If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Toyota Is Tui-Uta and Tau-Uta
Name Origin, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3113

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Not all known aspects and variations of Tau and Uta are discussed.

Tui is two mothers, two eyes, two lands, two waters, two heavens, two Earths, two halves, two circles, two cycles, above and below, heaven and earth, inner and outer, hidden and revealed... Thus, by extension, Tiu (from Khiu) also means four as in the four quarters of a circle cycle.

Uta is the repeating period that leads to resurrection, renewal, death, destruction, all things necessary to come up and come down, rise and fall, succeed and fail to fulfill the need-want incentive.
Before human marriage was even a conceived and implemented thing, Uta was the widow mother as the Only One who by herself contains all things within self as the composite supreme being before division into preexistence and existence, then north and south. Once the widow duplicates, the widow still remains. Thus the widow always exists and is the chief manifestor, especially when all else fails and God All Mighty is needed to make a course correction for better or worse. The Widow constantly manifests by shedding tears from her eyes. The Widow wept way more before Jesus wept. The Widow has never stopped weeping (creating). The widow has never stopped creating (cre-ating, cry-ating) releasing riu materials from her eyes and calling them out of self as preexistence and into self as existence. This produces cry babies.
Eyes not only represent sight and seeing, but also function as reflectors refreshers reproducers of the image. The eye of Horus is his mother, the mirror, reflector refresher reproducer of the babe-image. Our humans eyes reflect refresh and reproduce images in our minds, spirits and emotions. Our eyes often add our own preconceived variations to what we are visually seeing. Thus the proven known differences of eye witnesses. Thus also the proven impact of images in any form, especially in book, magazines, newspapers, internet and television. Our discernment filters are so broken, we can't sort and separate into proper logic groups.
The eye is a ba-holder (beholder) and holds the image of the child soul of life, thus the eye is a crib, container, ark, boat, cradle, vehicle, car. The word hold comes from khart, khiurt, khuirt.

Tau as a spelling, and in meaning, is the mirror image of Uta and Uat. Tau and Uat form the circle and cross as one symbol, thus also represent life and salvation in the heavenly waters.
The Tau Cross is letter T or t or + (plus sign) and represents the four quarters formed by the meridian trunk and equator branches. T is also three quarters and nine months of gestation, thus implies the rounded belly, the Ru as the fourth division that sits atop the T and forms the Ankh Cross. For crazy Christians out there, Jesus on the cross is the same symbol as the Ankh Cross. The head of Jesus forms the Ru circle of the Ankh. Thus the mother is replaced by the child. Quit playing with clarity and pretending belief is better than knowing. You have been wearing the same baby-sized emotions still wrapped around your adult self-esteem crying for attention and validation of worthiness that doesn't allow you to grow properly. (NG1)
Letter 'T”, “t” and ”+” are the main letter symbols of four. Each of these T's are a cross that extend from corner to corner across the circle, thus providing the ability to see eye to eye and keep dynamically balanced perceptions. Thus even when a cross of any design is used in any religion, it still signifies, represents and gives honor to the four divisions of celestial bodies, the four feet of the quadruped animal and the four petals of the lotus animal. Yes, you Christians are animists who honor four-footed animals and four petaled plants. You are animists and botanists. Thus, in the totality of your practices, you are honoring the seven elemental souls of life.

For the Giri So plain sightseers, easily recognizable as relating to Toyota as a vehicle manufacturer, is the portion of Uta that means “to go, journey, expedition.”
Go and To Go also have meanings in words such as Ut, Khu, Khi, Tu-Khe from Khetu. Khet, Weta (Makua). Khet, IU, Ta...
It is subconsciously intentional that Toyota's slogan is “Let's Go Places”.
This human version of Toyota manufacturer company corporation, is an imperfect representation of Tua-Uta manufacturer company corporation above. This is due to the suboptimal theory based asili germinating seed and utamawazo worldview context of almost all humans who where born into, nurtured nourished by societies.

Let's Go becomes: Ret Us Khe OR Khetus Khe
1. Let is a form of Ret as in REP, which means repeated, doubled, dual, a cord twisted or tied into a loop. Ret is Rut is Root is Ruti, is repeated spirit motion from the RU, the prolific darkness. Ret is rek. Khet is the first Ret, Thus Rek-Khet could lead to rocket and recognition. Ret as Rut means engrave, figure, inscribe, retain the form in stone. Khetu is the God of Everything.
2. Us from Uskh is the tie, the bond, the connection and all things spirit, khekh, mother, uterus, universe, waters. Us is simply the shortened version of Khu as Ku as Uk as Us. Us must have a form that is IU or Ius IU means two. Us as IU is rehydrated to Iukh which is Khiu, which is four quarters. Thus US based on Khiu is just the four of us, while Us based on IU is just the two of us.
I and U have always meant the same thing but in recent times I and You do not, but are combined in Us but Us means together temporarily in a limited way, rather than meaning together always in all ways, equal in all aspects.
I is the living one, the first who duplicates, ankh, king, thing...
I is the first personal pronoun and shortened form of Nge (Ng-A) or Nga (Ng-AH). Nge is the most common form of the personal pronoun “I” throughout the world. Nge represents all sensing abilities. Since neither G or E are primary, Nge is likely from Nkhu, Khun and Khiun.
3. Go is spirit motion in earlier and later forms of Khu, Khe and Kho. Thus Gho-St is Ghost.
4. Places are creations, all of which exist as circles and cycles that move about within themselves and within other creations. Every place is a location and a creation. Every place is also a person, thing and action. “Place” origin, definitions and meanings will be further explored in the next message.