1. Khi-Nge becomes Kha-Nge, Cha-Nge, Change
Kha, Ka, Kho, Ko. All of these are from Khiu and mean area, spot, location, place, land, earth, floor, inner region, rapid waters, gate, mine, quarry, library. altar. These words also mean spirit-soul, breathing, power, glorious actions, call (Khar, Kar), cry, stand, stay, rest or be thrown to the earth, seat, throne, stone, phallus, horned, god, Sta, Stay, full stop, duality, seed, egg, sieve, the whip, rule, govern, screen, benefit, protect, beat, dominate, cover, make go, quick, birth, “of”, born of, black, figure, reproduction, representation, paint, white, ceremony, cross of two truths and the child that rises, extends, elongates, spreads with great rapidity.
Nge (Ing, I, Ankh, Nakh) is the most common form of the personal pronoun “I”and represents all sensing abilities inherent in each creation and all sensing abilities of all creations.
KH from Khi is divine rule, spirit-soul, ankh, sieve, khekh, duplicate, second, two.
Khekh from Khukh, Khut, Khuti, Khu-Khu, Khiu-Khui.
Khekh is spirit ruler, spirit motion, the spark that clicks and kicks in as the first motion in a circle cycle. Thus Khekh is also fire, heat, light,earth, wind, waters, totality of all creations, including liquid essences, ichor (water for pure spirits); Sap (Sa) as magnetic magical liquid essence. Stem coals, sem cells, Khis-stem cells, Kish-stem cells.
Khekh is the balance, the equator, the Hyphen, the Makha, the Maat twinlight twilight zone.
Khekh is also Kick which means to rise up, elongate, spread with great rapidity, great force and unstoppable power to govern, rule, protect and dominate. Thus Kickstarter and Jump-start.
Anger is Angel, the personification of a repeating period, a cycle, a circle, thus is eternal, thus lives forever. The word Angel is also a form of Animal. Animals are perfect representations of goddesses and gods. If this were not true then humans represented as angels and deities would be blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, an unforgivable crime against the rights of creation.
Un is to be open and out of KH. A cycle of time, show, reveal.
Ankhu is in the form group of Nkhu, Nkha, Nkh, Unkhu, Unku, Khiun, Kha, A, Ng, Ank, Ankh
3. KH-Anhur becomes Kh-Anger, Ch-Anger, Changer
Change requires anger.
The Moon is always full at Spring Equinox. The soul of life in the moon gives birth to Taht-Aan who becomes Kafi-Aan, who assists the soul of life in the Sun as it passes through the neterworld underworld of darkness. The soul of life in air, Anhur-Shu, also helps bring about the restoration of the Sun so it can rise at Morning, at Annual Spring Equinox and at Great Year Spring Equinox. The souls of life in the moon, air and sun continue to working together as the Sun above the horizon.
Anhur-Shu assist other souls of life by spreading (fanning and panning) the flames, sparks, heat. Some of these others are constellations such as the Solar System, Polestar constellations and Equatorial constellations. During Night, Fall and Winter, souls of life become refilled, recharged, re-glorified, re-upped, re-uttered by Great Year Constellations, the larger cycles that feed our Solar Ecosystem. Thus the seven elemental souls of life, along with the eight principles and characteristics of everything, adjust how they function Annually (Daily, Lesser Year, Great Year). This then under-girds and causes major climate change shifts.
”AN” (“ON”) is the place of commencement and recommencement, beginning and re-beginning, birth and rebirth, petition and repetition. Annu exists at all four corners of the each circle cycle. Sa or Sha is to dive into, see, sight, perceive, know, discern the secret (sacred), mystic, hidden. Shaa (Shâ) is the substance born of and denotes all forms of beginning, becoming, first cause and origin.. The substance born of is also the same thing as sustenance. Shannu is the name of a diviner. Nnu (Nun, Nunu, Nuti, Nut) are a handful of many names for the soul of life in water. Nnu means negation, thus “NO” as the first truth mirror image.
5. Kha-N-Khu becomes Cha-N-Ghu, Changhu, Changu, Change
N is the sign of running water or a single wave.
Na (Ma) is waters in the resting no negative, turned off, state of black waters and red blood that cancel death, Na means of, from, to, by, heaven, nature, feminine bringer forth who calls forth out of self into another form of self. Na also means flow and inundation.
6. NKheb-Abu becomes Nkab-bu, Ngabbu, Ganbbu, Chan-gu, Change
Kheb-Seb becomes Kebeb, the female principle out front with the male principle behind. This is the Source, the Womb, the mes-teriu (mystery) of life related to the mystical waters of fertilization, fermentation, transformation, and blood. Kheb, Kep, Kef or Kefa is the ancient place, the island rising up out of the waters. In the secondary form this is the Aat, Khepht, Au, Af, or Khep.
Bu, But, Buto, Buti, Bute, Bu-Bu is the feminine birthplace, womb, belly, abode and dual parent.
A-bu, Abu, Aa-Bu, Aabu, Aah-Bu or Aahbu is the rebirthplace of opening and reawakening the sensing abilities. The letter A prefix adds meanings of first, only one, moon. The letter AA prefix adds meanings of great, trinity, duality. The Aah prefix adds meanings of the moon because the moon assists in the process of change, transformation, metamorphosis.
Abu means to dance, thirst, delight, brandish.
Abu means the hard thing and renewal of fire from the spark.
Abu from Rabu from Rubu, the two halves of heaven, both represented as a gigantic beast and darkness.
Abu from Ngabbu. Abu is the hippopotamus, rhinoceros, tortoise, crocodile, dog, elephant.
Abu is the name of the island of birth that rose out of the waters at the last cataract. A chief neteru of Abu Island is Satet (Satis, Seti) as Mother Earth who copulates and populates, brings forth children, drinking waters and Nile inundation waters. Satet is Aquaria, Hathor-Nut, Neith, Anit, Ma, Mami Wata, Serene Oshun, Tefnut, Sekhet, the goddess of the white, upper white crown, beams and arrows of light, war, darts. Satet is associated with war and arrows as is Shu. Aquaria-Hathor-Nut-Sekhmet-Neith-Anit is also the knitter weaver goddess of needle and thread. This is the likely source of “Across my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye,” a phrase spoken by all circles as they cross the stabilizing poles and balancing equators of their revolution, and receive beams of light energy into their eyes, their hearts. These arrows, darts, needles contain souls of life that are there to check and correct logic, and if irreparable, extinguish the corrupt entity and as the beginning of the end of their anguish. Humans are not the first or the originators or the perfecters of injecting creation with needles, arrows, darts.
The other chief neteru of Abu Island is Khnum. "Khn" means to blow, puff away, breathe, thus breath, air, wind. Khnum is the combination of the motion and the thing, the flowing and the water, blood, breath. This then relates to the foundation of opening and the opening foundation for another cycle and forms of souls of life, rui.
By the way, Satet is the good neighbor who provides relief when disaster strikes. Like a good Neh-ber, Satet Karma is there.
ShishKebab (from Khekh-Khebeb and Rishis-Kebab) is to align resources at the equator and pole in preparation for transformation. Rishis is one of the names of the seven elemental souls of life called Spirit-rulers, Khabiri, Kabiri, Ari, Arians, Aliens, Khnemu, Akhemu, Rekhi (Rishi), Elohim... These seven are always together as the ever-coming one because they are the seven souls of life fundamental to life. These can be considered to be aligned on a skewer, arrow, dart or needle and transferred across time and space.
Although the above is plausible, a more accurate origin of Shish-Kebob , Shish Kebob, Shish-Kebab is Khekh-Kebeb. Khekh becomes Shish. We know what Khekh means and the letters S, T and SH.
Chacha describes the basic Khekhing motion taking place at all equators, the places responsible for maintaining dynamic balance.
Cha-Cha-Cha includes poles and is caused by the influences of the three outlets for the waters of source.
8. In keeping with the form of #2 and #5 above, KhanKhe is KhanGhe, Khango, Khongo, Change
9. Ketanji is Khethanji is Thanji is Change, Double Change.
10. Coptic: Djindja (Djandja, DJ, letters D and J) from Egyptian: Tsi-n-Tsa, Kti-N-Kta, Khi-N-Kha, Khi-Nkha, Khinkha, Khiunkha, Khiukh-Na, Kh-Kh-Iu-Na, the double-khekh (snap forth, snap back) that creates sparks in waters of two truths.
Tsi and Tsa from Tesa from Tsa from T'a from Teka, Tka, T'a
Tsi and Tsa from Set, Sat, Sut, Khut, Kak, the soul of life of darkness in the womb of the first stage, first twin of the soul of life in the moon that becomes part of the soul of life in the sun
Sa and Ka is spirit-soul.
More directly, but less revealing, Touch is Tiuch is Tiukh is Khiukh.
The crossing line, the equator or meridian is also called Touch (Teka, Teku). Thus to cross the line is to touch the line, interact with the line and cause ripple effects inwardly and outwardly. Touch creates spark, sparks fly when we touch, heightened sensations through vibrations thus Teka (the Kha, the Akh) is a name of sparks, fire. Teka also means to hide and escape notice. Thus what is touching, sparking, starting fires, creating is not visible to the nakhen eye (naked eye).
Spirit-soul as any form of Kha, Khekh and Khiukh, can be envisioned as a line, string, strand, hair, filament, pipe, tube, vessel, fiber, thread, snake, serpent, slice, Strap, strip, stripe, rope, ribbon, belt, cord, hook, barb, wire, vine, cable, wave, vibration, ripple, ray, angle, candle, handle, worm, chain, link, fin, oar, paddle, bar, blade, fork, knife, sword, tongue, tooth, member, digit, finger, toe, arm, leg, limb, branch, reed, tail, feather, cane, stalk, antenna, tendril, spike, spoke, thorn, horn, needle, spear, arrow, rod, spine, tine, point, peak, prong, claw, nail, stick, straw, wrinkle...
What is a moon?
A moon is a celestial body that revolves around another celestial body. Thus Earth is a planet, a star and a moon. The Solar System is a moon of the Mehru Negro Constellation at the center of this Galaxy.
Net is a name of the Moon, the twin total symbol of time. (BB)
Sun and Moon are joined at the hips, the corners of the Kheps. Both are revived at Spring Equinox of the Lesser Year and Great Year. Likewise then, Earth and all other planets in our Solar System, must also be joined at the hips with the Center of Galaxy, thus are revived at Great Year Spring Equinox and Galactic Spring Equinox when the Galaxy moves above the equator of that which it revolves around, an event that takes place at least every 155,920 years. This is the Great Great Year Circle Cycle.
The equator is also called the Makha, the balance, the level. Ma is place. Akh is the horizon. Har-Makha (Har-Makhu) is the sun of both horizons, or the level. Spring equinox is level up, and place of conjunction for Sun and Moon. At this corner and others is the Tser Hill, on which the gods, the elemental souls of life, landed and rested in their ark after being transported on/in the waters across space and and time into another circle, another dimension. This eastern Tser Hill is feminine and now coincides with feminine first Aquaria who is coming around the mountain. (BB2)
Tekh Taht Moon. This section continues to explain the Tekh Taht Moon components of Change in the form of Tsi-n-Tsa.
TU means 'the', cave, cavern, Rubu, reptile lord of two halves, tie, ribbon, band, covenant, feminine prefix, two, double, dual....thus Tulan and Turin. [Rubu might also be lord of two halves of moon as Tutu or T-Utu, the Utu or is this just Taht the masculine principle in pubescent and prepubescent stages]
TUTU is generator establisher and restorer of gods; progenitor of gods and men. Tut is male member as the generator. Taht (or Tut) is the generator personified; one of his titles being “the begetter of Osiris.” Tut means speech, to speak, utter, be the tongue or mouth of utterance. Taht was the lord of Smen, the place of establishing gods, the circle and of the son in the place of the father. (BB2)
UTA repeating period, the Eye of Taht meaning resurrection and renewal, like the new moon. Companion to Uta is Uat, meaning heat and wet as two truths of the waters of life. The water was converted into breathing life by the Mother when in heat, or gestating, i.e. life-making. (love-making because life and love are the same words).
UTI the lunar god, is Taht, Tahuti, Tut. Tut is the hand, five, speech, Logos, Word of the gods, measurer and weigher. “IT” means to figure forth with the hand. (BB2)
UTU is Taht the moon. Utu possibly meaning of Mutual since the moon has mutual light and dark lunations that coexist in harmony.
“A” means dew, water, moon.
“A” the moon, from A-Khu, Akhu. Khu is a light, and a title. Akhu was worn down to Aahu for the name of the moon and the moon-god. Akhu means the illustrious, illuminating, noble, honourable, virtuous, magnificent, their highnesses.
“A” is the Ibis bird cry of “Aah-Aah” (Aah-ti). Aah-Aah is an early name of this black and white bird and a name of the moon because the moon has dark and light lunation
Ahti , the double house of reproduction is a name of Taurt. This connects Earth changes with Moon changes.
Mehi, a title of Taht, means to fill, be full, fulfill, be completed. Taht as Tekh signifies full, and of Hathor the fulfiller. Thus Aquaria changes the masculine moon to masculine feminine.
Ru is the horizon, as the door, gate, or mouth to the Meh, the abyss in the north.
Meh-Ru unites the abyss below and the horizon above. This connects the moon to Scorpio, Kepheus and northern hemisphere constellations.
Tekh is the measurer, calculator, reckoner of truth and the needle of the balance of truth. Thus the moon has a one or more fingers or hands on the scale to tip the balance in the direction of the changeover to the rulership of the “installation in process” incoming Ages. (BB2)
Khepera, the beetle, now associated with forming the circle of the sun, was originally the circle-maker of the moon. Khepr also denoted generation, or an only-begotten; the scarab beetle being typically a creature self-produced, and therefore a symbol of the self-begotten god. (BB2)
11. In all forms, Djandja means touch and touch, two strands of rui touching in the waters that bring about change. Touch and Touch means change, and like the word change, touch and touch is non-specific and applies to any and all types of change. We can now see and hear that Such and Such means the same thing. We use the phrase such and such when we don't know the specifics or we want to be non-specific intentionally because the meaning applies to anything.
Djandja is the Coptic spelling of Change.
13. Djindja (Jinja, Dji-N-Dja) becomes Djandja. Each of these become the word Change. To repeat, this type of Change and portion of change is moon driven rather than moon assisted.
Jinja is a form that removes the two D's, thus hides and makes silent the feminine first truth.
Jinja” means to give excessive energy to a person or situation, especially through dance via Spirit Khekhing darkness energy and star energy from celestial bodies, groupings and alignments.
15. We can now see the makings of the word Jigaboo from Jinga-Abu or Djebabu from Nkheb-Abu. This is another reason why people are afraid deep in their Psyche, due to claiming to be the Mike others want to be like.
16. Kh-Kh-Iu-Na leads to Shkhiuna and Shekinah, thus is a form of Djindja. Both lead to the word Change. In current English usage and religious texts, nothing epitomizes change better than Shekinah Glory as described by Enoch. Who among those who believe in the Glory of the Lord by any name, doesn't recognize that our Sun is our closest example of Shekinah Glory that we cannot look directly upon or get too close to, and that the Sun is a powerful change agent?
N is the sign of running water or a single wave.
Na (Ma) is waters in the resting no negative, turned off, state of black waters and red blood that cancel death, Na means of, from, to, by, heaven, nature, feminine bringer forth who calls forth out of self into another form of self. Na also means flow and inundation.
Ah is the house of, and means to call, cry, say, speak, utter, announce, make known, bring forth, spark, and signifies renewal and transformation of dinosaurs waiting their turn to return.
17. Shango, the Yoruban God of Thunder, quickly leapfrogs stages in our minds to become the word Change, and with a little more effort, easily becomes Django, thus Djandja and other forms stated above.
18. Tango includes the meaning of two, thigh and can easily be seen to be a form of Change. Other divisions such as Tanga, T-Anga, Ta-Ngo, Tan-Go can expand and fill-in the circle of understanding while pointing to and leading back to the same place. Tinge, the sense and hint that there is “something else” to it, “something else” going on.
19. Big Bang. Is the Big Change. A few of several ways we can reach the word Bang is from Kh-In-Khe or Kha-Nge, both explained above. Big is Mbig is Mikh is Makh is the level where Khekh, spark, fire, explosions of creations originate. We are reminded that Kha-ing means to call and cry out, just as a baby that enters into another dimension. How much more so is the sound made when the universe gestates, swells, goes through mitochondria-fueled mitosis and gives birth to itself?
In keeping with all else we know, it must have been Bang Bang. It is the epitome of going out with a bang and coming in with a bang at the same time.
This is in contrast with humans who use firearms and rockets to create multiple bangs to take life rather than create life. When the next weapon reaches human hands, payment in kind is to be expected.