If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, September 24, 2021

Crash Course In Quickly Debunking The Junk Logic Dividing Living & Non-Living Things
Unity Consciousness #2541

(9azs of 11)

Over and over it has been shown that an error in context leads to multiple errors in the details. The suboptimal context that all societies are based on, is an error context. According to suboptimal conceptions of science, the following criteria determines what is living, thus also, what is non-living.
Living things DO; Non-living things DON'T.

1. Breathing Respiration. The thing must breathe to stay alive, thus have an organ which facilitates breathing.

2. Eat & Excrete (Food Nutrition). The thing must eat to get energy to carry out its activities and survive.

3. Growth. The thing must follow a life cycle of birth, growth and death. This causes a change in size, shape and appearance.

4. Movement. The thing must move from one spot to another using its own power.

5. Reproduction. The thing must produce more of its kind.

6. Response, Senses, Sensitivity. The thing must have sense organs (eyes, nose, tongue, skin and ears) that respond to changes in the environment. [Many living things do not have one or more of these organs.]

It is taught that all five to seven criteria must be met in order to qualify as living. A thing can meet all but one criteria, yet still be considered non-living.

That Junk Is Bunk

Two-Sided Synonyms For Different Levels, Stages & Dimensions Of Existence-Preexistence
Alive..................................................Feel Dead
Body Dies.......................................Soul (Spirit) Lives

Major context, contextual, conceptual flaws of currently taught science:
1. The criteria to determine what is living is based solely on easily observable outward manifestations of the macro-organism.
2. It is said that “elements” are non-living, yet elements are forms of the “elementals” which contain a soul of life (imbued with the spirit of God.)
3. “Life” is defined in only one way and is tainted by current human knowledge of self.
4. “Life” is defined way late in the Creation existence game and is based on a limited number of organisms in this Earth. Nothing that existed before plants is considered living. No secondary creation by any currently defined living thing is considered living.

Extra Points
1. Respiration. We believe the dead can be resuscitated. Air is non-living yet is needed so the living can live. Over and over we see that the living depends on the non-living and that the living and non-living become each other and exist simultaneously in the same things, the same organisms.
A cell is said to be the basic unit of life, yet a cell depends on a nucleus, yet a cell cannot breathe. A brain cannot breathe, yet is a living thing.

2. Eat & Excrete. Is food living when we eat it?

3. Growth. It's a crying sham to say the Sun is non-living.

4. Movement. We believe the non-living can move, as in zombies, undead, living dead, walking dead.

5. Reproduction. We believe the dead can be resurrected, thus producing another cycle of life. A virus cannot reproduce on its own, yet is considered living. A human who cannot reproduce is still considered living.
Sperm cannot reproduce another sperm and neither can egg reproduce another egg. Only in combination can they reproduce. Thus that which can combine with one or more other things to reproduce, must be considered living. Thus all things are able to reproduce self in some shape, form or fashion.

6. Response. All things respond to environmental climate changes, even if simply expanding and contracting or absorbing and releasing moisture or heat or odors...

Does your God meet all criteria to be considered living?

What is being remembered is that living and non-living are just like the basic metaphor of darkness and lightness. Everything living depends on and contains the non-living. Likewise everything non-living depends on and contains the living.
Living and Non-living are twins of Existence, two aspects of Existence. Both the living and non-living are animals and are animated by spirit-soul energy in different levels of motion and rest, outwardly and inwardly noticeable, based on level of awareness of the observer.

For Initiates Seeking To Become Adept At Anything

Unity Consciousness #2538 (UC#2538), Amoeba's Universal Biological Taxonomy Classification Of Life's Living & Non-Living Organisms With Evolution Thrown In
UC#610, Understanding Why Death & Birth Do Not Exist
UC#1016, A To Z Of Living Genetic Hereditary Material In Nature
UC#1136, Dimensions of Space & Time
UC#1369, Salvation Is What? Expanded Definition
UC#1385, Second Creation – Soul Of Life In Darkness
UC#1389, Second Creation – Eternal Life Meaning Definition
UC#1751, First & Second Death & Happiness
UC#2383, Our Mummy, Which Art In Heaven
UC#2384, Our Mummy, Which Art Our Ancestor

God is the everything who divided into the totem of spirit-soul who divided into the totem of seven elementals, plus one, who combine in various ways to form all energy and matter. Totems are the basis of science. A macro totem is (1) eight elementals (everything) and (2) eight principles and characteristics. This is eight by eight which boils down to everything by everything is everything. (UC#1490, Everything Totemism & Personal Briefly Revisited)

09.25.21 Update

The mayfly, as a nymph in the water, does not reproduce. As a winged insect, it does not eat. Is it living or non-living? You say it's the entire life cycle of an organism that must be considered. I say, that's what I'm saying. All things non-living are simply part of a life cycle of a larger living organism.
Additionally we know animals such as bears do not eat for several months when they hibernate. Do they switch between being living and non-living?
It's a damnable shame to say energy is not alive, living, has life. Don't we say live ammunition, live bombs, etc., yet we say those things are non-living?