If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Ta Ta TiTi Ta | Khekhing It Again
Unity Consciousness #2989

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzm of 11)

Due to the broad range of meanings of most words, many words are only explained to the extent necessary for the current message, for I in I's current stage of the journey. TA has been touched upon but is now re-presenting itself for consolidation and higher vibration, thus greater excitation, thus fuller explanation, thus more optimal manifestation. This message is more like TA post-it notes for future reference, like a set of bits, another addition to the toolkit.

TA means give, gift of speech, writing and language, Thus so does the click sound of TCH, earlier KH. As a symbol of rule, divine rule, the click of a whip represents the click (“KH” sound) that is older than verbal speech.
The whip and its KH sound is the Khekh (spirit ruler, spirit motion). KH also means “the title”.
“Kh-Kh,” is the “cluck-cluck” sound of clicking. I suspect this sound is the sound the Khakh makes, the Whekh makes, the Whep makes, the Whip makes, the Khat makes, the Whakh makes, the Akh makes, the Open Word makes, the Spoken Word makes, the Ka-ing makes, the Ba-ing makes, the Bang makes, the Be-ing makes, the Kha-ing makes, the Khing makes, the King makes, the Thing makes.
The name of magic is HEKA. This becomes HETA becomes HETCH becomes WETCH becomes WITCH**, WHICH and SWITCH.
Understanding that Khekh is Whip and Khekh is to create, and the Whip motion makes an early sound of language, then we also understand why we say “I can Whip something up,” when we are talking about creating a meal from scratch. A meal means preparing and combining aspects of nature. Thus when we prepare a food meal, we are Khekhing something up in general and specifically. When we are Khekhing we are Whipping we are Clicking. Furthermore we are Whipping something into shape, the shape of secondary creation, language as one form of whipping creation into shapes, forms and fashions of sounds, words, letters. This goes back to the shape of water and the sounds waters make, as the place where Khekhing kicks off. It is no wonder we say “kick off” when we mean “start” or “beginning.” And this is why, kicking ass, is a big deal because the big ass khekher is God. And asses are always kicked out of favored position. TA DA!.

One of the oldest images on Egyptian monuments points backward toward the equatorial land of the kaf-monkey, or clicking cynocephalus, who was the nature connection and nature symbol for “word”, speech, and language. As it was then, so it is now. So after, so before. These utterances are the result of Aquaria Hapi and Kepheus Kafi.

**Additionally, WITCH may be derived as follows:
UT and UIT is magic. Thus UITA and UIKA is a magic person or the function of magic.
UITA becomes WITA becomes WITCH.
UIKA becomes WIKA becomes WITCH. Now we also see the the namesake, nomenclature and origin of the words Wicca, Wiccan, Wicked and more. Nomenclature is the god-given name of the creature, the creature as another means of assigning an identifier to a creature to keep track for coordination and reckonings. All nomenclatures are water-based, water names. We've at least returned one foot back into the Pool of Two Truths when the meaning of a word relates to water or waters of liquid, solid and spirit essence.

By The Way: Whip is Khip, Khap, Khep, Khop, Khup. Thus of the many understandings this elicits, one is that Khop leads to cop, thus the use of rule and whipping (in many forms) by cops.


TA (TÁ) from TAT. TA, a type, typical, register, drip, drop, deposit, heap, pile up, amass, earth, land, give, take, assume (take over), given, teka, fix, attach, leave, go, go in a boat, “the”, ta or te, article "the" (khe, khi, khu, khiu, she, shi, shu, shiu), gift, knot, tie, wife, corn, seed, offer, write, to cross, seat, bearing, carriage, water of a tear, direction, one of two (also TE , TI , TO , TU ). The pyramid is an ideograph of TA, to give. A pyramid is patterned after a mountain and tree, both of which produce, give abundance. The pyramid shaped tree is loaded with gifts for children.
TAT (Egyptian) is equal to DA (Sanskrit), give, cut, write, the scribe, language, discourse, tell, the mountain, fire, and others. But TEM (Egyptian) means to cut, divide, make separate, and relates to division of land, a district, a village, a fort, a community, a grouping, a total. Tem is Team (English). I suspect the reason TAT and TEM are discussed together is because together as Tat-Tem, they form the word Totem

Notwithstanding Ta from Ka, in a later stage Ta comes from Tat comes from Taht, the word, speech, language, creator, crafter, son of a witch. Taht, the ape, is the later form of Kafi, the ape, both of whom represent the soul of life in the moon, a transformer in darkness. We will understand this power better as we embrace the fact that the moon is a star, thus has star power.

TA can be reversed to form AT which comes from Hat from Khat, the land formed by the feminine lord, thus Kh-Ta, thus Kh-Kh-Ta, thus Ti-Ti-Ta.

T from Ta the Nestling (Ta, land, Variation Ka, thus the ca at the end of Afri and Ameri. Thus the only difference between the two words is F and ME and we know F exchanges with B and B exchanges with M) We also know America is at least Amerita and Kameri-ta. It seems AF in Africa is mother and son, while Ame in America is birth mother and wet-nurse.
UTA , land, earth (Maori) yields TA , land, earth and KI, land, earth, interior region.

TA (Maori) is the Maul tool. TA is the beetle (scarab) and the head of a mallet, the wooden beetle, as well as the name of Khepr. This double meaning of the beetle was Egyptian and English.
MUM (English) is the mummy and beetle.
MAUL is the beetle The beetle, using both ends of its body, makes a circle. A MAUL tool, a mallet or hammer, when swung in a circle, also uses both ends.

TA TA TITI TA is used in music theory, teaching and classes.
A quarter note is called TA. Why?
TA is land and the whole earth is four quarters or four TA's.
The word Quarter is Khart-ter. We also know the whole is also the Khat and Khat also means land and Khat becomes Kh-ta. Thus two branchings of language resulted in one of both being chosen to name a quarter musical note as TA.

Of course, no website found thus far explains why Zoltán Kodály and/or Emile-Joseph Chêvé chose to name quarter notes TA.
One site connects TA to crotchet. Crochet (crotchet) is an earlier Old French word for a quarter note. Crochet is said to mean "small hook" and "a staff with a hook at the end." Crot is a diminutive of croc "hook," from Old Norse krokr "hook," which is of obscure origin but perhaps related to Germanic kr- words meaning "bent, hooked."

Chet is Khet, the Mother God of Letters and Things, thus Music also. Khet means to cut from the whole to form various combinations. Cro is Kra is the claw of Khepr, the beetle scarab, the transformer. Crot is Kart is the whole.
Although crotchet as a musical notation for "quarter note" is from mid-15 century CE, and is named based on the shape of the notes, the earlier African naming incorporated shape, form, fashion and function into one name. Thus when we name based on any of these aspects, we are also using an African foundation. Plus when we name using none of these we are still using an African foundation because all languages have an African foundation. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=crotchet and https://mrssweetapplesclassroom.home.blog/2019/04/08/rhythm/

Family of TA, STA and KHA

ST (Latin, French, Russian) from UST ( Welsh) from ST (Egyptian) from SUT or SET (Egyptian) meaning of stop, stay, sit or stand, from SHET (true, real) from KHET (stop, shut, catch hold, the seat, Types of SET are the rock, stone and phallus.

KHA or KA are also used to express call, cry, figure, stand, stay, rest or be thrown to the earth. Ka is the seat, throne, land, earth, stone, floor, phallus and God. KHA and SUT are equal because Sut is from Khut and Khut is Khat and Khat is Kha. And because Sut is Sat and Sat is Kat and Kat is Ka. And because Khat and Kat are Kt which is ST.

ST (Egyptian) from NG or NGATA (Maori).

PAST and POST from ST with the Egyptian masculine article P prefixed.

Ta, in Maori, is a name for Tattoo, and this, in Egyptian, is to type, with the symbol of an eye shedding a tear—a symbol of creation. The symbolic eye dripping the tear is called the Uta, and the word means health and salvation, a treasury and a storehouse or granary; the health and saving being applicable to the seed. Thus Ta means seed, corn, and to be pregnant, as does the Maori TO, that is to be typing or figuring the child. ( BB2) (see tattu)

The figure of an eye represents sight and seeing, but the eye as reflector of the image becomes a symbol. The eye of Horus is his mother as mirror and reproducer of the babe-image. The Uta eye signifies health, welfare, safety, and salvation, because when placed with the mummy in the tomb it denoted reproduction for another life. Uta is a title of Khem, the one who puts forth or jets out. (AE1)

For next level, see UC#2991.