If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

This Is The Post 9/11 “Normal” You Want To Return To?
A Fool Craves The Inconvenient Comforts Of Being A Slave
Unity Consciousness #2536

(9azn of 11)

This message is for all those whose worldview and memory are limited to the covid-19 pandemic plandemic and who think that what is keeping them from returning to the better normal life they once had was Sars-CoV-2 but is now the unvaccinated.

It's The 15th Of The Month, Time For Some Government & Media Checks

...the events of September 11, 2001...It was just three days later that the Senate and House of Representatives voted to begin what are now called the forever wars [which included Afghanistan and another level of domestic wars]....News stories about that day are plentiful albeit useless, that is to say they add nothing to our understanding...The corrosive impact of that war on international and domestic law is also swept under the rug. In the past 20 years presidents have claimed the right to kill anyone they claim is a threat, deny the right to civilian trials, and gather and keep electronic information on everyone in the United States. These assaults on human rights have been largely forgotten...The [9/11] attacks were a pretext for doing what the imperialists always wanted...“In effect, Washington was claiming revenge as the motive for crimes that it had long been planning to commit. Precise causality for the specific events of 9/11 becomes near-irrelevant, submerged in the much larger aggression that was conceived long before the towers fell.”...Thanks to the state’s collusion with corporate media...the official narrative and were given insufficient attention by the government and their friends in media...tales of evil Arabs predominated instead of real reporting... the rush to war in 2001 was followed by the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Remember that Secretary of State Colin Powell lied at the United Nations about non-existent weapons of mass destruction. Remember that even our popular culture has been impacted, and that film makers [Entertainment Institution that puts logic in your nutshell] are given access to classified documents if they agree to produce pro-torture propaganda. The New York Times wouldn’t even print the word torture if the U.S. was the perpetrator. “Harsh interrogation techniques” and other such euphemisms were substitutes for the truth...Twenty years later the U.S. is a changed country and not for the better. Congress still gives presidents broad authority to bomb, change foreign governments at will, and sanction any country that becomes a target. Regime change is acceptable as long as U.S. troops aren’t directly involved in the dirty work. The media follow suit and citizens who object to wars of terror and a growing surveillance state are marginalized....It is little wonder that there is so much confusion about the world we live in now. War, austerity, and inequality were just what the ruling class ordered. They needed a war against humanity and they have been waging it for the last 20 years.
“20 Years of Post-9/11 Amnesia”

The class war inherent to U.S. capitalism is maintained and nurtured by state violence. U.S. capitalism has long surpassed its European forefathers in its capacity for brutality. The U.S. was founded upon a white supremacist chattel slave system which killed millions of Africans and left millions more in subhuman conditions of wage-free labor for several centuries. Indigenous people were nearly exterminated by a settler colonial regime that served as a precondition for U.S. capitalist development. Neither Africans nor indigenous people have received reparations for the crimes of colonialism and their oppression continues into the present day in a myriad of forms.
This includes the mass incarceration system (population 2 million or 25 percent of global total, 40 percent of which is Black American) and the legalized lynch mob known popularly among activists as “killer cops.” Police departments kill Black and indigenous people at nearly three times the rate of white Americans. And the entirety of U.S. society has been militarized, not just the cops and the prison system. A massive surveillance system collects private data from every individual residing in the United States as a means of social control. The U.S. military apparatus receives trillions of dollars to assert its hegemony abroad through drone strikes, invasions, coups, special operations, and a host of other forms of conventional and unconventional warfare.
...Biden has sent more military weaponry to local police departments in the first quarter of his administration than the average quarterly expenditure under Donald Trump’s four years in the Oval Office. The U.S.’s addiction to militarism comes has an enormously negative impact on the economic health of the most oppressed sections of humanity worldwide. Extreme poverty has risen globally during the pandemic, and the economic conditions of Black America specifically have only become more precarious over this period.
“Austerity and Mass Murder: An American Pastime”

A desire to return to this abnormal is like a person who has cancer, is on life support and then slips into a coma. The person would be elated to simply regain consciousness while remaining on life support with an ever-growing cancer.

Emailed 09.16.21

In the article, https://www.blackagendareport.com/austerity-and-mass-murder-american-pastime “Austerity and Mass Murder: An American Pastime” by Danny Haiphong, the statement: “...Biden has sent more military weaponry to local police departments in the first quarter of his administration than the average quarterly expenditure under Donald Trump’s four years in the Oval Office” is not an apples to apples comparison and could be construed as intentional data manipulation to mislead. However, the overall and underlying point is well-taken that Biden is not so much a champion of the downtrodden as he would like the masses to believe as he speaks crumbs of kindness while giving loaves of leeway to the behemoths of barbarianism (barbarism).