If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, July 10, 2023

Khiowa, Kiowa, Iowa | Origin, Definition, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2990

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzn of 11)


Khi (Kha) is spirit-soul, breathing, power, glorious actions, duality, seed, egg, sieve, the whip, rule, govern, screen, benefit, protect, beat, dominate, cover, area, spot, location, place, land, region, rapid waters, make go, quick, birth, “of”, born of, reproduction, representation, paint, white, ceremony, cross of two truths and the child that rises, extends, elongates, spreads with great rapidity.


Lowercase ɑ is an IO united in one letter as the Infinite of a dual nature and number 10. With the O itself, duality attains unity at last in the primordial figure originally imaged by the Ru ꙍ of the beginning, the Alpha and Omega, the sign of the female creator, who was the mouth that uttered the first Word.


WA is Kha, gate, the mine, quarry, inner region of earth or land, the book library and altar, call, cry, figure, stand, stay, rest, be thrown to the earth, seat, throne, stone, floor, phallus, horned, God.
WA is UA is water.
WA from Kha from Khakh, Khekh, Khar, Khart

Khiowa, Kiowa, Khaowa

1. Exemplifies creation as spirit-soul from the black hole, crossing celestial waters and many celestial rivers to populate the universe.
2. Humans from Kharua who crossed the waters from Africa to America as sailors, mariners, navigators to spread and receive knowledge of self.
3. Khiowa from Chichewa (Kichewa), Chewa, Ewa and Ewe. These are the Nyanja, people of the great lake, waters and sea called Ukerewe.
4. From Khefa, Great Mother of the Waters.
5. Kiowa as one who uses learning and wisdom to cross the waters from darkness into light.


The place of crossing the waters. This name applied to a specific location on a river in Iowa but because understanding and attachment to Kiowa was lost, the name was later applied to the entire State of Iowa, which is ridiculous if white Eurasians thought Iowa meant sleepy or drowsy ones.

Hea-Ta or Hia-Ta, thus Kheata or Khiata

Egyptian Atum is the god of the lower world abyss, who equates with Assyrian/Akkadian Hea, the father, in the male solar triad. Hea, the god of learning and wisdom, sends his son into the world as the newly born sun from the deep who crosses a gulf otherwise fixed and impassable. Hea is the male waterer, thus Aquarius. (BB2)
Hea, the God of the Third Region was the repository of all science. The third region is the abyss of the waters. Second was Earth. First was Heaven. Although the third region is called Hell, we can see that the name of Hea is included in Heaven, the first region. Also since Hea is the god of learning, wisdom and science, then the third region is actually Heaven Below and not the dreadful Hell form of the lower half of the circle, the north, the birthplace.


In Egyptian, lUMA is the name of the sea. The sea is so called from its tidal motion expressed by lu to come, Ma being the water; and as Ma, or Mau, means light, and to see. lUMA is also the coming of light. So lum denotes the god as the one who comes, the same as lu-em-hept, who brings the fertilizing rains. (BB2) (NG1)

Info From Elsewhere

Iowa from the name of the native people, the Chiwere. [this is accurate]
Iowa from Dakota AYUXBA meaning "sleepy ones," [this makes no sense]
Iowa from an Algonquian language (Bright cites Miami/Illinois /AAYOHOOWIA). [this is suspect since there is no explanation as to meaning and it sounds more like Sacajawea]
Iowa as OUAOUIATONOON, from a French map of 1673. [Has partial potential since QUAIQUA or QUAQUA is a name of the Khoi-Khoi, thus we can see the potential for a transformation into Khiowa or Kiowa] https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=iowa

Khoi-Khoi are clickers (kakers) and Chikokhe (Cherokee). Chikokhe is the name of a black image used as a fetish figure at Loango (Gabon, Africa). Khe denotes a spirit and Kak is black. Kak was the black god, the sun of the underworld. The Khoi-Khoi call themselves the Black Men after the son, the Red Men (Ava-Khoin), after the mother of blood and flesh; and the yellow men after the moon. Ava being Ama meaning true, thus these were the Namaqua, which likely leads to Omaha. (NG2)

Per a State of Iowa sanctioned study, "Iowa", is unquestionably a corruption of the word "Kiowa," It was also used to signify "Crossing, or going over". When Black Hawk made his raid west of the Mississippi, he crossed the river and subsequently designated the spot as "Kiowa," — the place where the river was crossed.
The sad part is that this study seemed to not go deeper into linguists of language or etymology or even reach the PIE root. If they had, they would have at least come across the next entry from Names & Their Histories.

Iowa from a tribe of Indians called AYAUWAYS by Lewis and Clarke. Iowa is a Dakota nickname said to mean the ' drowsy ' or ' sleepy ' ones. [Again this makes no sense]
Kiowa (or Iowa), literally, “this is the place', is a term used for a camping spot. [close but in the end, takes a wrong ill-informed turn]
The French plural formation was Ayavois [no]
Sliowa, or “slow” river. [no]

Word forms considered on the way closer to truth: Iokha, Iota, Dakota, Khiova, Khiovah, Khiosa, Khiosah, Khoisan, Khiota, Khiotah, Khiosta, Khiostah, Khiawa, Hiawa, Hiawatha, Kiuwa, Kiewa, Hea, Heaven, Kheaven, Heava, Kio-Kha, Khio-Khau, Hiao, Kwei Ho