is the poison that keeps on giving. Once a system of poison is established, then that poison knows no color or has no allegiance to the hands that breed it and feed it. Racism is an equal opportunist. Poison gets some of that action whenever and wherever it can. It is insatiable. This we already know.
This is why generations of doers are sicker and sicker. The maintaining of racism logic drains the life force of those who support it. And this is why the children of a racism culture have all manner of diseases and cancers. Racism continues to weaken all four inseparable aspects of self. And this is why the trickle down and diffusion of racism poison becomes normalized in the behavior of children who must mirror the adults. As macro, so micro.

The poison gas of people who are old farts doesn't just pass away and allow the rest of us to have a sense of relief and rest in peace. The poison gas of old farts is transfused into others and reborn. You can't just sweeten the poison gas of racism and think that breathing “air freshener” is okay, healthier, and preferable to pure air free of toxins. No! You have to change the conditions that produce the poisons of racism and removes all transfusions of racism logic, so injuries can be healed completely once and for all. Otherwise the air is not cleared, minds are not cleared of racism, thus behavior continues unabated, unremediated.

The whole circle of truth is: (1) racism affects the doer who conceives on the front end who must damage their spirit in order to damage others; (2) racism affects the doee who receives; and (3) racism affects the doer who swallows the poison in order to carry out the logic. All the live long day, racism affects doers who claim not to be poisoned. This poisons current and future generations which sets them up for non-viability in a changing superhuman world.

On a regular basis, God purges Earth using fire, water, wind and sun. Species come and go, rise and fall. This also takes place at the Great Year level. The Great Year consists of long seasons covering hundreds of years and thousands of years. In the presence of amnesia, this makes the changeability of things seemingly impossible. It also makes the means to the end of seasons misunderstood. When racism poison arrived on the scene, the superhuman immune system began working on an antidote. The plague and poison of racism-type logic is being met with offsetting plagues. These offsetting plagues are actually cures, but the poison producers and virus makers and cancer creators don't quite see it that way. This process of transition from one truth to the other truth has taken place many times in the history of superhumans and humans.

Racism strikes at the core because it is a collective based poison. An entire group of people drinks poison, then carries out their madness on another group. This requires constant drinking. Otherwise they'd sober up, and if racism poison logic was no longer available to them, they'd go through withdrawal, make the logical adjustments and then think and behave in a healthy fashion. This is not what is taking place among the collective who depend on racism to keep them from trembling and happy. As discussed elsewhere in terms of “victims,” racism logic must first destroy the superhumanity of an entire group of attackers so they can be programmed to attack actively and passively and feel righteous. As a result, even among the doers, their dealings with each other is disaster-filled and has no allegiance except when it comes to racism.

Racism is poison is corrupt logic is an equal opportunity destroyer and employer once it is unleashed and allowed to circulate in the system.

In The Midst Of What We Think Is Just Theory

Using one example, America, we can understand how racism is used to delude. The majority of crime in America is caused by racism. Racism is the main driver of the culture of America. Otherwise, America, as currently configured with haves and have nots, could not exist.

Another word for America is “the white collective.” Yet Americans claim to want to fight crime and corruption, but the white collective Americans do not fight against racism. They do the opposite. So the crime they are talking about is a smidgen of the total crime taking place. The majority of the crimes they are talking about have causes and effects tied to racism. If Americans really wanted to fight crime, they would stop all the lies in their education system and media system and television programs. That's just one of the main things they'd do. When you think of crime in America, but do not also think of racism, you have been hypnotized, okie-doked, and bamboozled by the fragments in your mind. Crime in America is more equal to the white collective than crime is equal to “minorities.”

Using another example, we are reminded that genderism is an earlier form of racism. Both genderism and racism are superiority based poisons where one group, as a collective, infringes on the rights of another group, as a collective.
Genderism and racism go hand in hand, except genderism is a double agent working for racism and against racism. In other words, part of the collective who is fighting for gender equality is also supporting racism. These women will not change as they get more gender equality. They will simply use that power to support more racism. To say this another way, the fight of white women for gender equality is not a fight for equal rights for all humans. The fight of white women for gender equality is not a fight for the equality of “women of color” as humans. “Women of color” are being used by white women, so white women can get power from white men, but white women have no intentions of changing the system of racism against “women of color.”

So to you black women I say, if a white woman talks to you in terms of female solidarity, question her behavior in terms of who you are as a woman of color. Question her and listen to how she talks about incidences when racism is an issue or should be the issue. It shouldn't take more than a few conversations for the facade and veneer to be exposed.