If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Two-Faced | It's Not About Race, It's About Race
Unity Consciousness #3036

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What we are witnessing are the two faces of the above and below, the two-faces of the optimal and suboptimal, and the two-faces of humans.
Never forget, that worldwide, once white folks were taught how to ride the water waves, not once have they ever missed an opportunity to invade.
When they came to every land, they said they come in peace, but their actions said we don't come in peace. And as quickly as possibly they killed and stole.
This is no different than what is still taking place all over the world, but this message focuses mainly on the USA. Rampant racism is taking place even in 77% white Colorado. You can be certain, if you look at all the facts and statistics, that Colorado is just as racist as every other place in the Usa.
Don't get it twisted just because faces are contorted with smiles to the front and scowls to the back with daggers for teeth.
Not once since the coming to the America's of the Europeans, has there been global support, political support or famous person or star support to denounce Maafa Racism and continue to put pressure on all the columns and supports of Maafa Racism. Not once.

It's one thing to say it's not about race in regards to Deion Sanders and the Colorado Buffaloes, and another thing, I am certain to have installed in Boulder Colorado, all the institutions of racism still working at full steam.

Boulder's Maafa Racism is a microcosm in all areas of life and represents the sicko behavior taking place in all municipalities across the USA and the world.
Two-faced is God-ordained slavery in the God-damned land of the free.
We see immediate support for Ukraine and Israel and send them immediate money and other resources, showing them love, but there is no corresponding vitriol aimed towards the existence, persistence, pervasiveness and chronicness of Maafa Racism that harms and kills in every way throughout every day. Maafa Racism takes no breaks, knows no holidays.

There is no rapid and sustained groundswell of support to end Maafa Racism and for paying reparations in all forms. Yet there is plenty of immediate claiming we need to study it, figure it out, and we're not responsible and we can't afford it and dozens of other hemming and hawing, bend over y'alling, including the lying about awakening, calling it wokeism and intentionally confounding it with critical race theory, a subject area which is about race, but not about race because it is simply about truth which crosses racial lines and cuts through the bullshit logic of racists.

We live in a time where we absolutely claim recognition and obeisance to a higher power, but we don't fully believe it, because we treat that belief as only a fragment of life and not something that is supposed to the overall guidance for all thinking and behavior. In essence we are play acting and being two-faced with our God. Christians, Jews and Muslims are the top three two-faced religions who have no respect for the rights of all creations, not even female humans. But we pity not these females because most of them are Maafa Racists.

Even as we are in the midst of easily observable physical climate change of magnitudes we are not used to, we still don't attribute this to higher powers, but we do believe higher powers are in control, kinda sorta, but not in control of our households, our communities, our schools, our police, our businesses, our military, our courts, our medical industry, our governments, our countries, our daily behavior.
According to the way we speak and think, and then actually behave, there must be a higher power that created Earth, but then gave all power to humans, especially whites and their ass wipes, as the highest power changing the climate of Earth. Pure-ol-dee mental illness.

Because God can't be clowned, the greater spiritual powers of Earth, Solar System, Galaxy and Universe are utilizing the jacked up suboptimal among humans to assist the rise of the buffaloes and reestablish the vari new celestial throne on Earth in Boulder of Color-idu.
This is more easily understand as we spend more time restoring our context to optimal theory along with its definitions and meanings.
The greater gods are utilizing the cards they have been dealt. They are using the imperfect, the suboptimal, such as the continuously illusion-upholding lying through their deceit, media.
The opulence and overspending of people called “stars” is being used to create credibility in the minds of the masses who believe in the importance of these stamps of approval so they too can then publicly support it.
People unashamed to wear Colorado Buffalo apparel, is not balanced by the wearing of apparel denouncing and calling out all forms and incidences of Maafa Racism as the greatest threat to human viability and survivability.
Put a weekly three hour special on television about how Maafa Racism is currently manifesting and how to defeat it, and there will not be nowhere near as many viewers watching, like the numbers of viewers watching Colorado Buffalo football games.

People can claim it's not about race and racism all they want to support unfulfilled needs in their being; however, even as this fakery comes out of their mouths, they still know it is about race and racism.

To claim something is not about race, while making everything else in societies about race, is to admit to being two-faced, thus Jekyllish and Hydeish, thus filled with the logic of being mentally ill up to the gills.
You can't take a single event or slice of life out of life, out of the culture, out of the country, out of the world and treat it differently with a respectful harmonious philosophy, while treating all other aspects of life disrespectfully.
You can't view HBCUs and their sports and their students and their athletes as the lower quality in comparison to white schools, white coached sports, white students and their athletes. And then when those “Negro League” players and coaches come to 'Whitesville” Colorado and perform, then suddenly race got erased due to cheering for a football team and cheering for making money.
Supposedly, we are witnessing a worldwide miracle of racist people who suddenly don't see color and who suddenly purged themselves of putrid logic and no longer think and behave based on color and just love them some Deion simply because he is human. So if you believe this face in front that is a front, then we should also expect more miracles and the racist institutions in Boulder to crumble and be reshaped with balance and justice and make reparations and stop treating all non-Deion associated black folks with the same barbaric racist whip that whips out disparities left and right like 24/7 assembly line to feed the masses of asses who'd rather eat shitty logic and die rather than pull themselves up by their bootstraps out of the shit they created.
Two-facedness is a dominant principle in every conclave in the USA and including in all the “we are the world” places globally.

Even so, as always, the Super Duper powers of the Ages are working this thing in multiple ways for the glory of the true gods who have first birthright of ownership and heirship over everything.

This is about Deion, Boulder Buffaloes and college football, and then again it is not.

It is about the underdog above and below the two halves, the two faces of the circle and the cycle. Right now it is about Winter giving way to Spring and winter creatures giving way to spring creatures. It is about the sun rising higher and higher above the horizon on one side and lower and lower below the horizon on the other side. It is about increasing magnitudes and increasing hours of daylight. It absolutely is about black and white from jump street. Otherwise, why would God say straight out the gates of all about darkness, “let there be light”. And why, throughout all your religions, it is about spirits of light and spirits of darkness. This is why humans are two-faced. Because the universe is two-faced in all forms of every creation. It's called the two truths. The truth revealed, the truth hidden. The truth first, the truth last, the truth dominant, the truth recessive, the truth in front that seems and the truth behind the scenes.

Bonus Bytes

In recent times, humans will speak to the importance of things good or bad and how it affects people that look like themselves. Humans do these types of things in a very limited way, not in a collective way, even though with one face they speak of diversity, while with the other face, they do everything to ensure it's not about diversity.
Superhumans also understand the importance of fashioning things so that it helps spirits that look like them also, so they can come up, out from under who are moving on up to the east side where the sun rises. This is essentially the largest component of climate change affecting the mental, emotional, spiritual, thus the physical in all creations. It IS about healing the world, but then again, it's about killing that which can't be fixed, including that which can, but refuses to help itself by fixing broken logic constipating consciousness.


The Moon is a major mover and shaker of transformations from way back. The moon is two-faced going from full black to full white and half-way through, plainly showing half-black and half-white. Plus that smile on the moon's face turns upside down and moves from side to side. The moonwalk by Michael Jackson is the illusion of stepping forward and actually moving backwards. Two-faced is the illusion of saying one thing while actually saying another. Two-faced talking is the same as moonwalking and can be called moontalking.
Remember an easy to notice example of two-faced America. America is not racist but when it comes to black lives matter, America comes up with all lives matter, blue lives matter, white lives matter. They can't stand it when you assert your humanity and blackness even though they are asserting theirs nonstop as the other side of the face of their culture, their society, their laws, their institutions, their country.
Societies are good at saying they want to see your true colors, then make it primarily about two colors but then claim they don't see color, in some sort of off again, on again voluntary controllable colorblindness of the eyes that never penetrates logic in ways that really matter.

These are increasingly urgent times for Black people to get themselves right with the superpowers of logic and get right with other black folks, while at the same time maintaining the fight against all institutions and people of Maafa Racism while smiling in their face. Black people need to learn the art of being two-faced, use a public face and private face, use a fork-tongue, backstab and use any means necessary because all groups of humans are using any means necessary against us and the superpowers are putting an end to all of this. And if you don't melt, you're gonna burn up as the rising superpowers continue to turn up.

If You're Looking For An Escapegoat, You Will Always Find One In Your Logic

Deion is good for the world; however just because he says, sports transcend ethnicity and also says when you achieve excellence it's no longer about color, criminals should not think this is a valid excuse for them to accept, live with and contribute to the harmful truths of racism.
A second escaperoute will be had by people who think within themselves that it's okay to be racist against those who are not achieving excellence (whatever that means). Truth is, Africans have been great from right now, backing up to hundreds of thousands of years ago and have made this world a better place in fundamental ways, and yet that excellence has not been enough to stop the evil side of the two-faced from spewing Maafa Racism injustices all over the place. Racism has always attacked the highest achieving blacks, especially when they achieve above whites. Plus, racism, being tireless and thorough, always attacks blacks of every level, including in the womb. This is the nature of all out war. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42Jh-6cxIFk

The fly in the ointment of Deion's otherwise perfect logic manifests as a blowflaw in the logic of Maafa Racists. The flyswatter is, it never should have been about race or color in the first place, yet it is so much so, that every one of the ten major institutions, collude and conspire to make Maafa Racism one of their faces. Indecent humans find excuses for their weaknesses and vices, whereas decent humans find reasons to exhibit their strengths and virtues.
When swatting flaws as lies doesn't work, there are nets to catch them woven by the Great Spider and net maker in all forms.

Against HBCUs

Black High School athletes all over are recruited by the misnamed “Power Five” conferences. But if they go to an HBCU, most of them are penalized by the Five White Conferences and also by the NFL. Same goes for coaches. We are supposed to believe that going to a White Conference makes you a better player and better educated, when you didn't even go to a white high school, most of the time, when it comes to black athletes. Color is seen and race is seen as something to exploit and if you don't allow it, the racists collusionists quickly put you on the list, as they do most HBCU athletes to train black athletes not to go to HBCU's.