If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Why Scratching An Itch Feels So Damn Good
Unity Consciousness #2994

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzr of 11)

Like the universe itself and many of its specifications of creation, humans have a lot of nerves running throughout their bodies. These nerves exist in layers, sequence and proximity to each other and all other body components. Many of these nerves are sending and receiving continuous streams of information quite efficiently most of the time. Thus these nerves are working in harmony, symphony, chorus, concert, synchronization, coordination and coincidence despite the different types and amounts of messages being transported.

Because nerves are containers in the form of strings (strands), spirit motion in them causes vibration. Each vibration and set of vibrations (cords, chords) involve frequency, tempo, pitch, echo and rhythm. Some of the information being sent and received by nerves is the result of their monitoring function. Nerves are monitoring many variables internally and externally and letting us and other body components know what type of action needs to be taken, if anything. Nerve wires are crossed; however, under healthy conditions, messages are not crossed in a confused, unclear, misunderstood or logjam way or come to a stop way or slow to a crawl way.
Yet, sometimes a significant enough inefficiency or disruption occurs that meets a “need to check what's going on” threshold. This triggers a wave of secondary motion that either balances itself out and subsides on its own or sends out a variable intensity alert that suggests, demands or requires us to respond and help the system recalibrate.

Thankfully most nerve arrhythmias, when something is out of sync, are easier to correct than human vehicle traffic arrhythmias. One way our conscious mind is notified is through a subconscious “check area warning light” that comes to us in the form of the sensation of itching. Our immediate subconscious response is to rub or scratch the area the sensation is coming from.
Rubbing or scratching creates (adds) motion to nerves that causes those nerves to absorb and incorporate the motion and begin recalibrating in order to reset the alarm to “normal” status quo by resetting the timing of the rhyming of reason (logic). As this is happening, nerves in the near vicinity, due to the flow and cascading of motion, also need recalibrating, thus the sensation to scratch travels from the initial spot and triggers additional alarms for additional scratching in a broader area. Depending on the type of disruption that caused the initial alarm, the need to scratch can vary in duration and sometimes require harder scratching to reach deeper levels of motion discord.
It feels so damn good to scratch because it internally sounds so damn good to rectify and restore vibrational harmony. The conscious mind is being notified that we've “hit the spot.” The body and conscious part of the brain are rewarded with the endorphin enhancing utopian euphoric extended orgasmic deeply satisfying feeling of eliminating the discord so that we will continue to scratch or rub until the vibration harmony is restored and so we are incentivized to do the same the next time. Our body uses the sugar shot treat Pavlovian method to get us to take the necessary action to participate in self-preservation by helping restore vibration harmony and reset all alarms.

Even though rubbing or scratching is basic to many animals, humans have not really mastered it. We all know we can scratch too little or too much or rub ourselves the wrong way into a new irritation. There is a sweet spot of scratching that alleviates the itching sensation, but if we are too focused on enjoying the feel good part, we can keep scratching and start another wave of discord and the need for continued scratching. So though scratching is mostly subconsciously driven, we must consciously decide to scratch or not or how hard or how long.

Scratching is matching is re-pairing is restoring is helping is healing. This is why music can be healing along with the use of other sounds. These sounds speak and reach us on a vibration level. By scratching, we are plucking strings. We are strumming compared to drumming.
This is why motion, movement, massage, dance, work, physical work, exercise and other types of activity are also healthy and healing. They help the flow of vibrations and information. The fundamental purpose of motion is for the continued maintenance of the various individual and collective sounds of motion as the basis of life, existence, creation, health, thought.

Since all sub-ecosystems are a group effort and all creations come from One Ecosystem Source, all sounds must be able to harmonize despite the instrument or activity. All sounds and all vibrations are based on and converted into the earliest commune form of do re mi fa so la ti do and the tau tau titi tau.
And this is why human simpleton climate change efforts won't work because humans create and ignore many vibration arrhythmias, supposedly, in their distorted spirits, for survival. Climate change is about vibrational change, widescale vibrational change, fundamental vibrational change. Therefore, surviving vibrational change requires vibrational change.
All things are timing in time. This is why the greater gods, in tandem with all other species, are scratching the galactic itch to restore the vibrational harmony of this Earth. Woe to them that resist and misinterpret the flow.