If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, July 24, 2023

Homo Sapiens Word Relations
Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2995

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs of 11)

Some of us are Sapiens and most of us are barely Homo.
Everything keeps pointing to the truth.

1. Homo Sapiens is a Latin word. Latin language and people originated as Egyptian. Thus a Homo Sapiens is based on Nile Valley Africans, their languages and their Mythology & Eschatology. This is the summary of the human identity that has since been distorted to a ridiculous degree. But what else should we expect after several hundreds of thousands of years of Homo Sapiens existence and at least 52,000 years worth of Egyptian existence – to have learned more or to have forgotten more?

2. As a brainstorming etymological first step, we use the law of the letter, and, with practice, can easily see how Homo Sapiens is Khomo Kapians is Khema (Khemi, Khemu) + Khapi-Aans

3. Per Etymonline.com, homunculus (Latin) means "little person". Homo meant "male human," but it also was used with a sense "the human race, mankind;" while in Vulgar Latin it could be used as "one, anyone, they, people" and in logical and scholastic writing as "a human being, person." [this is fairly accurate except for the homunculus “little person” part. Also important details are missing such as Homo initially meant both sexes born of the mother]
a) [Unnecessarily and falsely, but indicative, this same entry claims the following is conjecture, which to me seems due to the PIE root which is treated as unknowable, yet is present in every word in every language.] This is conjectured to be from PIE (dh)ghomon......Gothic guma, Old High German gomo, Old Norse gume, Old English guma "man"). The literal sense is "earthling," from PIE root [dh]ghem- "earth".......

Homo from the progression of Khema, Khemi, Khemu

We are limiting our inquiry to PIE roots ghem and ghomon, we end up with Khem and Khemen.
Khem means to discover, find, in the space of an instant.
Kham is matter, south, black

1. Khema is shrine (Egyptian), tent (Swahili)

2. Khemi is personified as a female and means the land created from the waters or land recovered from the waters. This is Egypt, the land of the gum-tree. The acacia gum-tree is a symbol of shedding (remming) substance, sap. (BB)
a) Khemi is a name later Egyptians chose to limit to themselves while calling others the Khem-Rut, those the Egyptians considered to be uncivilized and ignorant. This is similar to the go-to words of whites who get a self-esteem high from calling people savages and primitive and... (BB)
b) Khemi are dwellers in the northern heaven as glorified spirits called Khuti. (AE2)
c) Khami is lowly, humble (BB2)

3. Since Khem is Men, it seems likely that Homo (Latin) to be stout, brave, is from Hemu (Egyptian) meaning woman, typical seat or origin and rule, abode, place and is also from the earlier form, Khemu (Egyptian), meaning master, prevail, potency, authority, shrine, habitation of the child, womb. (BB)

4. Khemu (Khammu, Khama) are spirits in four phases: (1) spirits whose physical bodies are dead, rather in a state of rest and transition which is equal to, (2) the mummy going through transformation in the cocoon and, (3) the child in the womb of gestation awaiting rebirth and (4) those living, walking and breathing upon this Earth.

Sapiens from Sap from Sep

SAP means to spit, evacuate and is rooted in Sa as spirit-soul in magnetic magical liquid essence form. (NG1) Sap also means examine and verify. (BB)

SEP is the Spirit of Wine, wisdom, grape juice that becomes wine (juice is sap ), grapevine is a form of tree of knowledge. Sep is examine, verify, judge, throne as a judgment seat, head, first, learned, teacher, enlightener, overseer, judge of the cutters of hieroglyphics. (BB2)

Sep also is the name of time as the equal measure of day and dark based on dividing the circle at the equator equinox. This was the first division of the circle that created north and south and led to the word, separate. Sep is one cycle of any circle cycle of time (AE1)
Sep as time comes from Seb as time which means an event, occurrence, spontaneous act or manifestation. So before time was measured based on celestial cycles, time was observed in things such as menstrual cycle, time to eat, the time of plenty, harvest time of fruits, the time to couple sexually, as the earliest forms of spontaneous manifestations of nature, which appealed to the senses and finally developed into a perception of repetition, then time and then measuring these times and then measuring time based on stars. Most forms of time were celebrated with festivals to acknowledge these occurrences and their importance to life and existence.
Variants: Skhep, Shep, Shept and Shap which yield Shape (English) to figure, image forth. (BB)

Sap or Sep is equal to Sapiens.

Seps is an ancient form of the “As” (Egyptian), the great, noble, the ruler, protector, or overseer, the original Spas, as guardian or overlooker. (BB)

Because in the true sense of the words, a Homo Sapiens is supposed to be a skeptic, we again briefly address the word Skeptic which comes from Skep from Spek from Sep.
Skeptic is Skep + Tek. SKEP, to examine, verify, and elucidate. TEK is that which was hidden and had escaped previous notice. Thus we can also see the word “detect” is from Sep-Tek. And Sep yields words containing “sep”, “cep” and “ception”. Skeptic and Sep-culate (Speculate) are now used to mean uncertain, doubtful, not based on truth or fact, but the original meaning of Skeptic and Speculate is the exact opposite. This is one example of why Homo Sapiens are confused about themselves and the natural world, thus also about how they've organized their cultures in relation to self, each other and all else. For the most part there is a lot of wasteful heinous bumblefuck going on that have most people aiming for the lowest gradation of the curve that is a low road elevated. During the suboptimal portion of the Great Year, it is to be expected for many words to go through the process of being switched to their opposite meaning, and that meaning being thought to be the only meaning that has ever existed.

Sab, the sapient jackal, is the totem for judges in Egypt. (AE1)
Sab is Sap is Sep is Kep and Ap.

Seb from Tseb or Tef is the masculine soul, the seminal essence, wise one, councilor.
Seba from Saba means to instruct, feminine wisdom. The female menstrual cycle is the earliest teacher of purity, righteousness, law, justice and time. Sophia from Sefa from Seba. Through the form of Sophia, many words have been rewritten in many languages such as “Soap” and “Safe” (sure, certain, truly); “Philosophy”, “Psyche” in English. “Sep” (Egyptian). “Sophocles” (Latin). Siva is identical with Seb and Seba. (NG1), (NG2)

Brief Word Comparison Of Egyptian To Sanskrit and English

Sep, corrupt, corrupter. (Egyptian)
Sav, to corrupt, cause to decay; Sava, a corpse, a dead body. (Sanskrit)
Sapy, tainted (English)

Saph or Sap, to prepare, make, create. (Egyptian)
Savaka, generative, productive, causative. (Sanskrit)

Shut, to suckle. (Egyptian)
Scut, to ooze, flow, trickle, drop. (Sanskrit)

Sekaru, a fort. (Egyptian)
Sekbara, a summit, a peak. (Sanskrit)

Sep, Seb and Sab, snake, serpent, worship, to adore. (Egyptian)
Seva, a snake, worship, salutation to the gods. (Sanskrit)
Sap or Gip (Gyp), snake or serpent. (English)

Seb or Tef, the father, the divine father, ithyphallic. (Egyptian) (NG2)
Seva or Sepha, the emphatic male, in type and token. (Sanskrit)

Sefa, humidity. (Egyptian)
Sap. (English)

Sab is the wise man, councilor. (Egyptian)
Sift means scrutinizing evidence. (English) (BB2)

Sep, time, turn, verify; Seb, priest ; Rut, repeated several times, (Egyptian)
Sibrit, the banns of matrimony (English)
[this has the makings of “separate” as meaning a division of the whole, repeated but connected while maintaining both the whole identity and divided identity]

From Little Seps To Big Seps

As a celestial natural phenomena, a star is a type of Sep (Sif). We know planets and moons are also stars. This is why we can reckon cycles, thus time, by planets, moons, stars and their groupings.
The star of stars is Venus (Peh-Peh), the Morning Star, the star of the gateway, the dawn, the feminine Seb (Sebt or Sothis), the star of SEFA by which the repetition of Nile Valley Inundation can be reckoned. (BB)

More About The Per-Sep-Ti-An Of Time

The word “time”, did not exist until naturally reoccurring phenomena and cycles could be measured. In the language of Mdw Ntr, each length of time was inseparable from its determining ideograph.
Time (English) from Tempus (Latin) from Tem-Sep (Egyptian). Tem for a total, team, be complete, perfected, an end appointed, announce, pronounce, cut off. Sep for time and a turn around.
Tem as time reveals Mat is time at the equinoctial level as that which is just or lawful and signifies juncture, and conjunction.
Time personified in a male form is Seb (the earlier Sevekh=Saturn). Seb is the Star. (NG2)

The Ien In Sapiens from Ian from IA-An, Ani, Aan & An

Ani is the name for inhabitants.

Aan is the hairy pubescent clicking dog-headed Kaf ape or cynocephalus that is an ancestor of humans and representative of the waning moon of the second half of the moon cycle. Aan is also the entire Moon as the mother and is also the southern dog star of Canis Major.
Aan is messenger, announcer, speech, voice, word, tongue, language, teacher, writer, howling waters, howling winds, soul of life in water, soul of life in breath, breathing, air, wind.

“An” means repeat and renew the likeness, the being. Spirit-soul is also repeating and being in one. Spirit is Sep-Ret, but not separate from AN in the sense of apart. Sep as Spi, still means all of what Sep means. RET, briefly speaking, means repeated. Spirit-soul is the spontaneous manifestation of repeated breaths called breathing. A breath is an emission over a brief, short space of time. Thus, “let me catch my breath” should really be “let me catch up on my spontaneous breathing”. (BB)

Sapiens Variants: SAP-PAN or Sap-Iu-An or Sapiun or Sa-P-Iu-An or replace Sap with Sep or Kep or Khep
Ani Variants: Uni, Una, Une, Uno, Unu, Ani, Ain, Ien, Eni, Ini, Oni, Nai, Nei, Noi, Nui, Nia, Nie, Nio, Niu, Ona, One, Ono, Onu, Anu, Enu, Ion, Any, and more. (BB)

Pan-Ar-Ama (Pan, child of Ama)

Pan (Greek) is the ever-coming one and represents so many things that it is necessary to present sparse details. Pan is Aan (Egyptian) with the masculine “P”article prefixed, The full consonant is “PH” thus Phan which becomes Fan. Prior to this Khan or Kan also becomes Phan and Aan.
Pan is known by many other names, some of which are Pant (Red Sea, Pool of Pant), Baal-ian, Baalim, Phanes, Panax, Phoenix, An, Khan, Kan, Ben, Benn, Fenek, Fion, Fene, Fan, Fenn, Fenian, Ian, Faunus, Fainche, Hea-Bani or Bani, Ban, Sut, Anup, Baccus, Shu, Anhar, Anerhahn, Kaf from Khaften, Kafi, Hapi, Khem, Men, Eros, Mendes, Jesus, Horus, Kefa (Typhon, Taurt), Taht (earlier Sut-Anubis earlier Baal or Bar-Sutekh, sons of bitches, sons of the mother, mama's boys), Kepheus, Aquaria, Tefnut... (BB2) Since Pan is the ever-coming one, this deity represents the duality and total of God, plus represents the trinity and totality of God. Pan is the triune trinity of mother, prepubescent son and pubescent hairy, horned son. (NG1)
Pan is also the duality of prepubescent son and pubescent son. This duality is a form of Sp-ankh (Sphinx). Spu denotes creator and preparer. Ankh is total. A Sp-ankh is the dual-natured creator, the biune being, whether as female-female or female-male (having characteristics of both sexes, androgynous, hermaphrodite, epicene) or human-animal. (NG1) As the ever-coming Repa, Pan represents any reoccurring cycle, but primarily represents the Two Truths and the seven elemental souls of life plus their manifestor as number eight.(BB2)
Pan, as Horus with the lyre or golden harp of seven strings in Lyra Constellation, is the sevenfold one as a divine type of attainment, the octave and the height in music as well as in the building of the heavens. This Horus was the first form of the All-One, or Pan, in whom the Seven Powers were unified in perfect harmony, or in the music of the spheres. Thus Aan and all the others are forms of the All-One God as the Supreme Being and Manifestor in all spiritual and physical phenomena (thus also in climate change). This partially tells us where the word lyric comes from. (AE1), (AE2)
Pan as the All-One, the Everything helps us better understand “pan the camera” “pan in”, “pan out”, “panorama”, “Pan-African” and many more uses. A little more effort to substitute Pan with one or more of its synonyms will provide further understandings, or at least help recalibrate recognition.


The Kem-Sep are Egyptian experts, likely equal to the Rekhi and other words for knowers and scholars.
. Kem-Sep becomes Hom-Sap becomes Homo-Sapiens.
Thus, it the acquisition of correct knowledge of self and all else that makes a human a Homo Sapien, a Khemu-Kap-Aan, a Khemi-Kap-Aan. (BB2)


Khem is born twin, born of two truths, two sexes and two species. (NG1) This also applies to Homo since it is a form of Khem. Since Khem means spirit-soul, it is the epitome of stupidity to say a human does not have a soul. It does no good to try to make a distinction between human and animal because humans are both. Not only is this not a good excuse for bad behavior but bad behavior is the result of bad logic.
Since the basis of Sapiens means truthseeker, those who do not, can only be Homo. However, some of us are barely Homo by default due to physical genetics, but our spirit-mind-emotion genetics and logic works against us because we treat far too many two truths as if only one exists or only one is supreme. This is because we follow the weakest within us and among us. So as a whole, humans are Homo, but not Sapiens.

Homo was:
1. Born Kham
2. Reborn Khem, the virle male of twelve, the third stage of the Sheru. This Sheru is the MaKheru, the true voice and Homme Fait and Khemu. This is the Sabean (Sab-aan) who went in multiple directions by land and water from the birthplace, not just down the Nile River.
3. Reborn as Homo Sapiens, the Khem-Horus Kem-Sep adult of thirty, the Khemi that did not apply to all humans..
4. Reborn as Homo Sapiens as applying to all humans.
5. Reborn as the resurrected Christ Savior Homo Sapiens Sapiens johnny-come-lately not breast-fed babies as the next best thing to sliced wonder bread made with denuded denatured bleached huitlacoche, that when distilled produces a higher octane of destructive privilege stupidity than the Khemi.

Khemu-Khep-Aan is one of the words used to name humans after the female.
Homo Sapiens is the word used by humans to name humans after the male.

As an easy example activity for Sapiens, when we hear any pair or group of words such as Tara, Tiara, Terri, Terrier, Terror, Terrible, Territory, Terra Firma, Torrid, Tori and Story, we gotta get back to being used to recognizing the similarity in sound and spelling, thus in understanding these words must share common roots. Thus begin another line of inquiry as part of the instinctive inherent default nature of what a Sapiens means.