If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Organism & Orgasm | Definitions, Meanings, Etymology
Unity Consciousness #1704


(Part 9tu of 11)

We can piece together a reasonable inference of the definitions, meanings and etymologies of organism and orgasm by remembering, re-membering, rem-em-ber-ing using multiple ways of knowing and information scattered across many messages, lives and experiences. Since most of the information necessary to construct this message has already been posted elsewhere, only the briefest explanations are provided.

A review of the Definition of Science would be helpful before proceeding.

OR in Organism comes from AR

AR is the spark, the eye, the parent, the child.
AR means to imagine, conceive, clone, make the likeness and repeat. (UC#1036), (UC#980).

GA in Organism comes from KA

KA is spirit-soul genetic material existing simultaneously in kinetic and potential form, plus intangible and tangible.
KA reconfigures and divides itself into seven elementals called souls of life. This is Preexistence. (BB 482)

NI or NA in Organism comes from NI or NA

NI or NA or MA are names of the all-inclusive waters of the Universe out of which came all creation. Ma + ni forms Mani which becomes Many. Out of the One source of waters comes Many and Mani. (BB 203), (UC#1194)

ISM in Organism comes from MES

MES is another description of the waters and all its contents. MES becomes SEM becomes SIM become ISM. Ism relates to a group or system, which is exactly what MES is as the universal collective communal group and Universal Ecosystem. (BB 4, 86)

Now we combine the above to help us visualize connections. To get from the Egyptian to the current form, these words have gone through numerous stages, transformations and alterations. Despite this, we still should be able to see how likely the words organism and orgasm came from the combination of several Nile Valley words.

1. Ar + Ka + Ni + Mes. Arkanimes. This is two forms of the parent and two forms of the waters.
2. Or + Ga + Ni + Ism. Organism.

3. Ar + Ka + Na + Mes. Arkanames. This is two forms of the parent and two forms of the waters.
4. Or + Ga + Na + Ism. Organaism becomes worn down to Orgasm due to small changes along the way. Least likely due to the word spasm being introduced when someone began looking for another more scientific sounding way relating to human sexual intercourse to describe the event and contraction that causes the release of sexual energy. This description would be based on male physiology.


An organism is a child of the Supreme Being, the Supreme Organism. This must be so because it is life that begets life. Only the everlasting ever-coming life of a Supreme Organism can beget life through death, which is merely a transitional stage of varying lengths and levels of dormancy.
An organism is repetition of spirit-soul that transforms its genetic potential into many forms. The first organisms born out of the waters of preexistence were the seven elemental souls of life. These seven organisms have combined to give birth to all other organisms such as all the elements, particles, atoms and molecules. All these are organisms. Any additional direct birth from the waters would be another elemental soul of life.

An orgasm is the process of genetic potential combining to achieve reconfiguration and increase vibrations in order to reproduce themselves. When the vibrations have matured, then the release of creative energy occurs.

All creation is an organism born through the lineage of the Great Organism Duplicator. An organism is the child born through the release of creative energy.
God had a self-created self-stimulated orgasm called the Big Bang. Word of God is born through the buildup, then sudden release of energy in one or more forms.
Water is born when clouds burst in orgasm. Rain is the organism.
Child is born when water breaks. Still an orgasm, even if not pleasurable.
Inundation (flood) is a surge of water that is Earth's orgasm. And so is a dam bursting or volcanic eruption.
Certain forms of seed dispersal and spore release are forms of orgasm.
It is an orgasmic feeling of relief to release urine that's been pent up too long.

Even if we resist the definitions above, we should at least be aware that the words organism and orgasm are much broader than we've been taught. All definitions and meanings must equally apply to the superhuman and human, with perhaps only slight adjustments for the form of creation it is being applied to.

Another path to reach organism and orgasm is as follows:
Ark + an + mes. ARK is the womb of the universe, the mes, the mer, the rem. AN means another repetition.
Org + an + ism.

Over time, Organism reduced to Orgasm is the removal of NI which is part of the waters.
Over time, Organism reduced to Orgism is the removal of AN which is the repetition of Org (Ark) and Ism (MES).
Over time, Orgism becomes Gism becomes Jism or Jizz, slang for semen (liquid essence).

Lastly, the name of the company “Orkin” is not a mistake. They kill Orkinisms. Organisms. The Orkin Man is the Poison Man who kills life we don't like. It's time for us to stop patronizing cancer causing poison pushers like Orkin and the others, including lawn care products that tell you they control (kill) organisms.
To kill the organism is to kill the orgasm.
Whose orgasm is it?
Mother and Father Earth's orgasm.
To kill the organism is to kill Earth.
Whose orgasm gave birth to Earth?
To kill Earth is to kill God.
Which we already know when we kill any organism, any life, slowly or suddenly.