If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, July 1, 2022

White People Don't Exist According To Them
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2758

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This is a follow-up to UC#2757, Three-Fifths Promise & Compromise

For Those Who Really Want To Know & Grow

3/5's was not the first or last quantification of a black person.
There were quantifications of one-fourth, one-eighth, one-sixteenth, one-half and one drop.

The history of white people

Overall, this video is useful to enhance understandings. Adonai Nyame provides teachers for each type of student, each level of student and for every audience, even those who don't want to hear it.
A second listening to this video is beneficial to more fully understand how the European Academy's definitions and meanings creep into some of the speaker's statements so as to limit the understanding of race by keeping it within the European Worldview and Asili. This also keeps the speaker saddled with the extra concern about offending white people, a concern which is always limits truths and understandings, but I guess is necessary to talk people down off their alleged catbird seat, that truth turns simply into a ledge.
Since we know, via the sciences of religion and multiple other ways of knowing, that all people have the same origin, whether it was black people first or white people first, then we should know all people belong to one overall race. So then we should be able to understand that racial preferences are evils created by humans too weak of spirit to resist the temptations of vices in their logic.
Why not?
Because those vices allow sufficient cover, excuse and escapegoats to try to make up for individual and group weaknesses, flaws and immaturities, that racial preferences allows them to sidestep and seem mature, healthy and superior in all aspects of life and existence, even down to the soul.
Meanwhile these fragile people, afraid of the light and the dark, don't hesitate to ingest plenteous medications and deal with the unpleasant uncomfortable to painful to deadly side effects as necessary to treat illness, but not the illness of living on lies, i.e. metaform deformeditis (mental illness, emotional illness, spiritual illness and physical illness all rolled into one. Completely corrupt beings that cannot self-correct.)

Retardation allows a person to believe think that humans share over 99% of the genetics of plants and apes, but nowhere near 99% of the same genetics of each other or of the African root. Not only are all humans of the African race, but also of the same race as all other creations, including “aliens”.
As discussed elsewhere, the notion of race did not begin with white people. The notion of classifying people based on physical differences, genetic differences or some other difference, did not begin with white people. The notion of race did not begin as something that applies to humans.
Race is the same word as variation, variety, specie, specification, mixture of genes, classification, taxonomy, lineage, ancestry and many other words. The universe is based on race as an aspect; however it is not based on race in the disharmonious way humans have used the conceptualization of self and all else.
Innerstand what it means to say “human race”. If humans were the first and only race, there would be no need to say human race. Dogs have race. Thus we say dog breeds and call humans half-breeds, same word with same meaning as race. Plants have race. Plant hybrids are also half-breeds, semites and mulattos. And so on for everything that exists. Go back and fetch much earlier root meanings of “race”.

We go back again to the first introductory speaker on this video.
1. For there to be so many different definitions of what constitutes a white person, we know:
a) There must have been a lot of mixture before white people got the notion of whiteness and the notion of white people.
b) After the notion of white people, there must have still been plenty of continued mixing.
This we know from the many white people, who in times past up to the present consider themselves of a better and different race than blacks, but don't hesitate to have sex with blacks, forced or consensual, something which slave owner males and females were doing with the enslaved. White women have always wanted black males as a fundamental force and natural fact of life and existence.
This we already knew based on miscegenation laws.
And based on evidences in human worldwide throughout history. Only in limited circumstances have humans not mixed.
2. Contrary to Ms. Painter's statements, Irish, Italians, white Jews, Greeks and many others were not at first considered white by the British whites of England.
3. Contrary to Ms. Painter's statements, the 1700's of the 18th century CE was in no means a period of Enlightenment for whites or the majority of humans.
4. Based on any definition of whiteness put forth by white people, then no one qualifies to be classified as white. There are no white people that have ever met any criteria for who is white. In fact, white people have always met the criteria for who is not white.
5. The Initiate would do well to search many key terms in this speech such as Chichen, Saxon, Kelts (Celts), Caucasus, Diop, Rogers and others. This type of double-checking process is part of the supreme scientific method of understanding self and all else.

35th Portier Lecture: "White Trash: The 400-Year History of Class in America"