(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)
Quad-ru-ped-al can also become Khat-rep-it-ar which becomes Kha-ter-pit-ar becomes Kha-ter-fut-ar The form of Khat-rep-it-ar reveals Khat-repitar.Repit is the Repa which means to grow, bud, blossom and bear like a tree. Trees produce abundance to support many lifeforms. These lifeforms are repetitions of the two truths. These two truths are the teriu. Teriu becomes Terio becomes Toire, thus the repit and the toire combine to form repittoire.
The repit is the Repa who re-pre-sents. Thus re-pre-toire forms repretoire.
Repit-teriu is the two times, the two truths that can duplicate and multiply infinite times, thus create an inventory of creations from an inventory of creations.
It is also possible that repertoire comes from rep-ru-teriu and kheper-teriu