If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, October 2, 2023

Believe In Buffaloes To Know Breathing Deeply
Unity Consciousness #3032

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The metaphor of Deion Sanders and the Colorado Buffaloes is interesting because it ties into many things relearned during this African Safari In The Spiritsphere. We've already explored meanings of the word buffalo.

Although the football context is used in this message, the information applies to all sports and to all things in life and existence, below and above.
Belief without knowledge is like first without second, God without creation, prepubescence without puberty.
During each cycle of two Great Years, there have been times when human belief and knowledge were understood to be the same thing as two sides of a circle, of a coin, as transformations of each other like parent, child, parent.
We all seek knowledge of self but we begin with belief of self. Nowadays, due to the societies we live in, we think belief is the beginning and end and is enough and is everything.

We can use the Colorado Buffalo football team to understand how this works.
Most high school top athletes stand out above the rest because they are in a relatively small pond, even if they are tops in their home State. Thus their belief in self and in their abilities doesn't have to be tested that much. When the player goes to college, they are now competing with and against top athletes from all over the country, many of which are just as good or better than the player.
Then when that player has to perform in practice and in games, they are not only competing against a team full of top athletes, but also competing against what the player believes about the school, the program, the program history, the coach, top-performing players on the other team, media mish mosh including polls that rank teams and Vegas point spreads. All this information is on one side while the player only has shallow rooted belief in self on their side. That belief is that I am good in the high school arena based on natural ability and a little effort, but I'm not sure in the college arena about my abilities are the amount of effort it's going to take, plus I put too much emphasis on the “star” ranking of players by yet another group of self-anointed authorities that I am supposed to respect. Sadly I do. This can cause players like Cormani McClain to intentionally try to sabotage himself due to self-doubt, even if that's not what's coming out of his mouth.

So in the Colorado Buffalo context some players believe they must not be that good because they could only make it on a low-performing football team. They believe Colorado players are not as good as Georgia or Alabama and that Colorado is essentially the Bad News Bears.
In comes Deion Sanders, coaches and transfers. Despite all this, each player and coach must obtain their own belief from within themselves. No amount of repeating “I Believe” or wearing it or swearing it makes it a seed of belief that can germinate within one's own being, one's own spirit-mind-emotion, one's own spirit-soul soil, so that belief germinates into growing knowledge that unfolds through stages of development and maturity and reveal more proofs to self.
So if those at Colorado and on the team have trouble with inner belief in the first place, then of course those on the outside are going to have double trouble with inner belief of believing in Colorado. But this is the same as the deadly “what other people think.” What other people think of you must be heavily discounted unless the other person cares about you becoming your optimal best. All others ignore. They are self-esteem whores who will sell their souls by doing anything and saying anything to make themselves feel good.

So back to the Colorado Buffaloes. Coaches and players don't fully know how to process all the attention and some of them believe it is just hype, thus they don't apply themselves fully in practice, thus not in the game. And as Deion said, some of them are not used to winning, which I say also means, some are not used to overcoming massive adversity and being a part of something and accomplishing it when you are the only who believes and knows what's inside of you.
Even so, right out the gate, the Buffaloes beat National Runner-Up TCU and then Nebraska and then Colorado State. You'd think players and coaches would now find some inner belief. But not all of them do. I suspect the main reason is that some are weak-minded and subconsciously think they are underdogs because they are not as good as the really good teams. Weak-mindededness allows polls and rankings and point spreads and college names and coach names and past program history to create doubt in self, despite winning the first three games that many thought they wouldn't. Lastly weak-minded people allow “conference play” to mean something greater and more important than it is. Thus belief wavered with Oregon, especially without Travis Hunter on the field. These are the main reasons the Buffaloes got ran over by Ducks.

Now comes USC. The name alone is scary to some folks. California Trojans, Big Dogs with a Heisman Trophy winner. Now the Buffaloes are also without Shilo for this game, so again they waver and severely underperform until the coaches change it up and a handful of players with greater belief in self, make a significant difference.
Imagine what happens when all players have inner belief in self and are able to draw upon proofs already obtained and that are being learned and put into practice.

Belief in you from someone else is good, but belief in self is much better, stronger, more unassailable, thus more firmly rooted within. This allows, belief, effort, process, performance, experience to feed belief, nurture it and develop belief in self into knowledge of self.

In the Africa on this Earth, the Great Lakes Region with its waters, trees and mountains, is a birthplace and a breath place that brings forth the refreshing, the renewal. This breath of fresh air extends all the way down the Nile River Valley, called Egypt and all across Africa. This is why those outside of Africa, referred to it as a place out of which “always something new” came. It is the same way today, but this is disguised, not only in regards to Africa Proper, but also in regards to Africans wherever we are. We are the innovators of belief and knowledge despite being considered the lowest of the low. Proof is what we know is greater than what others believe, and this, always shows, which is why it takes an entire system of institutions to try to hold us down and back, and still we rise, something which the fearful and weak despise.

You don't have to believe in the soul of life in breath, in water, in fire to know they exist because proofs are all around you, and most importantly, inside you. You don't have to be aware you know unless you are in the habit of denying trying lying about the undeniable. Souls of life are the original buffaloes that are emerging through Great Year Spring to bring about climate environmental changes. The status quo got to go. Selah.