If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Rhodes Scholar, Oxford University and Hertfordshire
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3118

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Despite claims attributing the name of the Rhodes Scholarship to Cecil John Rhodes, we can be certain he took the name from one or more Rhode Islands in Africa, the Mediterranean and Eurasia. All of those locations were renown as centers of learning. See Rhode Island, Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings, Unity Consciousness #3117.

After absorbing these two messages, you might as well be certain that the Rhodes family name came from the same source even if they didn't know it. As it still is today, people choose names from any and all inspirations and spell them as they please and change them as they please. The names of all people are African names simply because “Africa is the place” and there are only Africans on this planet. And simply because all words in all human languages are African words, no matter how diluted and deluded in human memory.

According to Britannica.com, Cecil Rhodes was born July 5, 1853 in Hertfordshire, England. He was a financier, statesman and empire builder of British South Africa. He was prime minister of Cape Colony in South Africa and organizer of the giant diamond-mining company, De Beers Consolidated Mines. By his will [to kill black Africans and rape his mother and plunder his parent's house and Big Momma's House] Cecil Rhodes established the Rhodes scholarships at Oxford in 1902. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Cecil-Rhodes

According to Wikipedia, Cecil John Rhodes was an English mining magnate and politician in southern Africa who served as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896. He and his British South Africa Company founded the southern African territory of Rhodesia, which the company named after him in 1895. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Rhodes

So we're supposed to believe Rhodes just happened to have a last name close in form to Rhodus and other variations, and this is believable enough to explain the naming of the Rhodes Scholarship, because in our subconscious we've forgotten there are other possibilities, and in our consciousness, we simply do not ask enough questions and verify the answers.
Supposedly Cecil Rhodes was so benevolent, he valued the highest of learning, while behaving like a total terrorist barbarian pale fox in pursuit of murderous gain by munitions, rather than competition, in the maniacal Monopoly game being played by light-deprived Europeans becoming dis-enlightened by the second.

Plenty enough truths have already been revealed in the previous message. The Rhodes (Rhodus, Rut), the Rothschilds (Rekhi-Kharti) and many other pathogenic people surely must have been aware of African traditions, mythology and eschatology while in pursuit of fortune and fame in order to make names that would superiorily outpace African achievements relayed in all the books they had access to and had already stolen from the Lower Mestrea North Kharua in the Nile Valley and from satellites elsewhere.
At first these truth-starved Europeans admitted to being privy to, cravers of and practictioners of African ideologies. This is plenty documented, even within the catalog of this, her blog. Then to justify their self-hate and abhorrence of personal growth, part of the process was to hide information and rewrite history into a fairy tale from cold ass hell, as they still do today. Original books began to be hidden more and more day by day.

As far as I can tell, Cecil Rhodes didn't name a single company after himself. Hmmnn.

In Egyptian, the word Uskh means a liquid and supplies the river-names of Esk found in England. USKH becomes Ox, as in Oxford, the waterford. This is enough of a clue, but going further we find that Egyptian shows that the word Oxford means much more than this.
The Uskh is also the Hall and Temple of Learning, thus Oxford University is Uskh-ford. Uskh also means, the Abode, the quadrangular enclosure, the square within the circle. USKH also means broad, wide, range, stretch, extend, a broad extended cast round about, cross the boundary (BB)

In 2024, at this point in the cycle of Ages, the incoming northern circumpolar age is Kepheus Constellation, also known as Ma-Shu. In one representation, this is Mother Maat combined with her twins as, Shu. Shu also represents the two truths of dark and light, black and white. Kepheus Constellation is undergoing coronation in order to take the full seat in one of the four Temple Halls of Justice and Learning in one of the four rivers coming out of the quadrangular enclosure. Kepheus is the Corona (Kheru-Ma, Makheru, Makhu).

Creklade or Greeklade, not far from Oxford, is famed in ancient traditions as the place to which certain Greek philosophers came. Both Creklade and Lechlade (rekh lake) in this shire derived their title from these Greeks, Lechs or Leeches. Lechs (English) are Rekhi (Egyptian), the learned, wise men, mages, men of science, physicians, astronomers, masons, builders, metal workers and religious teachers.
In Oxfordshire, there were Uskh Halls, temples of learning, before Oxford University was founded in the same vicinity.
By the way, there is an Isis River is in Oxfordshire.
Cecil Rhodes was from Hertfordshire England and his father was a preacher, clergyman, reverend.

Hert (Egyptian) is the height, the upper land of England. Hertfordshire is the summit of the land. The Grand Junction Canal reaches its summit in Hertfordshire, and descends both ways for Middlesex and the Shires. Hertfordshire is the highest of the counties south called a shire. It is the Hert, the land above, in a double sense (highest in altitude and the upper boundary of the shires). According to Camden, “Scarce one county in England can show more footsteps of antiquity” than Hertfordshire. The highest hill in the county is named Kensworth. Worth (English) is Hert (Egyptian), the highest or uppermost enclosure.

Kart (Egyptian) is an orbit or circle. Kart (Egyptian) from Kar-t (Egyptian). Kar (Egyptian) is Caer (Kymeric) is Car (English). Khart (Egyptian) is further modified to Hert (Egyptian.) as the name of the enclosure as a park or paradise. In England a Hert is as large as a county called Hertfordshire.

How Deep This Goes In Europe and In All Cultures

In England, small pyramids made of gilt evergreens used to be carried about in Hertfordshire at Christmas time. As recently as 1881 CE, and perhaps still today, in the neighbourhood of Ross, Hertfordshire, on New Year's Day, it was/is customary for the peasantry to carry about a small pyramid made of fruit and leaves, which takes the place of the tree. A tree is a giver of life, abundance, resources, thus this is why gifts are placed under Christmas trees, but the significance has been lost. This significance is replace by Santa, a form of Satan, a form of Sut, a form of Sothis which is Polaris in Canis Major. More about Christmas has already been discussed, but here's a smidgen.
The star at the top of Christmas trees represent the Bon-fire or Baal-fire of the Sabean Baal called Phoenix, Bennu and Polaris South of Canis Major that signaled the new year by rising atop the meridian, as the pyramidion or ben-ben atop the pyramid, then later the star atop the Christmas tree. From The Place, an Africa point of view, the center of the Earth, new year began at Summer Solstice in June, thus the birth of Christ and the new year is in Summer, not December in Winter. This was tied to the arrival of the Christ in the waters of the Nile Inundation.
The southern circumpolar constellation, Canis Major and it's pole star, mirrors the norther circumpolar constellation Ursa Major and it's pole star. These align with the meridian twice per year and with the equator twice per year.

In other words many Europeans were well aware of Africa and its teachings. Europeans were proud to learn from Africa and practice what they learned without feeling any kind of way but grateful. That is until they realized how long it would take to become masters so they needed a reason to become the worst people in human history and use any means necessary to acquire what they could not otherwise obtain based on merit, unless you count demerits and de beers as good things.
In other words, in pursuit of gaining the fruits of being Rekhi, instead they became Rukai (Egyptian), the rebels, the culprits, rulers in the wrong. These are the Ruga of Ugogo, Central Africa, who are robbers, rascals and rogues (English). (BB)

To further the point, these are the Rugrats (Ruga-Rats). The Rat is a form of the Destroyer Yurugu (Yu-ruga). Since a Rat is also a hard stone, carved stone and means to plant, cut, form and retain the form, this makes the Rogue Rugrats not the Rekhi-Rats, but instead also the hardheads, hardhearts, hardasses.
Rat or Lath (Egyptian) and Lade (English) in another sense means retain the form of the dead in the mounds and the tumuli, or retain the memory of the dead in the mass graves and among the masses. This is before there were individual tombstones. These three words are places and also mean plant, make fast, repeat, be repeated, several. (BB2)