If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Buau-Sart, Bogart & Boss
Word Definitions, Meanings, Origins
Unity Consciousness #3041

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Going forward, when it comes to word origins, only rarely will I specify Egyptian because that is the default word origin outside of Africa. Land called Egypt spanned the length of the Nile Valley and crossed over to at least the Jordan (Sert-Ten and Ser-Ten). Egypt went further to the Mesopotamia and surrounding areas under different names that were colonies of Egypt or at least migrants from Egypt. This can be said of locations emanating in all directions from the Nile Valley, even as far away as the America's and Antarctica. Even within Africa, Egypt is a later name of the birthplace, thus the beginning of all languages.


TEN (Tun, Tan) is land, region, place, to separate, divide, royal elevated seat, cabinet, royal chamber, throne-room, fill up, complete, take account, reckon each and every.
Ten is also the seat of the dead and living Rekh.
Rekh, is a keeper of knowledge. The word Rekh transforms into Sart (Sert), which means to sow seed, and sow seeds of knowledge.
Sart + Ten is Sart-Ten is Sert-ten is Cert-tan is Certain.
To be CERTAIN means you have considered (weighed, assessed, analyzed, checked) all available information, starting with information already possessed.
What is Certain is the Garden where seeds are sown.


In the optimal sense, Buau are chiefs, heads, rulers, captains of the Sarts, the Rekhi.
Buau + Sart is Buau-Sart, meaning chief men of learning, who dwell in the Ten.
Thus the Buau-Sart was also a Sart-Ten who was Certain due to applying critical analysis and critical thinking to all information.
Thus, being in possession of understandings based on information that has been verified to make sense compared to all other information, the Sart-Ten who was also the Buau-Sart, the chief of all the Sart-Ten, would have access to information that not even all the Sart-Ten would have access to. Thus the Buau-Sart would be privy to private information, while those who didn't would be de-privied (deprived).

These, two components: (1) Power, due to being Certain and (2) Privilege, due to having exclusive access, is the combination that can used harmoniously or disharmoniously, virtuously or as vice lords.

From way back, including up to current times, Africans have always shared information, knowledge, understandings to help others. Even the information left behind in the Nile Valley has helped propel the rest of the world. Even the information spread across the world in various forms, are versions of African foundational information, and has helped the world. Even so, some information has been hidden, because the Buau-Sart understands that under certain sets of conditions, human nature can easily misuse power and privilege.

The Human Bogart

Buau is pronounced (Boo-ah-oo).
Buau-Sart becomes Buau-Gart becomes Bu-Gart becomes Boo-Gart becomes Bo-Gart becomes Bogart.
Bogart is the suboptimal immature form of the Buau-Sart.

Bogart means to hog something, keep it all to yourself, take over, make oneself the priority to the exclusion of others. Bogart also means any other word indicating a person who thinks they are superior and preferred due to being in possession of something someone else doesn't have, for instance, being in possession of information, not necessarily certain understandings. Secondly, being in possession of skin color or money or a license or a job position or size or strength or weapon or many other things. To bully is to bogart. Bully is Burry is Murry is Merry is Merru is Meru, Mehru is Kheru, Khiur. In other words, the biggest bully is the heavens, the cycles, the waters, the truths.

The Bogart is arrogant, complacent, grandiose and all other words showing similar vice. Bogart behavior in human form is selfish, greedy and a bully, and is the same as a barbarian, savage, Maafa Racist and a Daffy Duck. Daffy Duck said, I'm a coward, but I'm a greedy little coward. And also said, It's mine, mine, all mine.

In bogart we can quickly see bogus, hocus, hog...

Superhuman Bogart

The Buau-Sart and Bogart are superhuman first and foremost. These Rekhi (Ruti) are workers in stone, masons, polishers, carvers, inscribers, architects, builders, metallurgists of bronze, iron, refiners, time-keepers, teachers of various arts and sciences who only fashion truths and reshape truths. In other words, their raw materials are themselves. They work with themselves and work on themselves. This work is performed in many interconnected layered circles called cycles, creations, creatures, species, animals. The superhuman Rekhi are responsible for the Ages we call Stone Age, Bronze Age and so on. The Superhuman Rekhi are the most learned, most educated and doers of the most, especially home building, furnishing, cleaning, repair and renovation.

These Buau-Sarts are souls of life in their elemental form who manifest in the Heavens Above and Heavens Below (Earth is middle heaven) through black matter, black energy and celestial bodies, all of which are stars.
Star is Sart. Thus, stars, including Moon and Earth are Buau-Sarts, rulers who possess Certain knowledge, Certain Power and Certain privileges.

Sart is Star is Tser is the rock (rekh, mountain) of the galactic horizon where souls of life are resurrected and installed in all circles in the kingdom (Ankh-ten, Ten-ankh, Tenankh, Tanakh).

Sart is Rest is restitution, resurrection (retserekhiun), restoration.
Rest not only means recuperate and replenish strength, rest also means the additional information and understandings needed to complete the whole, the total that fills the pitcher (vase) and completes the picture of two truths.

Bottom Line: Who's The Boss?

Humans can do or say whatever, but they are not the boss of me.
The Boss is the Birthplace, the Bosom from Bes-Am, which means warmth, rising flame, dilation, moving to and fro, and transferring the breathing image of wish and desire from one dimension into another.
BES is also BESS, thus Boss.

Who Is Me? Am is Ma is Me.
AM is god. Thus when we say I am, we are saying, I am God.
AM also means belonging to, thus, I am God and I belong to God.
AM means pertaining to, thus I am God and whatever I do pertains to God.
AM is the mother who conceives, transforms, renews in eternal cycles and forms of circles (producer).
AM is discover, wander, paradise, heaven, grace, favor, charm, pleasing, give, wish, desire, letters and patent (lawful right), devourer (consumer), power of darkness, visible, light, water, mountain, tree, truth...