If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Definition Of Definition, Tefi-Nut-Iun
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3120

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzm of 11)

Concerning the word definition and what a definition is.

1. Define from Def-Anu from Tef-Nui from Tefi-Nu from Kef-Nu from Khef-Nu from Khefh-Nu from Khekh-Nu
a) Extremely short list of words expressing the duality (khiurti) of Different, Sameness, Twiness: An, Anti, Apt, Bi, Bo, Ceph, Cepha, Cephas, Cepheus, Deb, Def, Der, Deuce, Deus, Dev, Di, Dib, Dif, Djeb, Djef, Djer, Djeus, Djev, Djib, Djif, Djindja, Djoser, Djovis, Dos, Doser, Dovis, Du, Duti, Dyas, En, Enti, Entity, Iu, Jeb, Jef, Jer, Jeus, Jev, Jib, Jif, Jovis, Ju, Jupiter, Heb, Hebt, Hef, Heft, Hep, Hept, Hepti, Keb, Kebt, Kef, Keft, Kep, Keph, Kepha, Kephas, Kepheus, Kept, Kepti, Kheb, Khebt, Khebta, Khef, Khefa, Kheft, Khefti, Khep, Khepsh, Khept, Khepti, Khufu, Kof, Kofa, Kufa, Ma, Maat, Maati, Maatiu, Maatui, Mat, Mati, Mb, Me, Nai, Ng, Pa, Seb, Sebti, Sef, Sep, Septa, Sofa, Suti, Ta, Teb,Tef, Tek, Teka, Tekh, Tekhi, Tep, Tes, Tesh, Teus, Ti, Tiu, To, Ts, Tseb, Tsef, Tsep, Tu, Tui, Twa, Twi, Two, Twy, Tz, Tzeus, Ua, Uat, Uati, You, Zeus, Zoser

b) Anu is foremost the birthplace rebirthplace in the heavy heaving heavenly waters at each corner of the circle cycle. Anu (earlier Nui), means primary ruler of the waters that contains specific powers, effects, laws and means of reckoning that repeat in cycles, seasons small, medium, large. Nui is firstborn inhabitants and powers of the waters released as an inundation deluge flood, continuously drip by drip, drop by drop, then eventually suddenly all at once.

c) Khef or Kef is a cave, sanctuary, place of concealment, inner place, ship, canoe, ark, boat, ship, cart, tabernacle, temple, womb, birthplace thus habitat of the child, thus place of heat and light. The starting point, the place of commencement in a cycle circle, the first motion movement in a circle cycle, the first Tep, Step. This is the same as the Khen, Ken, Khenu, Khennu, Kenu, Kennu, Queen and house (Egyptian-English). Kona (Maori), See Kina. Khef and Khen go by many other names such as the Queen of Heaven which is Kef-Nu, Hathor, Cassiopeia, Nut and more (BB), (BB2). Heaven is Heave-N, Heafe-N, Kheafen, Khefen, Tefen, Tefn
Heaven is so named because the first motion is generation, conception, gestation, swelling, puffing, heaving of the womb room. Heaving is an up and down motion similar to the sideways heaving of a snake, caterpillar or inchworm. This is Hefa (Egyptian) and Heaven (Egyptian-English). Heaven means wave. Wave is the same word as Hefa. Thus Waven is born of the Wave. Waven is Weaven is Woven in Heaven. What is Woven in Heaven is Woken. Cannot be stopped. In the beginnings was the Word and the Word Woven was Night- Light that was Spoken. Contemplate the word wave and how we use wave and speak of wave.

d) Kheft and Khefti is the dual form of Khef. (BB)

e) Teft, Tefti, Tef-ti, Tefn-ti, Tefu is the dual form of Thef from Khef

f) Tefi is also masculine, send away, dismiss (BB), (BB2)

g) Tef means dance, drop blood. See Tsef, Tsep, Step, Teb, Tap, Tip, Top, Typ-hen, Tefin, Typhon, Hyphen, Type, Typical, Cabin, Khafen, Tub, Tabernacle... (BB)

h) Tef is the dove, double lioness (Tefnut and Sekhet) These lionesses give birth to the sun. The sun is one of many symbol metaphors to depict many souls of life combined into being a being. Tefnut by any name is the eye and mirror that holds and reproduces and retains the image, pattern, likeness, simile, similarity, similitude of souls of life as one, two, several, many. This is what it means to define, to Tefinu to Tefine to Khefin to Khekh-Nui to enclose, encapsulate, present and express combinations of souls of life in the waters in the kharti circle cycles. This, as we know, changes in cycles, Khefr (for) better and/or Khekher (for) worse. Khekher is Nehkher is Nigger. Khekher (Khekr) is also a name of the collar and necklace and choker and chokehold. Khekh means blood and bloodshed, motherblood, son blood, First Blood, second blood. Khekh is Kak, the god of darkness, who was derided and made sport of when his twin, other half, second self, the young sun-god, the god of ligntness, began to rise from the north pole to the east coast. Nekher is also Naga and Nga and Ank
Tefnut or Tebnut (both Egyptian) later became Neith, Theba-Neith,Thebaneith, Theba-nith, Thebanith, Teba-Neith, Tebaneith, Teba-Nith, Tebanith (Hebrew-Egyptian) when the south was considered the lower half. In these forms we can see the word Beneath. Remember Neath is Nut is Heaven, thus beneath is heaven below as the conspirator to heaven above. Beneath is the heaven of Night, the Night Sky, the Darkness background that allows us to plainly see, stars, planetstars and moonstars. (BB2)

i) Tef is the dark of the eye, thus the eye, such as our eyes contain two mirrors, a darker mirror and a lighter mirror, a night mirror and a light mirror, a black mirror and a white mirror that conspirator to reproduce the true image of what IT is.

j) The first mirrors, eyes, reflectors, reproducers of images were the heavens, the water, the womb, the eye.

k) Khefa or Tefa is the mountain at the top of the world, while Khef and Tef is the mountain at the bottom of the world. Together these are Khefti or Kheft. At first, top and bottom was the same because humans were born at the equator midway between the two halves of heaven, the two hemispheres. This is two Thefts and Thiefs in the night and in the light. Then the hinderpart and bottom became the south, then later became the north as humans moved down Nile (river of water) from the birthplace just south of the equator.
This midway point at the equator horizon is the Khekh, thus Khefti and Khekh originally meant the same thing. They still do, but due to our disassociation disconnection and estrangement due to how we now define THINGS, we are all over the place like ships without power or anchor, thus are at the mercy of the current, currents and current cycles. Current is Karen-t.

l) Khefa or Kefa is the hinder quarters. Khefiu means tethered. The Ren is the tether, tie, cord or noose for an animal’s foot. Ka-ren (Karen, Kher-Ren) is a type of tethering the being, the spirit, the soul. Ka-Ren means to bind within a circle, an orbit, a cycle, a season, a worldview, a country. Ren is to confine, enclose, encapsulate and encompass something, name it, call it by name, heal it, renew it. Kher is the word, to speak, utterance, speech, voice. Thus Ren-Kher is Ren-Dher, Render. After a long while of defining, this leads to Pa-Ren and Parent. (BB)
Stepping back we can hear and see reindeer. Ren is also the branch, horn or thing that extends, shoots out. Rena and Runa (Maori) is to stretch, shoot out, periodically renew. This gives us Rena-Deer, Reandeer, Reindeer, an animal with branching horns which shoot out periodically. Other animals have antlers or horns of this nature. Their names might not reflect his aspect. Antler might be a form of Rena-Ret. Harina (Sanskrit) is a name of deer, antelope, stag. Thus Harina-Deer. Ha is forepart, renewal, transformation, rebirth, green, pubescence. Runa and Luna describe the renewal of the horned moon. (BB2). Finally we can hear and see rein, rain, reign (range), lunge.
The current usage of the term “Green Horn” indicates inexperience; however green and horn both represent renewal and puberty, Thus the newness is second stage newness.

m) Khekh-Nui is the tidal water, thus water that moves to and fro, forth and back, high and low. This is the motion of the Khekh, the Balance and Stability, the Scales, the level and poise, the equinox and solstice, the equator and pole.

2. Define from Tefiu-N from Khefiu-N from Khefhiu from Khe-Khiun
a) Tefi from Tekhi from Khekhiu means to memorize and remember.
Khefiu means tethered.
Khepui is a plural equivalent, meaning Types. This leads back to Khetu and Khetmu that lead to Khefmu and Khefnu. And Khebma. Briefly, Khetmu is the God of Things or Letters. Shu-Ma Kepheus is the elemental-stellar version. Taht is the lunar version. Kadmus is the Phoenician and Greek version.

b) N is Nu, Na, Ankh, birth, nurse, the sign of running water or a single wave, likeness, type.

c) En is Un which means to be, condition of being, by, of the, of, from, born of, out of, into, increase, decrease. En is Ne, No, Na, Nu and Ni, thus we can see many words beginning with these letters and containing these combinations. En is An, the birthplace at each corner. Since An is also Annu.

d) Khiun is born of the four corners and the circle.

e) Khi, Ki, Khe and Ke from Khiu and very briefly mean spirit-soul, khekh, library, figure, reproduction, representation, paint

3. Define from Defi-Ne from Tefi-Ne from Khufa-Ne from Khufu-Nu
a) Khaufeh (cow, female); Khefah, abundance; Khau, scholar of writing and letters

b) UA is chief, only one, mountaintop, dual, mutual (Mutu-Ur, Mother)
c) Mest, equal to Au and Ua, means stibium[khibium, khikhium] which means black
d) Afa (Ufa, Efa, Ofa, Ifa, Ife, Itu) means filled, satisfied. (BB)
e) UTI from Tahuti is the hand, five, speech, Logos, Word of the gods, measurer and weigher. “IT” and TI means to figure forth with the hand. (BB2)

f) Nu, Ne, No, Ni, Na, Un, En, On, In, An, Nu-Nu, Ne-Ne, No-No, Ni-Ni, Na-Na, Un-Un, En-En, On-On, In-In, An-An, Nunti, Nenti, Nonti, Ninti, Nanti, Nuti, Neti, Noti, Niti, Nati, Unti, Enti, Onti, Inti, Anti, Nunt, Nent, Nont, Nint, Nant, Nut, Net, Not, Nit, Nat, Unt, Ent, Ont, Int, Ant, Nun, Nen, Non, Nin, Nan are all forms of heaven, existence, inundation, creation, negation, initiation, cessation, beginning, ending, bring forth, stop... These can be reduced, condensed, consolidated into Ntu, Nte, Nto, Nti, Nta for “out of”. (NG2)

g) Shu from Kefu the lion-god. Shu is Khu. The U is the earlier FU, thus Kefu, Kufu, Khufu, Kafi, Khafi, Hapi. Shu also from Khiu.

h) We can now see Tefi-Nte leads to defense or defence, thus as proven, the optimal defense is an optimal way of defining things. This allows you to turn defence into offense rather than offence. Or shall we say, Tefense, Tefence, Khefence, Khefense, Kheffense. We can see the makings of IU in Khefference and Deference and Difference and Reference and Cross-Reference. We can expand further and see other words such as Confine is based on knitting together means in order to form a container called a worldview that shapes and reshapes everything we think and do and view. We can see Confine as Con-fine as Con-Tefine and Con-tine (neti), that then leads to Continue, a meaning that should be a little clearer now and that becomes clearer as we work (walk) through this message.

Thus our process, method, means and state of how we define things means everything to everything else.

4. Definite from Tefn-It or Tefi-Ni-Te-N or Tefi-Nit-en or Tefi-Ni-ten or Tefi-Neith-en from Tefa-Neith from Tef-Nut
a) Net (Neith) is the netur, neter, netor, netar, knitter, netting. (BB2)

Net, the mother, knits the ark and knits the child and nets the child. Ark (Kar, Art) denotes enclose, tie, weave. (NG2)

b) IT (ID, IF, TI) means to figure with the hand and is a name of heaven, the four corners of the first celestial circle or square, water vessel, the Hippopotamus Constellation. Kefa is first, one, unity, enormous power of the double primitive essence, throne, hinder part, feminine, mother, uterus, bearer, bringer forth. Kefa is also two and double as symbolized by the Great Hippo and Little Hippo Constellations. Kefa is also four corners, five fingers on two (ti) hands , seven stars representing the elemental souls of life, ten fingers on two hands as the double comb (womb). (BB2)

c) TEN is land, region, place, to separate, divide, royal elevated seat, cabinet, royal chamber, throne-room, fill up, complete, take account, reckon each and every. Ten is also the seat of the dead and living Rekh, the keepers of knowledge and sowers of seeds of knowledge.

5. Definite from Defin-It-E from Tefin-Itu
a) The moon, hand (form, shape, transform), five, speech, measure, weigh are IDU, ITU, Uti, Tut, Taht, Tahuti, ID, IT, UT, Thoth, Thought. (BB2)

Thus the only thing definite is that which is comprehensively universal.

6. Word Definition from Tefi-Nit-Ion from Tefi-Nut-Iun from Tefi-Nut-Nui from Khefi-Nuti-Un from Khefi-Nut-Khiun
Definitions affect motions above, below and in the middle. Definitions effect motions, infect motions, inflict motions

All definitions humans use have rootage and origins in the natural world, the circle, the cycle, the seasons the elementals, the primary elements, the mother first, the mothers first (copycats, kefi cats, tefi khats, teba cats, tabby cats, kepra khats, couple cats), the sisters first, the child second, the male second, humans way down the road dead last. Thus definitions based on humans and not accompanied by the natural world context will find you lost, caught and tied in knots in the human net of deaf notions.

How does the definition of each word you are using, fit into Heaven. For instance, how does money fit into the heavens, your heaven concept, your heaven definition. It should, it does.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Articulate Articulate
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3119

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

How do I love thee? Let me articulate the ways.
To articulate is to recount is to count the ways is to enumerate, list, express, delineate the ways.
To love is to Meru, Kheru, Khiur, Rukha, Repa, Life, repeatedly give that which supports the dynamic balance of unity consciousness and ever-coming ever-going breathing, flowing, agile, stable, fixed, rigid, flexible, variable, involuntary, voluntary existence.

In current English usage, articulate, a descriptive action word, generally means speak, explain.
Another usage, articulate, a descriptive quality word, generally means very well spoken as though coming from a place of healthy intelligence and healthy education.

At this point in our safari, we know articulate is based on the natural world, not on humans, especially not those who have lost their ever-loving minds as evidenced by hating themselves as evidenced by hating others just because those creations don't suit their fancy fantasy island called mine, mine, all mine.

1. Articulate is Kar-Ticu-Late and Khar-Ticu-Late
a) Briefly, Khar is circle, word, pair, whole, complete, total, voice, speech, utterance
Khar is Kher is Rekh is Ret is Let as in Let-Ter is Letter. Ter from Ret from Rekh from Kher or Khar. In order to articulate, a form of expression is needed along with a mode of expression. One way is to speak or write or gesture using letters, thus words.
The AR in Khar or Khart is the eye, the child, the cycle of repeating periods of conceiving and making the likeness of the root directory source which first manifested as the feminine revealed, masculine hidden. Thus recycling, re-conceiving and remaking, thus rebirth, reborn, born again and reincarnating.
Khar is Fhar is Fear is Fare is Fire is Fhar-word, Firewood, Kharword, Kharwood. Wood from Khaut or Kaut or Khauit or Khau from Khiuti. In addition to Kha is Fish, Kha is Wood.

b) Kheft, the hinder quarter, the north, the underworld, the well of source, is also the mine. Kheft, The Khar, was the mine itself abraded in Khaut (wood), the result of the precious thing being Khart (Kharr'd) in the Kafen (oven). Life began in the waters. Water plants were first, dry land plants second. This is enough to account for the same substance of spirit soul as KH to be the basis of the words fish and wood or Egyptian Khash and Khaut. I suspect, like the first fish were those attached to the shore, wood is formed from bigger heavier pieces of rui material grit sifted through the Khekh Khaûsu sieve that stuck to the grid lines (krit, kart, khiurt, grout lines) and shores of the equator and pole of the first four rivers, that was then baked into less water-agile beings such as bread, crust, earth, rock and wood. The mish mosh mess mass mattera Maat-Kheru.

c) Ticu is Teka is Te-Kha. Kha is the fish and Te means to remain. Tekha would be the fish that remained fixed, attached to the shore. This is the oyster, also called a clam.** Fish is Kash is spirit-soul attached to the walls and reefs of the circle within easy reach of the Khekher, Kherfer, Kheper. Thus we articulate with what we can easily grasp, then we expand to catch meanings further from us, moving about, somewhat elusive and in deeper waters.
Tu the feminine article “the”, thus khem thus tekha becomes khekha. (BB)

d) Late is a form of Ret. Thus it must have something to do with time. A Ret (Egyptian) is a bundle of plants tied up. This indicates Time (Ter, Ret) and season. (BB, BB2). Ret (English) is a plant. Reed (English) is a water plant. (BB)
Ter, the circle, round, to encircle, time, the mover in circles, tide, season, limit.
Ret is a plant, plant, germ, retain the form, grow, root, cut in stone or bone, carve, carved stone, engrave, graven, figure, form, sculpture, sepulcher, write, endure, renew, repeat, repeated, several, bound together, a ring, loop or noose tied to a stake or peg for fastening cattle (see ankh), snare, catch, make fast or make hard and fast, urge, beseech vigorously, steps up, the ascent. Rattu is another form of the word Ret and Reta. (BB, BB2).
This is another way of knowing that graven images take many many forms that we use today. Secondly, what we don't realize is that engrave and graven are the same words that originate with the meaning of “making a ret form (art form) of that which is en the grave (of the grave). Thus you are a graven image, of the grave. To write is to make a graven image, many graven images. Each retter is a graven image.

2. Articulate is Kharti-Khu-Late
a) Kharti is two halves of one circle or two circles or more than two circles.

b) Khu is spirit-soul and so much more such as library and call.

c) Reta from Rut means to retain the form, be carved in stone, a footstool, or a pair of feet, cause to do, plant, grow, repeat. Ruti (Egyptian) became Reta (Sanskrit), which continued to mean produced from the seed, and their likeness was the lotus. The word Lotus is a Latinized form of Rut, Ruti and Reta.
So if you can articulate and/or claim to articulate, you are claiming to be of the same seed as the Reta, the Ruti, the Rut, the Root, the Rekhi, the Kharti, the Khu, The Khiu, the Khukh, the Khiukh into Sanskrit as Reta.
Reta is also Rat or Lath (Egyptian) and Lade (English) which in another sense has a more specific meaning of retain the form of the dead in the burial mounds (tumuli), or retain the memory of the dead in the mass graves and among the masses. This is before there were individual tombstones. These three words are places and also mean plant and make fast.
A bitchification, bastardization and profane socialization use of describing the dead is to call them rotten in the current English sense. Originally, rotten is Rot from Rut and Ton from Tun, thus Rut-Tun.
Reta is Aret is Alet is Alot meaning several meaning a sufficient amount, more than enough, too much, abundance, overflowing. A-Rukh, Rukha, Rhuka, Rhoda, Rhode. This is another way of knowing a Rhodes Scholar is supposed to be the epitome of articulate.
Ter and Ret are the same word. Oyster (Engflish) from Oisridh (Irish) from Ois-Ret from Uit-Ret (Egyptian). Uit, Uit and Uati is another form of Khefti and Taurt. Uat is mother of the waters and two truths of water and heat that form the pearl inside the two halves of the clam shell. Ret means the one made fast, or, both hard and fast. Thus OlS-RET has the same name as the Ruti race, and is literally the bivalve Ruti. The Ois-Ret is the Ruti species, the first fish caught because it could not escape as the Egyptians are the first humans. Tekha is a name for the fish. Kha is the fish and Te means to remain. Tekha is the fish that remained fixed, attached to the shore.
The word Retain is Ret-Nai, Ret-Nui
The word Return is Ret-Urn, Run. Ru-En, Ruti-Rn, Retu-Rn, Retu-Ren, Ret-Ter-N or En
Ret is Rut is Urt (Taurt and Rerit) (BB2)
Ret as Ruti, Reti , Reta becomes Race, as in mankind, as in there is only one Race. The English forms are lede, lude, lithe, leet, people (BB) Perhaps now we can understand the LATE in Chocolate. It might be easier through Cacao that leads to Choco. Or perhaps easier through Khuti from Khu-Khu from Cho-Cho from Choco. Or just look at Kha or Ka that lead to Cacao. All this is to help you and me become a better version of articulate.
So why do we crave chocolate? Why is dark chocolate healthier?
Spirit means being which is based on breathing which is the several repeats of breath in a cycle that itself repeats severally. Thus, though the spirit endures because Spirit breathing endures, this enduring and endurance is based on step by step, breath by breath for a short space of time or a brief emission. Repetition is what matters. Thus articulate also means to be poorly spoken repeatedly.
Discussed elsewhere, ret-ing is writing. Other forms are rekhing, rukhing, rukhinkh, rukh-ankh, Karting, Charting. The Kart, Kartum or Rekhi-khet was the cutter of hieroglyphics. (BB2). Kartum brings to mind cartoon and garden that repeats.
To be able to read and write is to be able to ruit and reta, both are forms of the same word on ruti and its predecessors and antecedents. Read is a form of reta because reta is reed, so you must be able to reed the reed, read what is written, the writer is the reader. You cannot write before you can read. Reading means understanding. Reading is more tfhan letter recognition and pronouciation. We speak of reading comprehension, a redundant term, however our comprehension is not comprehensive (articulate in the full sense).
Now, to be in a Rut is to be guilty of repeating articulations that are not allowing you to ascend to your higher self where breathing and being is better for the Spirit. Instead you are in a Rut but not even well-rooted, because if you were, you would develop properly, thus rise while retaining the form of the seed in a dynamic balance.

3. Articulate is Khiurti-cul-Ati
a) Khiurti is Kharti and makes it even more clear that the four cornerstones of the cross and the four primordials are supreme
Aur is river, inundation, flood, fire, gold, burning

b) Kur is a form of Khur, Kher and Khar. Which include the meaning of black, blackness, dark, darkness, birthplace, source, womb, black hole.
Ru-Kha or Rukha or Kharu for the birthplace and feminine outlet of knowledge.

c) Ati, two truths, birthplace, child
UTI the lunar god, is Taht, Tahuti, Tut. Tut is the hand, five, speech, Logos, Word of the gods, measurer and weigher. “IT” means to figure forth with the hand. (BB2) See Uta for more.

4. Kharti-Khuru-Tut
a) In India the Khuru became the Guru, [adding T likely leads to Griot] a name of the teacher, as utterer of the word of wisdom. Also in Sanskrit Kara is the word, the feminine, or a secret messenger. The Gru, Kla, Lak, Rek, Kharu or Khu is spirit-soul that instructs in the two truths or one side more than the other, depending on what nourishes a person including the nourishment of choices. (BB2)

b) TU (TÚ) from TUT. TU, a type, typical, register, drip, drop, deposit, heap, pile up, amass, earth, land, give, take, assume (take over), given, teka, fix, attach, leave, go, go in a boat, 'the', tu, te, to, ti, ta or ty, article 'the' (khe, khi, khu, khiu, she, shi, shu, shiu), gift, knot, tie, wife, corn, seed, offer, write, to cross, seat, bearing, carriage, water of a tear, direction, one of two, double, dual, cave, cavern, Rubu, reptile lord of two halves; tie, ribbon, band, covenant, feminine prefix
TUTU is generator establisher and restorer of gods; progenitor of gods and men. Tut is male member as the generator. Taht (or Tut) is the generator personified; Tut means speech, to speak, utter, be the tongue or mouth of utterance. Taht was the lord of Smen, the place of establishing gods, the circle and of the son in the place of the father. (BB2)

5. Khar-Tek-Ur-Itu, Teka-Ritu
a) Tek means to cross, twist, twine, cut, join, link, connect, bond, bind, tie, cleave, adhere, attach, fix, touch, mix, multiply intertwine; and Tek,Tekh or Taht is the soul of life of speech, writing, measuring, weighing.

b) Itu (Idu) is the moon and the name of the hand. Uti from Tahuti is the lunar god, Taht or Tut. Tut is also another of many names for the hand. See Uti and Ati

c) Ritu,writing, time, season, epoch, period, appointed times of repetition, menstruation. (Sanskrit) (BB)
Kal (Sanskrit) means to announce the time, count, reckon, voice, word, messenger or feminine logos Kala or Kara is a space of time, a period, a fixed or proper time, menstruation. One form is the Ritu-Kala, or season of the menstrual course. The womb or uterus is the utterer forth, the kalana [corona]. This corona speaks in a mournful voice as if from light when darkness becomes moist and smoky. Then from that light a certain holy word spoke, combining with the first. (NG2) Ritu-Ar is Ritual.

d) Retu or Retuu means sanies, unclean, corrupt, filthy, filthy in blood, time, repetition. (BB2), (NG2)

6. The Ar & Art Of Articulate, Further Expanded
a) Ar from Har from Khar, speech, to speak, voice, child, son, word. Arth-ar (Author, Arthur) is the speech or utterance of the Bear. (Ba-ar, Ba-er, Ba-ur)

b) The word Kart does double duty. The terminal T may denote two halves, two wholes or one half or one whole. At times, the lower half of the circle is the Kar (Kart, Kert). The upper half is the Har (Hart, Hert). Although both Kart and Hart lead to Art, Art becomes the upper, the above, the ascent, the steep, the height. Kart remains the lower, below, descent, the steep, the depth. Art (Egyptian) becomes Ard (Irish) becomes Alt (Welsh), thus Altitude. Ard permutes with Rad permutes with Ret, the ascent, height and helps form the word ridge (rudge).

c) The Irish Ard as the height is the Mount of the Great Mother Macha, the constellation called Great Bear, Ursa Major, Urt, Ard-Macha (Armagh) as in Armagh-Aten, Armageddon and Magh-Ar and Maker, and whose name of Arth is that of the Great Bear. Thus also, Armageddon has an earlier form in Khart-Makh-Ut-Tun and Khar-Ma-Khekh-Tun and everything to do with mother constellations and son (sun) constellations, thus our Sun Ecosystem changing seasons, changing climates. Normal reoccurences.

d) Art becomes the word Old in the lower Kart sense or whole Khart sense. Art-Ar becomes Old-Ar becomes Older becomes Elder. Old is also Auld. So please keep singing, Auld Lang Syne and invoke the Alcheringa.

e) Ar-t, is deed, form
Ar is water. Milk is water formed by deed, transformed. Milk is Art (Ar-ed), a deed formed. Milk is liquid made, generated, formed, transformed for the child, whose name, like the parent, is also Ar. If we go back we can see the water is Khar that is Khart (Kharred in the Hearth, Hart to form Milk heated and cooled in the family jewels). Milk is Mart is Malt is Malt Ichor becomes the profane version called Malt Liquor.
Milk is from Murk from Niurkh from Khiurn from Kh-Niur (fire water) containg Nuirkh (dirt, soil, soul, mes, mass, matter, all essences, esse-nce, khessences). And we don't wonder why a magazine, in seasons and times like these, was called Essence. “... the founders aimed to have the title reflect the gem-like beauty and resilience of Black women.” In this we see Khem, Kham, beauty, three words, if properly searched, will reveal greater truths and workings of the Maker.
Art as milk becomes All (Gaelic) as milk, the white or wan water, can water, canned water, Khan water. Khan is a vessel containing that which is inward, interior, hidden. (BB)
Art is milk, white, and a neck-chain, necklace., neck-reta. [This must be Art as the upper half, height]
Considering our current understanding of what ART is, we can now see the original meaning of Art is that which is made, conceived, formed, transformed and retains the image in the sense of Rut and Ret. Art is not something humans created or something humans are the best at or is something human that is better than primary creation art. (BB2) We are still talking about what it means to be articulate in a fuller, better rooted sense. Art and Ar also mean eye, thus circle and vision of the Ba-Khartar Ba-Holder, Beholder. For extra emphasis we can replace Bakha with Pukha, Vicar, Makha, Nakha, Sakhu, Tekha, Khekhi, Khikhi.

f) Art and Uri are names of the Inundation. Thus a component of Armageddon.
Ure (English) means use, custom, practice from Ur (Egyptian) the first great, oldest, principal. Ured means to be fortunate, that is, fruitful. Urt (Egyptian) is to be gentle, meek, peaceful, bearing, pregnant, maternity, luck, fortune.

g) The pregnant hippopotamus breasts are Udders (English) from a rearrangement of Ur-Teti (great teats, tits, titties, breasts). We know the Great Mother is on the rise due to emphasis on butts and breasts. Udder most likely also from Urt-Ar. Udder and Utter and Uter are equal and mean the place and release of the word. Ut-Ar is part of many words, two of which Are Mut-ar and Put-Ar. Mother and Father who are the place and release of the word as seed and as nutrients for the four inseparable aspects of self. We can see that Uter as a form of Urt, the bearer, leads to Uber. And quite possibly to the word Over as a form of Art, the height. This then must lead also to the word Under for opposite balancing articulating reasons. Uter-N adds the water, repetition and nuter, ruten, neteru below to the Air, repetition and neters Above, thus understanding is based on the waters and the below, while overstanding is based on air and the above. We go further to see that under is uner is iner is inner. Under is Uter is Oter is Outer and Other. Thus unother is another coming from the udder, the utterer and birthplace. (BB). It is noted that I like Big Butts by Sir Mix-A-Lot is by Tser, the seat, throne hind end (back, bekh) and AS who mixes a lot. Each half of a circle cycle is a back and butt. Also all celestial bodies known as planets, moons and stars are butts, the bigger butts are the constellations such as planets and their moons, and all star constellations, including our solar system.

h) Utter is otter. On their back floating in the water, an otter opens oysters. Do not be deceived by your current understanding of an otter. An otter is the opener. The potter is the one who forms, as the waters forms the oyster shell that forms the oyster flesh who takes a seed of mes and forms the pearl.

i) Uber is not only one who carries, but one who carries many, plenty, the supreme epitome of the carrier. We can see Uber is a form of Meru and a part of liberty and puberty or shall we say luberty and piberty? Much more can be articulated regarding Uber, starting with changing U to E, O, I, A, Y. This might be put forth in a later message under its own name.

j) Though Urt is the gentle, peaceful, meek, be not deceived by this portion of the definition. Urt is tied to Kart which in one sense is the dark and silent, while in another sense, Kart means a cataract. the strong typical force. Cataract might lead to Qatar, as does Hathor as Katar, Kat-Ar, Khatar, Khat-Ar. When the inner and above cataracts are opened, we get counteract and Khiunteract and Khiunt-Erupt and... Bring on the heavenly waters of Nut and Nun. (BB). Art is Ark is Urt and also means bearer... of good news and bad nui, Khut nui and But nui. In other words, Great Mother Urt or Urta or Reta is Reta-Ble, capable of producing a litter (retter) of many. Reta-Ble is Tera-Ble is Terrible. (BB2)

k) Terrible is also possible from Ter-Rep-Ple and Rereterkle (Regrettable). We go back to Ble from Ple from Plu from Vlu from Mlu (milieu, melee) from Slu (Slew) from Tlu from Hru from Khru from Khrui from Khiur. Khru means to utter, give word, notice, cry, slowly drip by drop, then suddenly all at once by inundation.

l) Once again, within this weblog (cutrock), you have even more than enough to go back and fetch what the word Bible means earlier and nowadays. One schema strategy is to make a list of possible word forms. For instance, Bible from Biblu from Bibru from...Once you complete this back to the original consonants, then you can go back to the list you made and separate the letters into different groups. Then you can also rearrange some letters. This is a listening, dewing and tuing process.
Another skhema to be used coincidentally is to write down what a word sounds like. For instance Bible sounds like Babble, Babel, Cable, Dabble, Dible, Fible, Gible, Hible, Jible, Kible, Kibble, Libel, Label, Mabel, Sible, Tible, Viable, Gomer, Kymer...
Stay firm and loose to allow juices to weep and wick out of one firmament into the next.
Another tool of coincidence is to consider the definition of the word you are seeking to understand better. If a bible is the word of God, the what is Word. Word must be Spoken and Heard. Heard is Heart is Hert is Khart is the Circle. This gives us a clue to add to other clues that a Bible must express the circle, the complete word, the complete truth, not just the Kart or Art in a one-sided or half truth sense.
Another approach is to search the internet for “words containing xx” Replace xx with bible, ible, uber, iber, umer. All this is part of the becoming and being more articulate.

m) So the Sphinx is related to Shu and the Great Sphinx is aligned with Leo Constellation and Aquaria-Nut Constellations, thus also with Ma-Shu-Kefnut Constellation also called Kepheus due to being a form of Kepha, Khepa, Kefa. Shu is connected to the hinder-part of the Sphinx, a metaphor for two simultaneous connected celestial events. Aquaria is the hinder-part to Kepheus as Leo is the hinder part to Aquaria as Keheus is the hinder-part to the southern circumpolar constellation that will rule coincidentally, but in front, thus the southern hemisphere and eastern quarter will lead events on Earth for the next 3,000 years, the changeover above almost completed, on earth mummies are coming forth soon to a the-art-er near you per the previews and trailers already released. Mummies are movies retaining the form. By extension, taking up the rear position will be Earth's north and north-west, on Earth as it is in the Heaven of Beginning.

n) We are now reminded that the Great Mother-Sister-Daughter as Ta-urt-Tefnut-Sekhet is a composite of four types: Hippopotamus Body for Water of the north, Kaf-Ape Nose for Air of the east, Lion Feet for Fire of the south and Crocodile Tail for Earth of the west. (BB2)

Obviously the Supreme Being is articulate in every way to create such a diverse integrated set of systems. Humans today are simply verbose in the manner of speaking in sentences full of sound bites that the masses use as a substitute for understanding, overstanding, innerstanding and all-around standing.

The love described in the opening section of this message is Supreme Love that must account for everything in the universe. For us humans, is it possible to manifest, show, express love without being able to articulate love? Especially since articulate means the same thing as manifest, show, express.

**Having already spoken of red bull and now also clams, it is a fitting co-incident coincidence coincide-nce that the new Red Bull commercial speaks of the Venus clam. This is another reference to the Age of Aquaria, Planet Venus, Big Butts and our Sun Ecosystem being reborn into Great Year Spring. Venus is the Tun-As conspiring with Aquaria, thus we should expect significant influences from Planetstar Venus, a Sister Khen-Ut-Ter of the River Inundation [Khuin-Un-Da-Nuti, Khiunm-Un-Da-Khiunm].

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Rhodes Scholar, Oxford University and Hertfordshire
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3118

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzk of 11)

Despite claims attributing the name of the Rhodes Scholarship to Cecil John Rhodes, we can be certain he took the name from one or more Rhode Islands in Africa, the Mediterranean and Eurasia. All of those locations were renown as centers of learning. See Rhode Island, Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings, Unity Consciousness #3117.

After absorbing these two messages, you might as well be certain that the Rhodes family name came from the same source even if they didn't know it. As it still is today, people choose names from any and all inspirations and spell them as they please and change them as they please. The names of all people are African names simply because “Africa is the place” and there are only Africans on this planet. And simply because all words in all human languages are African words, no matter how diluted and deluded in human memory.

According to Britannica.com, Cecil Rhodes was born July 5, 1853 in Hertfordshire, England. He was a financier, statesman and empire builder of British South Africa. He was prime minister of Cape Colony in South Africa and organizer of the giant diamond-mining company, De Beers Consolidated Mines. By his will [to kill black Africans and rape his mother and plunder his parent's house and Big Momma's House] Cecil Rhodes established the Rhodes scholarships at Oxford in 1902. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Cecil-Rhodes

According to Wikipedia, Cecil John Rhodes was an English mining magnate and politician in southern Africa who served as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896. He and his British South Africa Company founded the southern African territory of Rhodesia, which the company named after him in 1895. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Rhodes

So we're supposed to believe Rhodes just happened to have a last name close in form to Rhodus and other variations, and this is believable enough to explain the naming of the Rhodes Scholarship, because in our subconscious we've forgotten there are other possibilities, and in our consciousness, we simply do not ask enough questions and verify the answers.
Supposedly Cecil Rhodes was so benevolent, he valued the highest of learning, while behaving like a total terrorist barbarian pale fox in pursuit of murderous gain by munitions, rather than competition, in the maniacal Monopoly game being played by light-deprived Europeans becoming dis-enlightened by the second.

Plenty enough truths have already been revealed in the previous message. The Rhodes (Rhodus, Rut), the Rothschilds (Rekhi-Kharti) and many other pathogenic people surely must have been aware of African traditions, mythology and eschatology while in pursuit of fortune and fame in order to make names that would superiorily outpace African achievements relayed in all the books they had access to and had already stolen from the Lower Mestrea North Kharua in the Nile Valley and from satellites elsewhere.
At first these truth-starved Europeans admitted to being privy to, cravers of and practictioners of African ideologies. This is plenty documented, even within the catalog of this, her blog. Then to justify their self-hate and abhorrence of personal growth, part of the process was to hide information and rewrite history into a fairy tale from cold ass hell, as they still do today. Original books began to be hidden more and more day by day.

As far as I can tell, Cecil Rhodes didn't name a single company after himself. Hmmnn.

In Egyptian, the word Uskh means a liquid and supplies the river-names of Esk found in England. USKH becomes Ox, as in Oxford, the waterford. This is enough of a clue, but going further we find that Egyptian shows that the word Oxford means much more than this.
The Uskh is also the Hall and Temple of Learning, thus Oxford University is Uskh-ford. Uskh also means, the Abode, the quadrangular enclosure, the square within the circle. USKH also means broad, wide, range, stretch, extend, a broad extended cast round about, cross the boundary (BB)

In 2024, at this point in the cycle of Ages, the incoming northern circumpolar age is Kepheus Constellation, also known as Ma-Shu. In one representation, this is Mother Maat combined with her twins as, Shu. Shu also represents the two truths of dark and light, black and white. Kepheus Constellation is undergoing coronation in order to take the full seat in one of the four Temple Halls of Justice and Learning in one of the four rivers coming out of the quadrangular enclosure. Kepheus is the Corona (Kheru-Ma, Makheru, Makhu).

Creklade or Greeklade, not far from Oxford, is famed in ancient traditions as the place to which certain Greek philosophers came. Both Creklade and Lechlade (rekh lake) in this shire derived their title from these Greeks, Lechs or Leeches. Lechs (English) are Rekhi (Egyptian), the learned, wise men, mages, men of science, physicians, astronomers, masons, builders, metal workers and religious teachers.
In Oxfordshire, there were Uskh Halls, temples of learning, before Oxford University was founded in the same vicinity.
By the way, there is an Isis River is in Oxfordshire.
Cecil Rhodes was from Hertfordshire England and his father was a preacher, clergyman, reverend.

Hert (Egyptian) is the height, the upper land of England. Hertfordshire is the summit of the land. The Grand Junction Canal reaches its summit in Hertfordshire, and descends both ways for Middlesex and the Shires. Hertfordshire is the highest of the counties south called a shire. It is the Hert, the land above, in a double sense (highest in altitude and the upper boundary of the shires). According to Camden, “Scarce one county in England can show more footsteps of antiquity” than Hertfordshire. The highest hill in the county is named Kensworth. Worth (English) is Hert (Egyptian), the highest or uppermost enclosure.

Kart (Egyptian) is an orbit or circle. Kart (Egyptian) from Kar-t (Egyptian). Kar (Egyptian) is Caer (Kymeric) is Car (English). Khart (Egyptian) is further modified to Hert (Egyptian.) as the name of the enclosure as a park or paradise. In England a Hert is as large as a county called Hertfordshire.

How Deep This Goes In Europe and In All Cultures

In England, small pyramids made of gilt evergreens used to be carried about in Hertfordshire at Christmas time. As recently as 1881 CE, and perhaps still today, in the neighbourhood of Ross, Hertfordshire, on New Year's Day, it was/is customary for the peasantry to carry about a small pyramid made of fruit and leaves, which takes the place of the tree. A tree is a giver of life, abundance, resources, thus this is why gifts are placed under Christmas trees, but the significance has been lost. This significance is replace by Santa, a form of Satan, a form of Sut, a form of Sothis which is Polaris in Canis Major. More about Christmas has already been discussed, but here's a smidgen.
The star at the top of Christmas trees represent the Bon-fire or Baal-fire of the Sabean Baal called Phoenix, Bennu and Polaris South of Canis Major that signaled the new year by rising atop the meridian, as the pyramidion or ben-ben atop the pyramid, then later the star atop the Christmas tree. From The Place, an Africa point of view, the center of the Earth, new year began at Summer Solstice in June, thus the birth of Christ and the new year is in Summer, not December in Winter. This was tied to the arrival of the Christ in the waters of the Nile Inundation.
The southern circumpolar constellation, Canis Major and it's pole star, mirrors the norther circumpolar constellation Ursa Major and it's pole star. These align with the meridian twice per year and with the equator twice per year.

In other words many Europeans were well aware of Africa and its teachings. Europeans were proud to learn from Africa and practice what they learned without feeling any kind of way but grateful. That is until they realized how long it would take to become masters so they needed a reason to become the worst people in human history and use any means necessary to acquire what they could not otherwise obtain based on merit, unless you count demerits and de beers as good things.
In other words, in pursuit of gaining the fruits of being Rekhi, instead they became Rukai (Egyptian), the rebels, the culprits, rulers in the wrong. These are the Ruga of Ugogo, Central Africa, who are robbers, rascals and rogues (English). (BB)

To further the point, these are the Rugrats (Ruga-Rats). The Rat is a form of the Destroyer Yurugu (Yu-ruga). Since a Rat is also a hard stone, carved stone and means to plant, cut, form and retain the form, this makes the Rogue Rugrats not the Rekhi-Rats, but instead also the hardheads, hardhearts, hardasses.
Rat or Lath (Egyptian) and Lade (English) in another sense means retain the form of the dead in the mounds and the tumuli, or retain the memory of the dead in the mass graves and among the masses. This is before there were individual tombstones. These three words are places and also mean plant, make fast, repeat, be repeated, several. (BB2)

Monday, May 13, 2024

Rhode Island
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3117

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzj of 11)

In the midst of going back to an earlier last known configuration of commonly used words, I was pushed and pulled aside, led to this place. I used to always ask, why am I here. I was always told, just listen. So this time when my captors released me but stood by watching, I told myself, there must be a good reason why I am here when they know I was busy doing something else. On Khu, they said, “if we are born in hes image then call us by our name...” So I wandered. I listened. And now I continue to do what universes turn round and do.

1. Per “Read More: Who Came Up With The Name Rhode Island And Why?”, according to National Geographic Kids, Italian explorer, Verrazanno, explored the area in 1524 CE and possibly compared the land to the Greek Island of Rhodes. Roger Williams, banished from the nearby Massachusetts Bay Colony because of his religious beliefs, founded the Rhode Island colony in 1636 CE, choosing the name based on Verrazanno's comparison.

[We are expected to believe that an explorer on a reconnaissance mission to case the joint, called a piece of land, an Island, even though it isn't an Island.
We are supposed to believe that information dissemination was so good, that it was common knowledge, 112 years later that the location was clearly marked so anyone would know they were standing on the same land. Hell, you can't even tell the boundary between your land, your neighbor's and the right of way, without a surveyor.]

2. The above article indicates that Rhode Island's official website, says, Dutch explorer Adrian Block named the state, 'Roodt Eylandt,” meaning “Red Island” in reference to the red clay that lined the [Atlantic] shore.

[Here we go again with another explorer, another standard go-to okie doke, like the words expert, science and legal. You'd think between Rhode Island government and National Geographic that someone would do better research. Supposedly this Dutch explorer land robber also chose to call something an Island that wasn't an Island. Verrazanno and Block must have failed explorer school.
Per Gerald Massey in Book of Beginnings, Vol I, English spellings of Island are ait or ey. Thus the word Eylandt is saying Island Land.]

3. Per Isaac Taylor's Names & Their Histories, Providence, the capital of Rhode Island, was founded by Roger Williams and five companions, who in 1636 CE were expelled from Salem [home of the witch hunt] due to their Puritan dissident opinions. [Puritans were just as treacherous as all other invaders]. Roger Williams and them, after wandering in the wilderness for fourteen weeks, were hospitably received by the Wampanoags at a place he named Providence, in recognition of God's merciful providence to him in his distress. [So in one fell swoop, Williams came up with the name Providence and Rhode Island. He was lost, didn't know where he was, but somehow knew he was in Rhode Island.]

4. In another entry, Taylor states, Rhode Island takes its name from the nucleus of the colony, a small island in Narragansett Bay called Aquednek, south of Providence. Why Aquednek [now spelled Aquidneck]was renamed Rhode Island is unknown. Taylor dismisses the Roodt Eylandl assertion. He then goes on to suggest the name may be from the Mediterranean Island of Rhodes, OR from the name of the natives. Taylor then gives his best support to the road connecting the island to the mainland as an early spelling of Road Island, a spelling which appears in 1647 CE on the title-page of one of the earliest books printed in the colony. On the other hand the official order, made in 1644 CE, for the change of name, decrees that the island shall be called ' the Isle of Rhodes or Rhode Island [a giant leapfrog spelling transformation]

[Shouldn't the nucleus of a place be its capital, thus Providence, a place and name honoring God? We are supposed to believe that Aquednek was renamed Rhode Island, then the Colony was renamed Rhode Island, thus the island as a nucleus that governs and guides is Rhode Island Rhode Island, and yet and still Providence is the capital, another guiding governing location. Also why do the people of Rhode Island still use the name Aquidneck Island? Especially if they don't know what it means? New liars think they tell new lies.]

5. In another entry, Taylor states, Rhodes, Rhodis or Rhodos is an island in the Aegean Sea. The inhabitants, called Rhodians, appear in the Judaeo-Christian bible, incorrectly spelled Dodanim instead of Rodanim or Rhodians. [This Jewish-Christian-Muslim bible says the Dodanim were of Javan who was of Japheth.]
[We can add this clue to others that tell us the Egyptian Aethiopian Great Mother Kheft gave birth to the race of Japheth, not an individual person by that name. The name Japheth is a form of Kheft. Japheth leads to Apht, Aft, Ait, the mariners, sailors, islanders who moved north from Aethiopia.]
[We can now also see that the word Eylandt is Kheft-Land and Japheth-Land. Thus Kheft and Japheth are synonymous with Island. Thus our current use of the word Island keeps the first mother and first children alive, keeps hope alive, keeps Kefa alive.]

6. A 1695 CE publication (just 49 years after Williams first named Rhode Island) connects the names Rhodez or Rodes to the Ruteni and Rutena. Rhodez was a large well fortified ancient city in what is now called France. The Cathedral is dedicated to the Virgin Mary [the Great Mother Isis as Pisces, the lower waters of heaven (Nun, Nut). Thus we can now see that the word Island is Is-Land is Isis-Land].


7. Another reference, 1850 CE, regarding the same location in France, offers the spellings of Rhodus and Rhodes. The earliest inhabitants called Telchines, were most likely Phoenicians, [who are descendants of Japheth]. In the most flourishing period of the island, the city of Rhodes, like Alexandrea at the same time, was a place of resort for learned men from all countries. https://archive.org/stream/systemofancientm00anthuoft/systemofancientm00anthuoft_djvu.txt
Alexandrea is Alexandria is the Greek invader name given to the already well-established city of Rhakotis
Rhakotis, Rakotis, Ra-Kha-Tet, Rekh-Utist and Ru-Kha-Taht, are all forms that lead to Rhodes.

8. We are reminded that the original Britainers were the Ruteni. Per Lucan's Pharsalia, Henry of Huntingdon substituted the word Britanni for Ruteni [It is more likely the letter P or B was added to Ruteni to finally get to Brute-ni and then spell it as Britanni and Brittany. Brute and Ruten are other forms of first Great Mother and children. See Prydhain for additional routes to reach the words Brittani, Brittena, Britenne, Brittany and Britain] file:///C:/Users/johar/Downloads/TheChronicleofHenryofHuntingdon_10657555.pdf

9. A 1693 CE reference seems to equate the Rhodes or Rhodus in France with the one in the Mediterranean. It is plausible that these two Rhodes existed and shared many other surrounding names. These two are in addition to the Ruti Island, Reta Island, Rota Island on the Nile River in Upper Egypt and the Ra-Kha-Tet in Lower Egypt's Delta. The Rhodes in the Mediterranean paid homage to the Sun and contained a Colossus brass statue of the Sun. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?cc=eebo;c=eebo;idno=a28561.0001.001;node=A28561.0001.001:21;seq=368;vid=65227;view=text;rgn=div1

10. Rhutani (Rutheni, Ruteni, Rovergne) are names of the Rut people whose city was called Segodunum in France, now Rhodes. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo/A10743.0001.001/1:11?rgn=div1;view=fulltext<
Another reference states Rhodez (Rhodes, Rodez, Rodes) in Rovergne France was the place of the ancient Ruteni (BB)

11. Rodez, or Rhodes, Segodunum, Rhuteni, Rute∣nae, Segodunum Retunorum, a City of Aquitain; the Capital of the County of Rovergne are considered place names and people names. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?cc=eebo;c=eebo;idno=a28561.0001.001;node=A28561.0001.001:21;seq=368;vid=65227;view=text;rgn=div1
[We now have a clue to show us Aquitain, the Capital of Rhodes is the source of Aquednek or Aquidneck, and why this location in the USA's Rhode Island State was also named Rhode Island but is still referred to as Aquidneck and is considered the nucleus, an island within an island, thus the holy of holies]

12. Acquitain or Aquitaine
a) Taine from Tanist from Ten-ast is the Repa, the heir-apparent to the throne of the Divine Mother.
b) Ten is the elevated seat on a rock, the lofty seat of the gods, the Rekh, the Divine Mother, Ast, Hes, Hest, Hesit, Aat. Ten also means to separate, divide in two halves as rivers naturally divided lands.
c) The coronation stone was a monolith (giant stone) erected for the crowning of a king. The coronation stone was called the Tanist.
d) Taine (English) from Teine (Irish), a form that leads back to Tin (Akkadian), meaning Life, to Egyptian forms of Tahn, Tekhen, Tekh, Akh which include the meanings of fire, spark. (BB1, BB2)

13. Aqui, Aquednek and Aquidnick from Akh-Uat-Nakh
a) Aq from Akh from Akhu from Makhu, the sun of the equinox, equator, horizon, spring and fall.
b) Akh is the stars who are the earliest watchers, dead, spirit, white, rise up, water, fire, illumine, creative, virile,, turn round, elevate, suspend, adjust. The wise ruler is the Mage; the unwise ruler is the Mirage. The mirage of both wisdom and rule.

c) Khau from Khuat
d) Khau is liquid essence from the Kau (Cow)
e) Uat is fresh, purifying, vivifying, evergreen, water, way, oasis, heat, gestating, birthplace, air, breathing, sustenance, Number one (1), number five (5) order, transmit; uti, word, north above, Number thirteen (13). Thirteen is the number of female periods in the year of thirteen months of twenty-eight days
f) Uat, from an earlier KHUAT, likely from Khiuti, two enclosures of four divisions, the double source. (BB)
g) Khefti was worn down to Uati or Uti. (BB)

h) Nakh, is the I as chief one; I in the highest form, the royal personal pronoun and and represents all sensing abilities inherent in each creation and all sensing abilities of all creations.. Nakh becomes Nick. (BB)
i) See also Tanis, Thanet, Djanet, Thinite, Tanis

No Logic Is An Island

1. R.I., in brief, is Ru and Ur and Isis and Riu.

2. Rk and Kr represent the same state name abbreviation in the earlier form of Rhode Kheft-land. Rk and Kr represent a cycle of time, seize, possess, lay hold of, imprison. Each of these apply to the spiritual, then the emotional, then the mental, then the physical. (BB)

3. The intentional importance of calling something an island that is not an island is not to be slept on.
a) Isle is itru is ruti is urta is khiurt-Khriut-Chariot-Khar-Uti is any and all cycles that apply to our human portion of space and time.
b) Riu is Lie is Ile is spelled Isle. Thus island is formed from rui-nd which is rui-nt is ruinkh, ANKH (Nkh), the word for life and living. We can now briefly list some of the other words that Ile is, such as I'll, Ill, Rer, Rru, Url, the uniform resource locator to help find things on the Spirit Web.
c) Island as Ait is Ati-land. Ati means King (Ankh), first, chief one, noble. In the form of Aat, the meaning is the child of the mother alone, the widow, separated, solitary, divorced. Plural Aati. (BB1 and BB2)

4. Rhode Island is the fifth colony and thirteenth state. Both of these represent the mother. See Aquidnick above.

5. Roger Williams didn't just give some land a name and it became his. There was cheating, lying, stealing, killing. I've never read a European account written in the USA that told the truth, they are allergic to it and prefer to overdose on sleeping pills and self-estimation masturbation thrills.

6. Roger Williams and his marauders chose the name Rhode Island to match Rhodes, an Island because Williams was religious and knew the African origin of all religions, thus knew the religious significance of the name Rhode Island as it relates to Reta or Rota Island on the east side of Upper Egypt and in the Nile Delta of Lower Egypt. In Upper Egypt, Rhoda (Roda) Island in the Nile River lies between Old Cairo and Ghizeh (Giza). This is the location of one of the two Ru, Ru-Ru, Ruti, Rehiu, Great Sphinxes. There must be other islands up the Nile with the same significance, even if not the same name. There also must be others within this planet and without.
In keeping with this mentality, Rhode Island was among the first and most enthusiastic colonies to resist British rule, having been the first to call for a continental congress in 1774 and the first, in 1776, to eliminate an oath of allegiance to the British crown that had been required of colonial officials. https://www.britannica.com

7. Roodt is rudt is ruti is rut (pronounced root) and does include the meaning of red. Ruti, as humans, have the range of skin color complexions from black to red. Black and red are indicative of the birthplace and mother-blood. Red is the sun in the black of night. Golden is the sun in the white of light.

8. RU is the door, gate, mouth, outlet, path, way, portal, entry, exit, road, and going-place. With the feminine terminal T, Ru becomes Rut, the progeny, race, route, road, rota.

9. Rut permutes with Urt, the chariot, called Rota (Latin); Earth (English). Urt is Taurt, Mother Earth, thus Taurt becomes the word Earth, a chariot of the dead and living.

10. Rut means to retain the form, be carved in stone, a footstool, or a pair of feet, cause to do, plant, grow, repeat. Ruti passed into Sanskrit as Reta, which means produced from the seed, and their likeness was the lotus. The word Lotus is a Latinized form of Rut, Ruti and Reta. The word Latin is a form of Ruten, meaning born of the Rut. Rut and Lud are the same words, just as Ruten and Ludim are the same and mean many born from the Rut. (BB)

11. Rhodes from Roda from Reta from Ruti from Kafruti. This relates to the first Great Mother as Mother Earth and as Urt Constellation, the Chariot Constellation now called Ursa Major. This also relates to the cross and four quarters of the circle. This also relates to the original humans.

All groups of people will do and say anything to deny Africa. Read their official town, community, city, village, country, state, province, prefecture, federal, national, family websites. Go to the About Us section. They all have researchers and universities and people paid to search for name origins. They have the internet just like me. It is common for groups to say they don't know or it is unknown or attribute something to one of their people that makes little to no sense except by repetition nullification. In the USA the self-important favored groups and their wannabes are okay to sometimes attribute things to the Native Americans as long as those Native People don't confess to being Africans who brought with them all things African.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Maker, The Ma-Kheru
Earlier Word Origin, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3116

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi of 11)

Kh-Kh-Iu-Na-Ru is Nakh-Khiuru is Makh-Kheru is Ma-Kheru is Makher is Maker
Many meanings are contained in the words above, a compilation in this message would be extremely lengthy, thus only some is exactly repeated below, while remixes have been added. Nevertheless, all words above have been previously excavated and explicated. Time and space is better spent providing more perspectives as connectives.

1. Makheru is Neteru, Netheru, Nature, Mature, Karma, Kerma...

2. Makheru is Mehru (Meh-ru, Meh-rru, Meh-ru-ru, Meru, Neh-ru, Negro, Cairo) is the birthplace and outlet from the abyss of source in the north above.

3. Makheru is My Cherie is Sheru is Heru is Hero, this, that or the other which appears at the last moment to save the day via upheaval and fulfillment. The negation aspect is the inherent NaKheru, the Nakher, the Knocker who knocks down and knocks up.

4. Nakher is Sakher or Sakh-Kher (Soccer) who khekhs many “things” around, knowingly with purpose of offense and defense.

5. The Mer in Maker means love while the Kher in Maker means war. Thus we say, make love not war. But we don't really mean it. If love is blind, war must be deaf, dumb and numb.

6. Makheru is Ma-Rekhu is Rekhi-Am is Rekhi-On is Rekhion is Reckon. The Maker is the Reckoner and the Force to be Reckoned With and By. Rekh-An is the birthplace of two truths at each corner checkpoint of the circle.

All of us who use the word Maker are actually using the word Ma-Kheru.
Maker has been further reduced to Made.
We have bastardized Maker in ways such as “shake your money maker.” Even so, this phrase is accurate in two senses. (1) the booty, rear end, hind end and behind is Butt, But and Buto the hinder-part of heaven, the birthplace out of which comes resources. (2) Resources nowadays equate to money that defines the rekh and the pur.

In the previous message we reconstituted many forms of the word Change. Now we continue to go back and fetch some of IT in the word Climate.
Climate can be Khrimatu to Khiur-Mat to Khiur-Makh to Makh-Khiur to Ma-Kheru.
Thus Climate Change is Maker Change. We have previously connected birthplace change to Sekhet, as Buto. Sekhet is the Bekh, the Hat-Bekh, the Goddess of Fire in the South and Goddess of Water in the North under such names as Buto, Bekh, Bekht, Bekhti, Bekhit, Sekhit, Sekhet. Sekhet is one of two Bekh Buts (Big Butts) at the front and rear of the Khekh.
When it is very hot, we say the heat was brutal. Brutal is an unconscious subconscious reference to, and acknowledgment of, the Brute as Sekhet. Brute is also a form of Pluto and Polaris South. Global warming primarily due to human pollution is gullible believable when expert scientific minds have been polluting education ecosystems for many generations. Moons will change and Earth's will change and atmospheres will change to help reduce the effects of a warming Solar System.

We come back to our senses to recognize that heat described as brutal is another reference to police brutality murder mentality****. Heat being a nickname for police due to their identity being one and the same as firearms. Thus the heat are flame throwers, as is the Sun and as is the soul of life called Sekhet. All souls of life are a composite of the seven elemental souls of life, a name of which is Khuti is Kheta is Heta is Heat.***
Heat is a Maker in all forms such as fire, light, warmth, spark, electricity, excitement, enthusiasm, anger, fear, jealousy and more.
Notwithstanding the truth that users who are abusers are breakers, this is only partial and temporary.
A more fundamental truth is that the maker is the best breaker, more complete and more permanent.
Likewise then, the Maker is the Repairer when “things” fall apart. Not education reparations from cultures based on degradation that serve and protect the favored group by any means necessary. Thus so do all forms of their police. Thus trusting any of them is like walking into a pride of lions and asking for help with hyenas.

To repair is to remake, thus the Maker is the Remaker, the Remarka of the Pool. This leads to Remarkable. Current definitions of remarkable touch on this truth. Pool is Pur is Mur is Khur is Khiur is Kheru. And by a different branch, Pur is Ple is Ble.
We can now go back and see that the permanence aspect of the maker and breaker makes the Maker, a Magic Marker.
In another sense, the Remaker is the Ru-Mak-Ur. We now see Maker is Makur. In brief form, Mak is ruler and Ur is great, thus the Maker is the Great Ruler, the measuring stick, the lawmaker, the law by way of many lawmakers who outnumber and out-power and out-gun human lawmakers and law enforcers. This is Big Momma, Mack Daddy and Peh-Peh's Kids.

Remake is Remakh is Remikh is Remix. Thus the Maker is the Mixer.
This is either the same thing or opposite of a Makh Up as a Mashup and a Mock Up and a Mix Up.

***Sefa (Kefa) is the goddess of the tides and inundation. This inundation sometimes comes by weeping, dripping to make humid, dissolve, liquefy, purify, heal. Sep, Kep, Sif, Kif, Sav, Kav, Sef, Kef, Seb or Keb is both star and morning, the dawn, the gateway, therefore the morning-star. This is Pisces birth mother who is becoming Aquaria wet nurse. Sefa is also Kepheus. Shu, the soul of life in air, is the son of Ma as Sekhet who is the soul of life in heat and a twin sister-mother to her wet-nurse side as Tefnut, Kepnut, Sefa-Nut. And as Serket in Scorpio Constellation and as Sefekh in the Moonstar of this Earthstar.
We can now show Humid as Shumid as Shu-Mit, Shu-Mat, Shu-Ma, Shu-Makh, Makh-Shu, Makhu Ur,Ar or Er, the Makheru, the Maker.
So stop saying it's not the heat, it's the humidity. You sound stupid to the universe, Weather Channel and local news stations. It's the heat, the humidity, the moisture and the air, all of the soul train line dancers across, over, up, down and through the Makh Line, the Khekh Line, the Line of Light (the Limelight, an intense white light by heating limestone found mostly in water).
By their composite names, it's the Kefa, Sefa, Makha and Kepera (Kefa-Ur).

Shu is Moses, Sefa is Shiphrah (Zipporah, Jochebed, Venus, Lucifer) and Puah (Miriam).
And we don't wonder why Zippo is a brand of lighter, igniter, sparker. The explanation that the word came from zipper, still shows two parts coming together.
In our present state, we have little reason to know that Puah is the mother of Tola (Tolah,Torah, Thuri, Khuri), a warrior-hero who rose to defend Israel and became judge.

****Be certain to understand that Ancestor John Henrik Clarke peeked under the salvation cloaks and holy hoods of all religions and found them to be murder cults. Something which we too can see.. We are missing the point if we don't automatically understand that no religion can be a murder cult unless each and every one of the other institutions in the society are also murder cults. Thus the overwhelming majority of the people are also murderers who condone murder.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

20+ Ways To Change
Game Changers Make Time For Specific Change
Earlier Word Origin, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3115

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi of 11)

1. Khi-Nge becomes Kha-Nge, Cha-Nge, Change
Kha, Ka, Kho, Ko. All of these are from Khiu and mean area, spot, location, place, land, earth, floor, inner region, rapid waters, gate, mine, quarry, library. altar. These words also mean spirit-soul, breathing, power, glorious actions, call (Khar, Kar), cry, stand, stay, rest or be thrown to the earth, seat, throne, stone, phallus, horned, god, Sta, Stay, full stop, duality, seed, egg, sieve, the whip, rule, govern, screen, benefit, protect, beat, dominate, cover, make go, quick, birth, “of”, born of, black, figure, reproduction, representation, paint, white, ceremony, cross of two truths and the child that rises, extends, elongates, spreads with great rapidity.
Nge (Ing, I, Ankh, Nakh) is the most common form of the personal pronoun “I”and represents all sensing abilities inherent in each creation and all sensing abilities of all creations.

2. KH-Un-Khu becomes Kh-Ankhu, Ch-Anghe, Ch-Ange, Ch-Ange, Change
KH from Khi is divine rule, spirit-soul, ankh, sieve, khekh, duplicate, second, two.
Khekh from Khukh, Khut, Khuti, Khu-Khu, Khiu-Khui.
Khekh is spirit ruler, spirit motion, the spark that clicks and kicks in as the first motion in a circle cycle. Thus Khekh is also fire, heat, light,earth, wind, waters, totality of all creations, including liquid essences, ichor (water for pure spirits); Sap (Sa) as magnetic magical liquid essence. Stem coals, sem cells, Khis-stem cells, Kish-stem cells.
Khekh is the balance, the equator, the Hyphen, the Makha, the Maat twinlight twilight zone.
Khekh is also Kick which means to rise up, elongate, spread with great rapidity, great force and unstoppable power to govern, rule, protect and dominate. Thus Kickstarter and Jump-start.
Anger is Angel, the personification of a repeating period, a cycle, a circle, thus is eternal, thus lives forever. The word Angel is also a form of Animal. Animals are perfect representations of goddesses and gods. If this were not true then humans represented as angels and deities would be blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, an unforgivable crime against the rights of creation.
Un is to be open and out of KH. A cycle of time, show, reveal.
Ankhu is in the form group of Nkhu, Nkha, Nkh, Unkhu, Unku, Khiun, Kha, A, Ng, Ank, Ankh

3. KH-Anhur becomes Kh-Anger, Ch-Anger, Changer
Change requires anger.
The Moon is always full at Spring Equinox. The soul of life in the moon gives birth to Taht-Aan who becomes Kafi-Aan, who assists the soul of life in the Sun as it passes through the neterworld underworld of darkness. The soul of life in air, Anhur-Shu, also helps bring about the restoration of the Sun so it can rise at Morning, at Annual Spring Equinox and at Great Year Spring Equinox. The souls of life in the moon, air and sun continue to working together as the Sun above the horizon.
Anhur-Shu assist other souls of life by spreading (fanning and panning) the flames, sparks, heat. Some of these others are constellations such as the Solar System, Polestar constellations and Equatorial constellations. During Night, Fall and Winter, souls of life become refilled, recharged, re-glorified, re-upped, re-uttered by Great Year Constellations, the larger cycles that feed our Solar Ecosystem. Thus the seven elemental souls of life, along with the eight principles and characteristics of everything, adjust how they function Annually (Daily, Lesser Year, Great Year). This then under-girds and causes major climate change shifts.

4. Kh-In-Khe becomes Ch-An-Ghe, Ch-an-ge, Change
”AN” (“ON”) is the place of commencement and recommencement, beginning and re-beginning, birth and rebirth, petition and repetition. Annu exists at all four corners of the each circle cycle. Sa or Sha is to dive into, see, sight, perceive, know, discern the secret (sacred), mystic, hidden. Shaa (Shâ) is the substance born of and denotes all forms of beginning, becoming, first cause and origin.. The substance born of is also the same thing as sustenance. Shannu is the name of a diviner. Nnu (Nun, Nunu, Nuti, Nut) are a handful of many names for the soul of life in water. Nnu means negation, thus “NO” as the first truth mirror image.

5. Kha-N-Khu becomes Cha-N-Ghu, Changhu, Changu, Change
N is the sign of running water or a single wave.
Na (Ma) is waters in the resting no negative, turned off, state of black waters and red blood that cancel death, Na means of, from, to, by, heaven, nature, feminine bringer forth who calls forth out of self into another form of self. Na also means flow and inundation.

This reminds me of a common misconception. Every time we hear words such as Chang, Chung, Zheng, Zhang, Ying, Yang and so on, we think of Chinese, Japanese, Korean as they current represent themselves. These words are simply forms of the word Change which is a form of words originating and consolidating in African languages on the African Continent, just like the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans themselves. Most people don't know the meanings of their names. Even when they think they do, they will give you aberrant answers. You will know this right away because their answers will have nothing to do with the non-human natural world or give honor to their African origins.

6. NKheb-Abu becomes Nkab-bu, Ngabbu, Ganbbu, Chan-gu, Change
Kheb-Seb becomes Kebeb, the female principle out front with the male principle behind. This is the Source, the Womb, the mes-teriu (mystery) of life related to the mystical waters of fertilization, fermentation, transformation, and blood. Kheb, Kep, Kef or Kefa is the ancient place, the island rising up out of the waters. In the secondary form this is the Aat, Khepht, Au, Af, or Khep.
Bu, But, Buto, Buti, Bute, Bu-Bu is the feminine birthplace, womb, belly, abode and dual parent.
A-bu, Abu, Aa-Bu, Aabu, Aah-Bu or Aahbu is the rebirthplace of opening and reawakening the sensing abilities. The letter A prefix adds meanings of first, only one, moon. The letter AA prefix adds meanings of great, trinity, duality. The Aah prefix adds meanings of the moon because the moon assists in the process of change, transformation, metamorphosis.
Abu means to dance, thirst, delight, brandish.
Abu means the hard thing and renewal of fire from the spark.
Abu from Rabu from Rubu, the two halves of heaven, both represented as a gigantic beast and darkness.
Abu from Ngabbu. Abu is the hippopotamus, rhinoceros, tortoise, crocodile, dog, elephant.
Abu is the name of the island of birth that rose out of the waters at the last cataract. A chief neteru of Abu Island is Satet (Satis, Seti) as Mother Earth who copulates and populates, brings forth children, drinking waters and Nile inundation waters. Satet is Aquaria, Hathor-Nut, Neith, Anit, Ma, Mami Wata, Serene Oshun, Tefnut, Sekhet, the goddess of the white, upper white crown, beams and arrows of light, war, darts. Satet is associated with war and arrows as is Shu. Aquaria-Hathor-Nut-Sekhmet-Neith-Anit is also the knitter weaver goddess of needle and thread. This is the likely source of “Across my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye,” a phrase spoken by all circles as they cross the stabilizing poles and balancing equators of their revolution, and receive beams of light energy into their eyes, their hearts. These arrows, darts, needles contain souls of life that are there to check and correct logic, and if irreparable, extinguish the corrupt entity and as the beginning of the end of their anguish. Humans are not the first or the originators or the perfecters of injecting creation with needles, arrows, darts.
The other chief neteru of Abu Island is Khnum. "Khn" means to blow, puff away, breathe, thus breath, air, wind. Khnum is the combination of the motion and the thing, the flowing and the water, blood, breath. This then relates to the foundation of opening and the opening foundation for another cycle and forms of souls of life, rui.
By the way, Satet is the good neighbor who provides relief when disaster strikes. Like a good Neh-ber, Satet Karma is there.

Furthermore, Kebeb is Kebub is Zebub is the Parent of Baal, thus Baal-Zebub becomes BaalZebub and Beelzebub. Thus it is a change in Baal that gets the Sun released from jail, imprisonment in the pale underworld locked in the same box with the pale fox destroyer principle. More fully, Baal is the first stage of the ever-coming one in all cycles. Baal is the first truth and elder twin, the twin of darkness. Thus briefly, every human contains multiple Baal aspects, one of which is you while you were in the womb of darkness, a seed gestating in the powers of blackness. That was your period of BaalZebub (change within the mother).

ShishKebab (from Khekh-Khebeb and Rishis-Kebab) is to align resources at the equator and pole in preparation for transformation. Rishis is one of the names of the seven elemental souls of life called Spirit-rulers, Khabiri, Kabiri, Ari, Arians, Aliens, Khnemu, Akhemu, Rekhi (Rishi), Elohim... These seven are always together as the ever-coming one because they are the seven souls of life fundamental to life. These can be considered to be aligned on a skewer, arrow, dart or needle and transferred across time and space.
Although the above is plausible, a more accurate origin of Shish-Kebob , Shish Kebob, Shish-Kebab is Khekh-Kebeb. Khekh becomes Shish. We know what Khekh means and the letters S, T and SH.

7. Cha-Cha is back and forth motion, and as Khakha, is the same word as Khekh and Check. Thus the word double-check actually means check check which means to check twice and check twice thus check four times which first means to check all four sides and corners. Thus the Cha-Cha again and Cha-Cha two times of line dancing.
Chacha describes the basic Khekhing motion taking place at all equators, the places responsible for maintaining dynamic balance.
Cha-Cha-Cha includes poles and is caused by the influences of the three outlets for the waters of source.

8. In keeping with the form of #2 and #5 above, KhanKhe is KhanGhe, Khango, Khongo, Change

9. Ketanji is Khethanji is Thanji is Change, Double Change.

10. Coptic: Djindja (Djandja, DJ, letters D and J) from Egyptian: Tsi-n-Tsa, Kti-N-Kta, Khi-N-Kha, Khi-Nkha, Khinkha, Khiunkha, Khiukh-Na, Kh-Kh-Iu-Na, the double-khekh (snap forth, snap back) that creates sparks in waters of two truths.
Tsi and Tsa from Tesa from Tsa from T'a from Teka, Tka, T'a
Tsi and Tsa from Set, Sat, Sut, Khut, Kak, the soul of life of darkness in the womb of the first stage, first twin of the soul of life in the moon that becomes part of the soul of life in the sun Sa and Ka is spirit-soul.

DJ from TS written as an accented T, (ť), the two-headed Snake, the double sound of Ts or Dj. T and S are both initially feminine. The double sound is the double-khekh of KH. The two-headed snake represents birth mother and wet-nurse who began as one strand of genetic material that begins to divide in order to differentiate two truths so they can interact, teka (techa, touch and teach) outwardly and cause sparks outwardly that they were causing inwardly. Ripple effects also occur inwardly as part of the feedback cause and effect loop. The snake re-presents the oldest birth-place (mother) and the first born (the child who is the duplicated mother, not the masculine child). The first and second forms and truths of the Only One Supreme Being. Touch from Tiouch from Tuchio from Tucha from Tekha from Khekha from Khekhi from Khiekh from Khiukh from Kh-Kh-Iu.
More directly, but less revealing, Touch is Tiuch is Tiukh is Khiukh.
The crossing line, the equator or meridian is also called Touch (Teka, Teku). Thus to cross the line is to touch the line, interact with the line and cause ripple effects inwardly and outwardly. Touch creates spark, sparks fly when we touch, heightened sensations through vibrations thus Teka (the Kha, the Akh) is a name of sparks, fire. Teka also means to hide and escape notice. Thus what is touching, sparking, starting fires, creating is not visible to the nakhen eye (naked eye).
Spirit-soul as any form of Kha, Khekh and Khiukh, can be envisioned as a line, string, strand, hair, filament, pipe, tube, vessel, fiber, thread, snake, serpent, slice, Strap, strip, stripe, rope, ribbon, belt, cord, hook, barb, wire, vine, cable, wave, vibration, ripple, ray, angle, candle, handle, worm, chain, link, fin, oar, paddle, bar, blade, fork, knife, sword, tongue, tooth, member, digit, finger, toe, arm, leg, limb, branch, reed, tail, feather, cane, stalk, antenna, tendril, spike, spoke, thorn, horn, needle, spear, arrow, rod, spine, tine, point, peak, prong, claw, nail, stick, straw, wrinkle...
What is a moon?
A moon is a celestial body that revolves around another celestial body. Thus Earth is a planet, a star and a moon. The Solar System is a moon of the Mehru Negro Constellation at the center of this Galaxy.
Net is a name of the Moon, the twin total symbol of time. (BB)
Sun and Moon are joined at the hips, the corners of the Kheps. Both are revived at Spring Equinox of the Lesser Year and Great Year. Likewise then, Earth and all other planets in our Solar System, must also be joined at the hips with the Center of Galaxy, thus are revived at Great Year Spring Equinox and Galactic Spring Equinox when the Galaxy moves above the equator of that which it revolves around, an event that takes place at least every 155,920 years. This is the Great Great Year Circle Cycle.
The equator is also called the Makha, the balance, the level. Ma is place. Akh is the horizon. Har-Makha (Har-Makhu) is the sun of both horizons, or the level. Spring equinox is level up, and place of conjunction for Sun and Moon. At this corner and others is the Tser Hill, on which the gods, the elemental souls of life, landed and rested in their ark after being transported on/in the waters across space and and time into another circle, another dimension. This eastern Tser Hill is feminine and now coincides with feminine first Aquaria who is coming around the mountain. (BB2)
Tekh Taht Moon. This section continues to explain the Tekh Taht Moon components of Change in the form of Tsi-n-Tsa.
TU means 'the', cave, cavern, Rubu, reptile lord of two halves, tie, ribbon, band, covenant, feminine prefix, two, double, dual....thus Tulan and Turin. [Rubu might also be lord of two halves of moon as Tutu or T-Utu, the Utu or is this just Taht the masculine principle in pubescent and prepubescent stages]
TUTU is generator establisher and restorer of gods; progenitor of gods and men. Tut is male member as the generator. Taht (or Tut) is the generator personified; one of his titles being “the begetter of Osiris.” Tut means speech, to speak, utter, be the tongue or mouth of utterance. Taht was the lord of Smen, the place of establishing gods, the circle and of the son in the place of the father. (BB2)
UTA repeating period, the Eye of Taht meaning resurrection and renewal, like the new moon. Companion to Uta is Uat, meaning heat and wet as two truths of the waters of life. The water was converted into breathing life by the Mother when in heat, or gestating, i.e. life-making. (love-making because life and love are the same words).
UTI the lunar god, is Taht, Tahuti, Tut. Tut is the hand, five, speech, Logos, Word of the gods, measurer and weigher. “IT” means to figure forth with the hand. (BB2)
UTU is Taht the moon. Utu possibly meaning of Mutual since the moon has mutual light and dark lunations that coexist in harmony.
“A” means dew, water, moon.
“A” the moon, from A-Khu, Akhu. Khu is a light, and a title. Akhu was worn down to Aahu for the name of the moon and the moon-god. Akhu means the illustrious, illuminating, noble, honourable, virtuous, magnificent, their highnesses.
“A” is the Ibis bird cry of “Aah-Aah” (Aah-ti). Aah-Aah is an early name of this black and white bird and a name of the moon because the moon has dark and light lunation
Ahti , the double house of reproduction is a name of Taurt. This connects Earth changes with Moon changes.
Mehi, a title of Taht, means to fill, be full, fulfill, be completed. Taht as Tekh signifies full, and of Hathor the fulfiller. Thus Aquaria changes the masculine moon to masculine feminine.
Ru is the horizon, as the door, gate, or mouth to the Meh, the abyss in the north.
Meh-Ru unites the abyss below and the horizon above. This connects the moon to Scorpio, Kepheus and northern hemisphere constellations.
Tekh is the measurer, calculator, reckoner of truth and the needle of the balance of truth. Thus the moon has a one or more fingers or hands on the scale to tip the balance in the direction of the changeover to the rulership of the “installation in process” incoming Ages. (BB2)
Khepera, the beetle, now associated with forming the circle of the sun, was originally the circle-maker of the moon. Khepr also denoted generation, or an only-begotten; the scarab beetle being typically a creature self-produced, and therefore a symbol of the self-begotten god. (BB2)

11. In all forms, Djandja means touch and touch, two strands of rui touching in the waters that bring about change. Touch and Touch means change, and like the word change, touch and touch is non-specific and applies to any and all types of change. We can now see and hear that Such and Such means the same thing. We use the phrase such and such when we don't know the specifics or we want to be non-specific intentionally because the meaning applies to anything.
Djandja is the Coptic spelling of Change.

12. Djandja Unchained is pent up energy released. Touching has been taking place but the climax has not breached the threshold of the spring event horizon. You should be able to at least hear Django Unchained. Explained elsewhere.

13. Djindja (Jinja, Dji-N-Dja) becomes Djandja. Each of these become the word Change. To repeat, this type of Change and portion of change is moon driven rather than moon assisted.
Jinja is a form that removes the two D's, thus hides and makes silent the feminine first truth.
Jinja” means to give excessive energy to a person or situation, especially through dance via Spirit Khekhing darkness energy and star energy from celestial bodies, groupings and alignments.

14. DJ-N-DJ is another form and helps us focus on the fact that the DJ is a change agent who changes discs, circles, cycles, and mixes them.

15. We can now see the makings of the word Jigaboo from Jinga-Abu or Djebabu from Nkheb-Abu. This is another reason why people are afraid deep in their Psyche, due to claiming to be the Mike others want to be like.

16. Kh-Kh-Iu-Na leads to Shkhiuna and Shekinah, thus is a form of Djindja. Both lead to the word Change. In current English usage and religious texts, nothing epitomizes change better than Shekinah Glory as described by Enoch. Who among those who believe in the Glory of the Lord by any name, doesn't recognize that our Sun is our closest example of Shekinah Glory that we cannot look directly upon or get too close to, and that the Sun is a powerful change agent?

N is the sign of running water or a single wave.
Na (Ma) is waters in the resting no negative, turned off, state of black waters and red blood that cancel death, Na means of, from, to, by, heaven, nature, feminine bringer forth who calls forth out of self into another form of self. Na also means flow and inundation.
Ah is the house of, and means to call, cry, say, speak, utter, announce, make known, bring forth, spark, and signifies renewal and transformation of dinosaurs waiting their turn to return.

17. Shango, the Yoruban God of Thunder, quickly leapfrogs stages in our minds to become the word Change, and with a little more effort, easily becomes Django, thus Djandja and other forms stated above.

18. Tango includes the meaning of two, thigh and can easily be seen to be a form of Change. Other divisions such as Tanga, T-Anga, Ta-Ngo, Tan-Go can expand and fill-in the circle of understanding while pointing to and leading back to the same place. Tinge, the sense and hint that there is “something else” to it, “something else” going on.

19. Big Bang. Is the Big Change. A few of several ways we can reach the word Bang is from Kh-In-Khe or Kha-Nge, both explained above. Big is Mbig is Mikh is Makh is the level where Khekh, spark, fire, explosions of creations originate. We are reminded that Kha-ing means to call and cry out, just as a baby that enters into another dimension. How much more so is the sound made when the universe gestates, swells, goes through mitochondria-fueled mitosis and gives birth to itself?
In keeping with all else we know, it must have been Bang Bang. It is the epitome of going out with a bang and coming in with a bang at the same time.
This is in contrast with humans who use firearms and rockets to create multiple bangs to take life rather than create life. When the next weapon reaches human hands, payment in kind is to be expected.

20. In the beginning, the Word was Light because the Word was this, that and the other, KH-KH-IU, the Spark of Change. Since the first word to be spoke is the spark, spark is spoke. Spoken means of the spoke, of the spark. A spoke is a spike is a spark. Sparks are speech is to speak. In order to speak, something must click.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Africa Is The Place | Earlier Word Origin, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3114

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzh of 11)

All words in all human languages have multiple spellings. Any portion of these words or any combination can provide insight which also depends on the reference materials and living advisors you are using that provide explanations of these word components.
As a starting point, I am dividing the word “Place” into:

1. Places as Prakes or Khriukhes

2. Places as Prikhu or Khriu-Khe

3. Pla-Ce, then Pri-Khu then Fri-Khu

4. Khi, Ki, Khu, Ku, Khe, Ke, Khes, Kes, Kha, Ka, Kho, Ko. All of these are from Khiu and mean area, spot, location, place, land, earth, floor, inner region, rapid waters, gate, mine, quarry, library. altar. These words also mean spirit-soul, breathing, power, glorious actions, call, cry, stand, stay, rest or be thrown to the earth, seat, throne, stone, phallus, horned, god, Sta, Stay, full stop, duality, seed, egg, sieve, the whip, rule, govern, screen, benefit, protect, beat, dominate, cover, make go, quick, birth, “of”, born of, black, figure, reproduction, representation, paint, white, ceremony, cross of two truths and the child that rises, extends, elongates, spreads with great rapidity.
In simple terms we know spirit has to be somewhere, so wherever spirit is, is a place. And since spirit-soul is everywhere, everywhere is a place. Thus the meaning of place begins and ends with spirit-soul. Every place has spirit-soul and is a manifestation of spirit-soul, even when transformed by any creation or muddled by huddled masses.

5. Heaven in recent Egyptian is AÂru (AAlu) with the accented sign which shows it was the earlier Apru, even earlier Afru. Since no initial vowel is a primitive of speech, even earlier forms are Kafru and earlier Kafruti and Kafritae.
ÂÂ, Af, Au, Aau, Kaf, Kef, Kheb and Khab, all signify “Born of the old first place”. The Ru is the outlet, gate, place of emanation, the mother-mouth. Afru denotes the place born of, and from. Ka is an inner land, and Africa, or Kafrica, is the interior land of the human birthplace. “ Aurka” is a monumental name for a country in the south of Egypt. The consonant form is Afrka. (BB2)
Kafru becomes Fruka becomes Place. The meaning of Rukha lost.
Kafruti becomes Fruti becomes Place. The Ka for inner land removed from the meaning.
Kafritae becomes Fritae becomes Placae becomes Place and Palace.

6. Af is the old one born of.
Af includes the meaning of, wring out drop by drop. This is because Af is a later form of Kak, Kek, Khekh. Unknown to Aflac, it is a form of Afra, Afrek. Af from Ak, the name of the duck, the crosser of the waters, just as the Afra is the hidden crosser of the waters. Ka is a short form of Quack. In shorter words, Africa above and below is that which comes forth drop by drop to fill the world which is also an inner land of the solar system.

Ultimately the words “place” and “places” mean Africa above, below, within, without. Africa above is everyplace above, the entire heavens and all its contents. Africa below is this Earth, then it is Africa the continent, then it is Africa as all other dry lands, islands and lands beneath the waters and lands within Earth. Africa is Everywhere because everywhere is a place where the spirit of Khef resides, rules and forms.
Thus changes have, are and will continue to take place everywhere.

There are many place-name words. We have been only trying to explain the word place. Here's an additional short list of other words that frequently describe place as land (cake, bread), earth or country. These words are mostly used as prefixes (articles) or suffixes (terminals), and often both in the same word. Fuller meanings can be found elsewhere. Different spellings, rearrangements and other variations of these known types also apply, but most have not been listed below. You can do it.

Apia as country denotes the first land attained.
Aeria. Aur (later Aer, Aru) is the name of the river. Aeria is the land of the river, araea, or red earth. This red earth is blood matter, the mother substance that forms the child in the womb and that becomes milk to form the child outside the womb. Aeria is a later form of Kharua.
Area is a later form of Aeria. Area is generic for any geographic place or subject of study or location of anything. When we say things like, I can't place it, we are seeking an area in our logic, in our worldview context to recall or fit in information. This is another reasoning why area is place and both apply to multiple aspects of life and existence.
Am, paradise, haven, God.
Ati, Atia or Atiu is a common Polynesian name of the original birthplace equivalent to the Egyptian Aati, Afti, and Khept the second, or a dual Khep.
AN, Annu is the dark land of birth of all.
Au, place or country
Burg, from Simurgh, a form of Ankh (BB2)
Ca. To this point, we have listed all the components of Am-eri-ca. Yes, one of the meanings of America is bloodletting.
Car. This and the entry above evoke California.
Hun (Han) means to rule, rule of whip, flog, territory, field. Ten is place, seat, land. Hunten is the seat or land of whip-rule. Also Huntington.
IA as a terminal is equivalent to Jah, Ahu, Hea, Yav, and Af, the lower sun or Af-Ra, the deity of the deep.
Ing (Ankh, Nge)
IT is place (BB2)
IU, quickly reminds me of Iowa.
Jose from Joseph from Jo-Sif from IO-Sif from IU-Sif from IU-Kif from Khef and Usekh and Sekh
Ma (Pa)
Ma, place
Mes (Muskogee)
Mass (Massachusetts, Mississippi)
Na, water
Opia. Of course Aethiopia. Also Europe (Aer-opia), another place of bloodletting and group of bloodletters.
Qua, thus in equator and Aquaria we can see spirit and waters. Kua, Kui, Kiu, Khiu, Khau
Rat or Lath (Egyptian) and Lade (English) means place.
Ru is the birthplace, outlet, mouth, opening. Ruru is the horizon as the place of the two lions
Ta. T adds the location, place, womb of the child, a residence that belongs to the Parent.
TA can be reversed to form AT which comes from Hat from Khat, the land formed by the feminine lord. Tat
Takh means a frontier, and to cross
Tun (Ten, Ton, Town, Den, Dom) is place, seat, land, an enclosure of souls, dead and living.
“U” as a prefix or suffix means land of or country of
Uta. This and the entry above remind me of Utah and Yucatan, especially Utes (Yutes) often mentioned in old western television shows and movies, and in no way portrayed as Africans by way of Central America.
Ville from Vari, the very beginning, a new order of things.
Wa. This brings to mind Wa-Sh-Ing-Ton for Washington. This will be reinforced in the weeks to come.

All geographic place names fit this list and components listed earlier in this message. This includes general names such as nation, country, region, kingdom, territory and so on. If you don't believe so, and have tried to figure it out, give me the name and I will help you get closer to understanding how it fits.

We are reminded that no primary word begins with a vowel. Thus there are earlier, more comprehensive, forms to place names that begin with vowels.

You have taken on place names as part of your identity, but know not what they mean beyond the superficial and artificial.

The place names we choose as part of our identity hinder or help us place ourselves in time and space, helps us find ourselves, helps us understand where we fit in, influences our thinking and behavior.
Where we find a place name, we can always find a people name. People and person is not limited to human and neither did those words originate as meaning humans. I'm certain nothing originated as human at the root. Humans are the last creation on this planet and thus experience delayed reactions to all other actions experienced by and manifested by other creations. Which is why we are the last to know when it's about to rain or earthquake or many other things that other creations know before we do. On our way from ignorance to stupidity, most humans maintain we are the most intelligent. This is evidenced solely by human-made technology and its use to maintain dictatorships.

If we don't understand place, it's difficult to find our best place, thus it's difficult to be our best selves, except in a warped society worldview. We definitely can't be affluent without being Af-fluent.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Toyota Is Tui-Uta and Tau-Uta
Name Origin, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3113

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzg of 11)

Not all known aspects and variations of Tau and Uta are discussed.

Tui is two mothers, two eyes, two lands, two waters, two heavens, two Earths, two halves, two circles, two cycles, above and below, heaven and earth, inner and outer, hidden and revealed... Thus, by extension, Tiu (from Khiu) also means four as in the four quarters of a circle cycle.

Uta is the repeating period that leads to resurrection, renewal, death, destruction, all things necessary to come up and come down, rise and fall, succeed and fail to fulfill the need-want incentive.
Before human marriage was even a conceived and implemented thing, Uta was the widow mother as the Only One who by herself contains all things within self as the composite supreme being before division into preexistence and existence, then north and south. Once the widow duplicates, the widow still remains. Thus the widow always exists and is the chief manifestor, especially when all else fails and God All Mighty is needed to make a course correction for better or worse. The Widow constantly manifests by shedding tears from her eyes. The Widow wept way more before Jesus wept. The Widow has never stopped weeping (creating). The widow has never stopped creating (cre-ating, cry-ating) releasing riu materials from her eyes and calling them out of self as preexistence and into self as existence. This produces cry babies.
Eyes not only represent sight and seeing, but also function as reflectors refreshers reproducers of the image. The eye of Horus is his mother, the mirror, reflector refresher reproducer of the babe-image. Our humans eyes reflect refresh and reproduce images in our minds, spirits and emotions. Our eyes often add our own preconceived variations to what we are visually seeing. Thus the proven known differences of eye witnesses. Thus also the proven impact of images in any form, especially in book, magazines, newspapers, internet and television. Our discernment filters are so broken, we can't sort and separate into proper logic groups.
The eye is a ba-holder (beholder) and holds the image of the child soul of life, thus the eye is a crib, container, ark, boat, cradle, vehicle, car. The word hold comes from khart, khiurt, khuirt.

Tau as a spelling, and in meaning, is the mirror image of Uta and Uat. Tau and Uat form the circle and cross as one symbol, thus also represent life and salvation in the heavenly waters.
The Tau Cross is letter T or t or + (plus sign) and represents the four quarters formed by the meridian trunk and equator branches. T is also three quarters and nine months of gestation, thus implies the rounded belly, the Ru as the fourth division that sits atop the T and forms the Ankh Cross. For crazy Christians out there, Jesus on the cross is the same symbol as the Ankh Cross. The head of Jesus forms the Ru circle of the Ankh. Thus the mother is replaced by the child. Quit playing with clarity and pretending belief is better than knowing. You have been wearing the same baby-sized emotions still wrapped around your adult self-esteem crying for attention and validation of worthiness that doesn't allow you to grow properly. (NG1)
Letter 'T”, “t” and ”+” are the main letter symbols of four. Each of these T's are a cross that extend from corner to corner across the circle, thus providing the ability to see eye to eye and keep dynamically balanced perceptions. Thus even when a cross of any design is used in any religion, it still signifies, represents and gives honor to the four divisions of celestial bodies, the four feet of the quadruped animal and the four petals of the lotus animal. Yes, you Christians are animists who honor four-footed animals and four petaled plants. You are animists and botanists. Thus, in the totality of your practices, you are honoring the seven elemental souls of life.

For the Giri So plain sightseers, easily recognizable as relating to Toyota as a vehicle manufacturer, is the portion of Uta that means “to go, journey, expedition.”
Go and To Go also have meanings in words such as Ut, Khu, Khi, Tu-Khe from Khetu. Khet, Weta (Makua). Khet, IU, Ta...
It is subconsciously intentional that Toyota's slogan is “Let's Go Places”.
This human version of Toyota manufacturer company corporation, is an imperfect representation of Tua-Uta manufacturer company corporation above. This is due to the suboptimal theory based asili germinating seed and utamawazo worldview context of almost all humans who where born into, nurtured nourished by societies.

Let's Go becomes: Ret Us Khe OR Khetus Khe
1. Let is a form of Ret as in REP, which means repeated, doubled, dual, a cord twisted or tied into a loop. Ret is Rut is Root is Ruti, is repeated spirit motion from the RU, the prolific darkness. Ret is rek. Khet is the first Ret, Thus Rek-Khet could lead to rocket and recognition. Ret as Rut means engrave, figure, inscribe, retain the form in stone. Khetu is the God of Everything.
2. Us from Uskh is the tie, the bond, the connection and all things spirit, khekh, mother, uterus, universe, waters. Us is simply the shortened version of Khu as Ku as Uk as Us. Us must have a form that is IU or Ius IU means two. Us as IU is rehydrated to Iukh which is Khiu, which is four quarters. Thus US based on Khiu is just the four of us, while Us based on IU is just the two of us.
I and U have always meant the same thing but in recent times I and You do not, but are combined in Us but Us means together temporarily in a limited way, rather than meaning together always in all ways, equal in all aspects.
I is the living one, the first who duplicates, ankh, king, thing...
I is the first personal pronoun and shortened form of Nge (Ng-A) or Nga (Ng-AH). Nge is the most common form of the personal pronoun “I” throughout the world. Nge represents all sensing abilities. Since neither G or E are primary, Nge is likely from Nkhu, Khun and Khiun.
3. Go is spirit motion in earlier and later forms of Khu, Khe and Kho. Thus Gho-St is Ghost.
4. Places are creations, all of which exist as circles and cycles that move about within themselves and within other creations. Every place is a location and a creation. Every place is also a person, thing and action. “Place” origin, definitions and meanings will be further explored in the next message.