If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Definition Of Definition, Tefi-Nut-Iun
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3120

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Concerning the word definition and what a definition is.

1. Define from Def-Anu from Tef-Nui from Tefi-Nu from Kef-Nu from Khef-Nu from Khefh-Nu from Khekh-Nu
a) Extremely short list of words expressing the duality (khiurti) of Different, Sameness, Twiness: An, Anti, Apt, Bi, Bo, Ceph, Cepha, Cephas, Cepheus, Deb, Def, Der, Deuce, Deus, Dev, Di, Dib, Dif, Djeb, Djef, Djer, Djeus, Djev, Djib, Djif, Djindja, Djoser, Djovis, Dos, Doser, Dovis, Du, Duti, Dyas, En, Enti, Entity, Iu, Jeb, Jef, Jer, Jeus, Jev, Jib, Jif, Jovis, Ju, Jupiter, Heb, Hebt, Hef, Heft, Hep, Hept, Hepti, Keb, Kebt, Kef, Keft, Kep, Keph, Kepha, Kephas, Kepheus, Kept, Kepti, Kheb, Khebt, Khebta, Khef, Khefa, Kheft, Khefti, Khep, Khepsh, Khept, Khepti, Khufu, Kof, Kofa, Kufa, Ma, Maat, Maati, Maatiu, Maatui, Mat, Mati, Mb, Me, Nai, Ng, Pa, Seb, Sebti, Sef, Sep, Septa, Sofa, Suti, Ta, Teb,Tef, Tek, Teka, Tekh, Tekhi, Tep, Tes, Tesh, Teus, Ti, Tiu, To, Ts, Tseb, Tsef, Tsep, Tu, Tui, Twa, Twi, Two, Twy, Tz, Tzeus, Ua, Uat, Uati, You, Zeus, Zoser

b) Anu is foremost the birthplace rebirthplace in the heavy heaving heavenly waters at each corner of the circle cycle. Anu (earlier Nui), means primary ruler of the waters that contains specific powers, effects, laws and means of reckoning that repeat in cycles, seasons small, medium, large. Nui is firstborn inhabitants and powers of the waters released as an inundation deluge flood, continuously drip by drip, drop by drop, then eventually suddenly all at once.

c) Khef or Kef is a cave, sanctuary, place of concealment, inner place, ship, canoe, ark, boat, ship, cart, tabernacle, temple, womb, birthplace thus habitat of the child, thus place of heat and light. The starting point, the place of commencement in a cycle circle, the first motion movement in a circle cycle, the first Tep, Step. This is the same as the Khen, Ken, Khenu, Khennu, Kenu, Kennu, Queen and house (Egyptian-English). Kona (Maori), See Kina. Khef and Khen go by many other names such as the Queen of Heaven which is Kef-Nu, Hathor, Cassiopeia, Nut and more (BB), (BB2). Heaven is Heave-N, Heafe-N, Kheafen, Khefen, Tefen, Tefn
Heaven is so named because the first motion is generation, conception, gestation, swelling, puffing, heaving of the womb room. Heaving is an up and down motion similar to the sideways heaving of a snake, caterpillar or inchworm. This is Hefa (Egyptian) and Heaven (Egyptian-English). Heaven means wave. Wave is the same word as Hefa. Thus Waven is born of the Wave. Waven is Weaven is Woven in Heaven. What is Woven in Heaven is Woken. Cannot be stopped. In the beginnings was the Word and the Word Woven was Night- Light that was Spoken. Contemplate the word wave and how we use wave and speak of wave.

d) Kheft and Khefti is the dual form of Khef. (BB)

e) Teft, Tefti, Tef-ti, Tefn-ti, Tefu is the dual form of Thef from Khef

f) Tefi is also masculine, send away, dismiss (BB), (BB2)

g) Tef means dance, drop blood. See Tsef, Tsep, Step, Teb, Tap, Tip, Top, Typ-hen, Tefin, Typhon, Hyphen, Type, Typical, Cabin, Khafen, Tub, Tabernacle... (BB)

h) Tef is the dove, double lioness (Tefnut and Sekhet) These lionesses give birth to the sun. The sun is one of many symbol metaphors to depict many souls of life combined into being a being. Tefnut by any name is the eye and mirror that holds and reproduces and retains the image, pattern, likeness, simile, similarity, similitude of souls of life as one, two, several, many. This is what it means to define, to Tefinu to Tefine to Khefin to Khekh-Nui to enclose, encapsulate, present and express combinations of souls of life in the waters in the kharti circle cycles. This, as we know, changes in cycles, Khefr (for) better and/or Khekher (for) worse. Khekher is Nehkher is Nigger. Khekher (Khekr) is also a name of the collar and necklace and choker and chokehold. Khekh means blood and bloodshed, motherblood, son blood, First Blood, second blood. Khekh is Kak, the god of darkness, who was derided and made sport of when his twin, other half, second self, the young sun-god, the god of ligntness, began to rise from the north pole to the east coast. Nekher is also Naga and Nga and Ank
Tefnut or Tebnut (both Egyptian) later became Neith, Theba-Neith,Thebaneith, Theba-nith, Thebanith, Teba-Neith, Tebaneith, Teba-Nith, Tebanith (Hebrew-Egyptian) when the south was considered the lower half. In these forms we can see the word Beneath. Remember Neath is Nut is Heaven, thus beneath is heaven below as the conspirator to heaven above. Beneath is the heaven of Night, the Night Sky, the Darkness background that allows us to plainly see, stars, planetstars and moonstars. (BB2)

i) Tef is the dark of the eye, thus the eye, such as our eyes contain two mirrors, a darker mirror and a lighter mirror, a night mirror and a light mirror, a black mirror and a white mirror that conspirator to reproduce the true image of what IT is.

j) The first mirrors, eyes, reflectors, reproducers of images were the heavens, the water, the womb, the eye.

k) Khefa or Tefa is the mountain at the top of the world, while Khef and Tef is the mountain at the bottom of the world. Together these are Khefti or Kheft. At first, top and bottom was the same because humans were born at the equator midway between the two halves of heaven, the two hemispheres. This is two Thefts and Thiefs in the night and in the light. Then the hinderpart and bottom became the south, then later became the north as humans moved down Nile (river of water) from the birthplace just south of the equator.
This midway point at the equator horizon is the Khekh, thus Khefti and Khekh originally meant the same thing. They still do, but due to our disassociation disconnection and estrangement due to how we now define THINGS, we are all over the place like ships without power or anchor, thus are at the mercy of the current, currents and current cycles. Current is Karen-t.

l) Khefa or Kefa is the hinder quarters. Khefiu means tethered. The Ren is the tether, tie, cord or noose for an animal’s foot. Ka-ren (Karen, Kher-Ren) is a type of tethering the being, the spirit, the soul. Ka-Ren means to bind within a circle, an orbit, a cycle, a season, a worldview, a country. Ren is to confine, enclose, encapsulate and encompass something, name it, call it by name, heal it, renew it. Kher is the word, to speak, utterance, speech, voice. Thus Ren-Kher is Ren-Dher, Render. After a long while of defining, this leads to Pa-Ren and Parent. (BB)
Stepping back we can hear and see reindeer. Ren is also the branch, horn or thing that extends, shoots out. Rena and Runa (Maori) is to stretch, shoot out, periodically renew. This gives us Rena-Deer, Reandeer, Reindeer, an animal with branching horns which shoot out periodically. Other animals have antlers or horns of this nature. Their names might not reflect his aspect. Antler might be a form of Rena-Ret. Harina (Sanskrit) is a name of deer, antelope, stag. Thus Harina-Deer. Ha is forepart, renewal, transformation, rebirth, green, pubescence. Runa and Luna describe the renewal of the horned moon. (BB2). Finally we can hear and see rein, rain, reign (range), lunge.
The current usage of the term “Green Horn” indicates inexperience; however green and horn both represent renewal and puberty, Thus the newness is second stage newness.

m) Khekh-Nui is the tidal water, thus water that moves to and fro, forth and back, high and low. This is the motion of the Khekh, the Balance and Stability, the Scales, the level and poise, the equinox and solstice, the equator and pole.

2. Define from Tefiu-N from Khefiu-N from Khefhiu from Khe-Khiun
a) Tefi from Tekhi from Khekhiu means to memorize and remember.
Khefiu means tethered.
Khepui is a plural equivalent, meaning Types. This leads back to Khetu and Khetmu that lead to Khefmu and Khefnu. And Khebma. Briefly, Khetmu is the God of Things or Letters. Shu-Ma Kepheus is the elemental-stellar version. Taht is the lunar version. Kadmus is the Phoenician and Greek version.

b) N is Nu, Na, Ankh, birth, nurse, the sign of running water or a single wave, likeness, type.

c) En is Un which means to be, condition of being, by, of the, of, from, born of, out of, into, increase, decrease. En is Ne, No, Na, Nu and Ni, thus we can see many words beginning with these letters and containing these combinations. En is An, the birthplace at each corner. Since An is also Annu.

d) Khiun is born of the four corners and the circle.

e) Khi, Ki, Khe and Ke from Khiu and very briefly mean spirit-soul, khekh, library, figure, reproduction, representation, paint

3. Define from Defi-Ne from Tefi-Ne from Khufa-Ne from Khufu-Nu
a) Khaufeh (cow, female); Khefah, abundance; Khau, scholar of writing and letters

b) UA is chief, only one, mountaintop, dual, mutual (Mutu-Ur, Mother)
c) Mest, equal to Au and Ua, means stibium[khibium, khikhium] which means black
d) Afa (Ufa, Efa, Ofa, Ifa, Ife, Itu) means filled, satisfied. (BB)
e) UTI from Tahuti is the hand, five, speech, Logos, Word of the gods, measurer and weigher. “IT” and TI means to figure forth with the hand. (BB2)

f) Nu, Ne, No, Ni, Na, Un, En, On, In, An, Nu-Nu, Ne-Ne, No-No, Ni-Ni, Na-Na, Un-Un, En-En, On-On, In-In, An-An, Nunti, Nenti, Nonti, Ninti, Nanti, Nuti, Neti, Noti, Niti, Nati, Unti, Enti, Onti, Inti, Anti, Nunt, Nent, Nont, Nint, Nant, Nut, Net, Not, Nit, Nat, Unt, Ent, Ont, Int, Ant, Nun, Nen, Non, Nin, Nan are all forms of heaven, existence, inundation, creation, negation, initiation, cessation, beginning, ending, bring forth, stop... These can be reduced, condensed, consolidated into Ntu, Nte, Nto, Nti, Nta for “out of”. (NG2)

g) Shu from Kefu the lion-god. Shu is Khu. The U is the earlier FU, thus Kefu, Kufu, Khufu, Kafi, Khafi, Hapi. Shu also from Khiu.

h) We can now see Tefi-Nte leads to defense or defence, thus as proven, the optimal defense is an optimal way of defining things. This allows you to turn defence into offense rather than offence. Or shall we say, Tefense, Tefence, Khefence, Khefense, Kheffense. We can see the makings of IU in Khefference and Deference and Difference and Reference and Cross-Reference. We can expand further and see other words such as Confine is based on knitting together means in order to form a container called a worldview that shapes and reshapes everything we think and do and view. We can see Confine as Con-fine as Con-Tefine and Con-tine (neti), that then leads to Continue, a meaning that should be a little clearer now and that becomes clearer as we work (walk) through this message.

Thus our process, method, means and state of how we define things means everything to everything else.

4. Definite from Tefn-It or Tefi-Ni-Te-N or Tefi-Nit-en or Tefi-Ni-ten or Tefi-Neith-en from Tefa-Neith from Tef-Nut
a) Net (Neith) is the netur, neter, netor, netar, knitter, netting. (BB2)

Net, the mother, knits the ark and knits the child and nets the child. Ark (Kar, Art) denotes enclose, tie, weave. (NG2)

b) IT (ID, IF, TI) means to figure with the hand and is a name of heaven, the four corners of the first celestial circle or square, water vessel, the Hippopotamus Constellation. Kefa is first, one, unity, enormous power of the double primitive essence, throne, hinder part, feminine, mother, uterus, bearer, bringer forth. Kefa is also two and double as symbolized by the Great Hippo and Little Hippo Constellations. Kefa is also four corners, five fingers on two (ti) hands , seven stars representing the elemental souls of life, ten fingers on two hands as the double comb (womb). (BB2)

c) TEN is land, region, place, to separate, divide, royal elevated seat, cabinet, royal chamber, throne-room, fill up, complete, take account, reckon each and every. Ten is also the seat of the dead and living Rekh, the keepers of knowledge and sowers of seeds of knowledge.

5. Definite from Defin-It-E from Tefin-Itu
a) The moon, hand (form, shape, transform), five, speech, measure, weigh are IDU, ITU, Uti, Tut, Taht, Tahuti, ID, IT, UT, Thoth, Thought. (BB2)

Thus the only thing definite is that which is comprehensively universal.

6. Word Definition from Tefi-Nit-Ion from Tefi-Nut-Iun from Tefi-Nut-Nui from Khefi-Nuti-Un from Khefi-Nut-Khiun
Definitions affect motions above, below and in the middle. Definitions effect motions, infect motions, inflict motions

All definitions humans use have rootage and origins in the natural world, the circle, the cycle, the seasons the elementals, the primary elements, the mother first, the mothers first (copycats, kefi cats, tefi khats, teba cats, tabby cats, kepra khats, couple cats), the sisters first, the child second, the male second, humans way down the road dead last. Thus definitions based on humans and not accompanied by the natural world context will find you lost, caught and tied in knots in the human net of deaf notions.

How does the definition of each word you are using, fit into Heaven. For instance, how does money fit into the heavens, your heaven concept, your heaven definition. It should, it does.