If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Love At First Sight, Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2537

(9azo of 11)

1. The first time you see someone visually and interact with them, even if briefly. This is usually associated with romantic love in the current sense, but can be associated with other types of love. [Suboptimal]
This becomes optimal in the newborn as described below.

2. Awareness of and fascination with spirit-soul self as ani in ma-el's womb, or newly born ani-maat outside the womb. This includes recognition of one's own hands, feet, voice and image in a mirror. This extends to others, which is why, for instance, babies will put their hands in your mouth. This has been conditioned also by breastfeeding and other care activities, including touching and kissing. [Optimal]

3. Awareness of and fascination with others as a supreme (suprema, super, persu, persuam, persuan, persun, person, persuasion) in the womb, or when encountered outside the womb. This is why children can make friends easily with almost anyone. The first manifestation is with caregivers. [Optimal]

4. Awareness of and fascination with self in the most recent physical parent and/or caregivers. Thus begins the next phase of learning (remembering and not forgetting) who you are, where you came from and why you are here. All this is part of the continuous process of maintaining love at first sight (insight love). This expands and extends the self to more of all else until unity consciousness is achieved. This combines insight, outsight, hindsight, foresight, sight and the other 4 to 5 known sights of sensing abilities, thus being all-seeing in every sense of genetic ability, thus all-being, thus the phrase, “well I'll be” uttered in eureka epiphany moments. [Optimal]

Love at first sight is the love of inner sense and innocence as recently explored in “Inner Sense Is Innocence Expanding In The Opening Mind
Unity Consciousness #2530.”

Insight Is The Sight Of Love At First

Insight Love is a spirit-mind-emotion awareness that perceives something else, grows in understanding something else as self and reaches the epitome by wishing for that something else the same or greater wished for self. Insight Love is unconditional and conditional. When the physical comes into play, Insight Love is based on the broadest appreciation of motions, mations and physical variations, yet acknowledges and allows for preferences without diminishing that which is not preferred. This is the law of attraction-repulsion without detraction.
This is true love (two love). Two is not limited to reciprocated love in a direct one-on-one relationship with no degree of separation. Instead two means two truth love. Sem-sem love. Sem-Sem is I-You (IU), thus the phrase, I-Love-You.
Be certain to understand that two truth love includes dislike and hate for that which lacks insight love to the point of infringing upon the rights of creation.
Furthermore, be certain to understand that Insight Love is not exclusive to humans, and is more pervasive than we have yet to remember and re-imagine. Thus two truth love is mutually beneficial as in collectively beneficial, thus individually beneficially in the whole eternal scheme of “things.” (“mutual” is a formula of “supreme.” this is another way to innerstand the relationship of individual (one), mutual (two) and collective (many))
To clarify what was said earlier, two truth love does indeed mean reciprocated love in the sense that reciprocation comes in many forms, from many sources, indirect and direct through various degrees of separation that are more knowable, thus lovable, as level of awareness (insight) increases.
Lastly then, Insight Love, because it requires knowledge of self and something else, is transformed into its fullest manifestation when combined with Outsight Love. This is what the Supreme Being had (has) to do – use Insight Love as One and Many inside self and expand and extend that to One and Many outside of self using Outsight Love. In this manner, Same equals Same, Sema equals Sema, Suma equals Suma, Su equals Ma, Child equals Parent and Su and Ma remain connected in the circle (per), thus forming the word “supreme” and maintaining two truth integrity as two in one and one in two.
Thus Sem equals Sem, I is U, 1 is two, first is second, first is last and everything is everything. Thus love at first sight remains love at anytime using any sight. This is total perfection as it was in the beginning when all things were in harmony in the waters of Nun (Mom), the universe womb, when all knowledge was known. This is why life outside the womb must be a continuous maturing in knowledge of self and all else, so as to maintain love at first sight for self, others and all else as our spirit-soul travels the gigantic repeating full circle.