If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Articulate Articulate
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3119

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

How do I love thee? Let me articulate the ways.
To articulate is to recount is to count the ways is to enumerate, list, express, delineate the ways.
To love is to Meru, Kheru, Khiur, Rukha, Repa, Life, repeatedly give that which supports the dynamic balance of unity consciousness and ever-coming ever-going breathing, flowing, agile, stable, fixed, rigid, flexible, variable, involuntary, voluntary existence.

In current English usage, articulate, a descriptive action word, generally means speak, explain.
Another usage, articulate, a descriptive quality word, generally means very well spoken as though coming from a place of healthy intelligence and healthy education.

At this point in our safari, we know articulate is based on the natural world, not on humans, especially not those who have lost their ever-loving minds as evidenced by hating themselves as evidenced by hating others just because those creations don't suit their fancy fantasy island called mine, mine, all mine.

1. Articulate is Kar-Ticu-Late and Khar-Ticu-Late
a) Briefly, Khar is circle, word, pair, whole, complete, total, voice, speech, utterance
Khar is Kher is Rekh is Ret is Let as in Let-Ter is Letter. Ter from Ret from Rekh from Kher or Khar. In order to articulate, a form of expression is needed along with a mode of expression. One way is to speak or write or gesture using letters, thus words.
The AR in Khar or Khart is the eye, the child, the cycle of repeating periods of conceiving and making the likeness of the root directory source which first manifested as the feminine revealed, masculine hidden. Thus recycling, re-conceiving and remaking, thus rebirth, reborn, born again and reincarnating.
Khar is Fhar is Fear is Fare is Fire is Fhar-word, Firewood, Kharword, Kharwood. Wood from Khaut or Kaut or Khauit or Khau from Khiuti. In addition to Kha is Fish, Kha is Wood.

b) Kheft, the hinder quarter, the north, the underworld, the well of source, is also the mine. Kheft, The Khar, was the mine itself abraded in Khaut (wood), the result of the precious thing being Khart (Kharr'd) in the Kafen (oven). Life began in the waters. Water plants were first, dry land plants second. This is enough to account for the same substance of spirit soul as KH to be the basis of the words fish and wood or Egyptian Khash and Khaut. I suspect, like the first fish were those attached to the shore, wood is formed from bigger heavier pieces of rui material grit sifted through the Khekh Khaûsu sieve that stuck to the grid lines (krit, kart, khiurt, grout lines) and shores of the equator and pole of the first four rivers, that was then baked into less water-agile beings such as bread, crust, earth, rock and wood. The mish mosh mess mass mattera Maat-Kheru.

c) Ticu is Teka is Te-Kha. Kha is the fish and Te means to remain. Tekha would be the fish that remained fixed, attached to the shore. This is the oyster, also called a clam.** Fish is Kash is spirit-soul attached to the walls and reefs of the circle within easy reach of the Khekher, Kherfer, Kheper. Thus we articulate with what we can easily grasp, then we expand to catch meanings further from us, moving about, somewhat elusive and in deeper waters.
Tu the feminine article “the”, thus khem thus tekha becomes khekha. (BB)

d) Late is a form of Ret. Thus it must have something to do with time. A Ret (Egyptian) is a bundle of plants tied up. This indicates Time (Ter, Ret) and season. (BB, BB2). Ret (English) is a plant. Reed (English) is a water plant. (BB)
Ter, the circle, round, to encircle, time, the mover in circles, tide, season, limit.
Ret is a plant, plant, germ, retain the form, grow, root, cut in stone or bone, carve, carved stone, engrave, graven, figure, form, sculpture, sepulcher, write, endure, renew, repeat, repeated, several, bound together, a ring, loop or noose tied to a stake or peg for fastening cattle (see ankh), snare, catch, make fast or make hard and fast, urge, beseech vigorously, steps up, the ascent. Rattu is another form of the word Ret and Reta. (BB, BB2).
This is another way of knowing that graven images take many many forms that we use today. Secondly, what we don't realize is that engrave and graven are the same words that originate with the meaning of “making a ret form (art form) of that which is en the grave (of the grave). Thus you are a graven image, of the grave. To write is to make a graven image, many graven images. Each retter is a graven image.

2. Articulate is Kharti-Khu-Late
a) Kharti is two halves of one circle or two circles or more than two circles.

b) Khu is spirit-soul and so much more such as library and call.

c) Reta from Rut means to retain the form, be carved in stone, a footstool, or a pair of feet, cause to do, plant, grow, repeat. Ruti (Egyptian) became Reta (Sanskrit), which continued to mean produced from the seed, and their likeness was the lotus. The word Lotus is a Latinized form of Rut, Ruti and Reta.
So if you can articulate and/or claim to articulate, you are claiming to be of the same seed as the Reta, the Ruti, the Rut, the Root, the Rekhi, the Kharti, the Khu, The Khiu, the Khukh, the Khiukh into Sanskrit as Reta.
Reta is also Rat or Lath (Egyptian) and Lade (English) which in another sense has a more specific meaning of retain the form of the dead in the burial mounds (tumuli), or retain the memory of the dead in the mass graves and among the masses. This is before there were individual tombstones. These three words are places and also mean plant and make fast.
A bitchification, bastardization and profane socialization use of describing the dead is to call them rotten in the current English sense. Originally, rotten is Rot from Rut and Ton from Tun, thus Rut-Tun.
Reta is Aret is Alet is Alot meaning several meaning a sufficient amount, more than enough, too much, abundance, overflowing. A-Rukh, Rukha, Rhuka, Rhoda, Rhode. This is another way of knowing a Rhodes Scholar is supposed to be the epitome of articulate.
Ter and Ret are the same word. Oyster (Engflish) from Oisridh (Irish) from Ois-Ret from Uit-Ret (Egyptian). Uit, Uit and Uati is another form of Khefti and Taurt. Uat is mother of the waters and two truths of water and heat that form the pearl inside the two halves of the clam shell. Ret means the one made fast, or, both hard and fast. Thus OlS-RET has the same name as the Ruti race, and is literally the bivalve Ruti. The Ois-Ret is the Ruti species, the first fish caught because it could not escape as the Egyptians are the first humans. Tekha is a name for the fish. Kha is the fish and Te means to remain. Tekha is the fish that remained fixed, attached to the shore.
The word Retain is Ret-Nai, Ret-Nui
The word Return is Ret-Urn, Run. Ru-En, Ruti-Rn, Retu-Rn, Retu-Ren, Ret-Ter-N or En
Ret is Rut is Urt (Taurt and Rerit) (BB2)
Ret as Ruti, Reti , Reta becomes Race, as in mankind, as in there is only one Race. The English forms are lede, lude, lithe, leet, people (BB) Perhaps now we can understand the LATE in Chocolate. It might be easier through Cacao that leads to Choco. Or perhaps easier through Khuti from Khu-Khu from Cho-Cho from Choco. Or just look at Kha or Ka that lead to Cacao. All this is to help you and me become a better version of articulate.
So why do we crave chocolate? Why is dark chocolate healthier?
Spirit means being which is based on breathing which is the several repeats of breath in a cycle that itself repeats severally. Thus, though the spirit endures because Spirit breathing endures, this enduring and endurance is based on step by step, breath by breath for a short space of time or a brief emission. Repetition is what matters. Thus articulate also means to be poorly spoken repeatedly.
Discussed elsewhere, ret-ing is writing. Other forms are rekhing, rukhing, rukhinkh, rukh-ankh, Karting, Charting. The Kart, Kartum or Rekhi-khet was the cutter of hieroglyphics. (BB2). Kartum brings to mind cartoon and garden that repeats.
To be able to read and write is to be able to ruit and reta, both are forms of the same word on ruti and its predecessors and antecedents. Read is a form of reta because reta is reed, so you must be able to reed the reed, read what is written, the writer is the reader. You cannot write before you can read. Reading means understanding. Reading is more tfhan letter recognition and pronouciation. We speak of reading comprehension, a redundant term, however our comprehension is not comprehensive (articulate in the full sense).
Now, to be in a Rut is to be guilty of repeating articulations that are not allowing you to ascend to your higher self where breathing and being is better for the Spirit. Instead you are in a Rut but not even well-rooted, because if you were, you would develop properly, thus rise while retaining the form of the seed in a dynamic balance.

3. Articulate is Khiurti-cul-Ati
a) Khiurti is Kharti and makes it even more clear that the four cornerstones of the cross and the four primordials are supreme
Aur is river, inundation, flood, fire, gold, burning

b) Kur is a form of Khur, Kher and Khar. Which include the meaning of black, blackness, dark, darkness, birthplace, source, womb, black hole.
Ru-Kha or Rukha or Kharu for the birthplace and feminine outlet of knowledge.

c) Ati, two truths, birthplace, child
UTI the lunar god, is Taht, Tahuti, Tut. Tut is the hand, five, speech, Logos, Word of the gods, measurer and weigher. “IT” means to figure forth with the hand. (BB2) See Uta for more.

4. Kharti-Khuru-Tut
a) In India the Khuru became the Guru, [adding T likely leads to Griot] a name of the teacher, as utterer of the word of wisdom. Also in Sanskrit Kara is the word, the feminine, or a secret messenger. The Gru, Kla, Lak, Rek, Kharu or Khu is spirit-soul that instructs in the two truths or one side more than the other, depending on what nourishes a person including the nourishment of choices. (BB2)

b) TU (TÚ) from TUT. TU, a type, typical, register, drip, drop, deposit, heap, pile up, amass, earth, land, give, take, assume (take over), given, teka, fix, attach, leave, go, go in a boat, 'the', tu, te, to, ti, ta or ty, article 'the' (khe, khi, khu, khiu, she, shi, shu, shiu), gift, knot, tie, wife, corn, seed, offer, write, to cross, seat, bearing, carriage, water of a tear, direction, one of two, double, dual, cave, cavern, Rubu, reptile lord of two halves; tie, ribbon, band, covenant, feminine prefix
TUTU is generator establisher and restorer of gods; progenitor of gods and men. Tut is male member as the generator. Taht (or Tut) is the generator personified; Tut means speech, to speak, utter, be the tongue or mouth of utterance. Taht was the lord of Smen, the place of establishing gods, the circle and of the son in the place of the father. (BB2)

5. Khar-Tek-Ur-Itu, Teka-Ritu
a) Tek means to cross, twist, twine, cut, join, link, connect, bond, bind, tie, cleave, adhere, attach, fix, touch, mix, multiply intertwine; and Tek,Tekh or Taht is the soul of life of speech, writing, measuring, weighing.

b) Itu (Idu) is the moon and the name of the hand. Uti from Tahuti is the lunar god, Taht or Tut. Tut is also another of many names for the hand. See Uti and Ati

c) Ritu,writing, time, season, epoch, period, appointed times of repetition, menstruation. (Sanskrit) (BB)
Kal (Sanskrit) means to announce the time, count, reckon, voice, word, messenger or feminine logos Kala or Kara is a space of time, a period, a fixed or proper time, menstruation. One form is the Ritu-Kala, or season of the menstrual course. The womb or uterus is the utterer forth, the kalana [corona]. This corona speaks in a mournful voice as if from light when darkness becomes moist and smoky. Then from that light a certain holy word spoke, combining with the first. (NG2) Ritu-Ar is Ritual.

d) Retu or Retuu means sanies, unclean, corrupt, filthy, filthy in blood, time, repetition. (BB2), (NG2)

6. The Ar & Art Of Articulate, Further Expanded
a) Ar from Har from Khar, speech, to speak, voice, child, son, word. Arth-ar (Author, Arthur) is the speech or utterance of the Bear. (Ba-ar, Ba-er, Ba-ur)

b) The word Kart does double duty. The terminal T may denote two halves, two wholes or one half or one whole. At times, the lower half of the circle is the Kar (Kart, Kert). The upper half is the Har (Hart, Hert). Although both Kart and Hart lead to Art, Art becomes the upper, the above, the ascent, the steep, the height. Kart remains the lower, below, descent, the steep, the depth. Art (Egyptian) becomes Ard (Irish) becomes Alt (Welsh), thus Altitude. Ard permutes with Rad permutes with Ret, the ascent, height and helps form the word ridge (rudge).

c) The Irish Ard as the height is the Mount of the Great Mother Macha, the constellation called Great Bear, Ursa Major, Urt, Ard-Macha (Armagh) as in Armagh-Aten, Armageddon and Magh-Ar and Maker, and whose name of Arth is that of the Great Bear. Thus also, Armageddon has an earlier form in Khart-Makh-Ut-Tun and Khar-Ma-Khekh-Tun and everything to do with mother constellations and son (sun) constellations, thus our Sun Ecosystem changing seasons, changing climates. Normal reoccurences.

d) Art becomes the word Old in the lower Kart sense or whole Khart sense. Art-Ar becomes Old-Ar becomes Older becomes Elder. Old is also Auld. So please keep singing, Auld Lang Syne and invoke the Alcheringa.

e) Ar-t, is deed, form
Ar is water. Milk is water formed by deed, transformed. Milk is Art (Ar-ed), a deed formed. Milk is liquid made, generated, formed, transformed for the child, whose name, like the parent, is also Ar. If we go back we can see the water is Khar that is Khart (Kharred in the Hearth, Hart to form Milk heated and cooled in the family jewels). Milk is Mart is Malt is Malt Ichor becomes the profane version called Malt Liquor.
Milk is from Murk from Niurkh from Khiurn from Kh-Niur (fire water) containg Nuirkh (dirt, soil, soul, mes, mass, matter, all essences, esse-nce, khessences). And we don't wonder why a magazine, in seasons and times like these, was called Essence. “... the founders aimed to have the title reflect the gem-like beauty and resilience of Black women.” In this we see Khem, Kham, beauty, three words, if properly searched, will reveal greater truths and workings of the Maker.
Art as milk becomes All (Gaelic) as milk, the white or wan water, can water, canned water, Khan water. Khan is a vessel containing that which is inward, interior, hidden. (BB)
Art is milk, white, and a neck-chain, necklace., neck-reta. [This must be Art as the upper half, height]
Considering our current understanding of what ART is, we can now see the original meaning of Art is that which is made, conceived, formed, transformed and retains the image in the sense of Rut and Ret. Art is not something humans created or something humans are the best at or is something human that is better than primary creation art. (BB2) We are still talking about what it means to be articulate in a fuller, better rooted sense. Art and Ar also mean eye, thus circle and vision of the Ba-Khartar Ba-Holder, Beholder. For extra emphasis we can replace Bakha with Pukha, Vicar, Makha, Nakha, Sakhu, Tekha, Khekhi, Khikhi.

f) Art and Uri are names of the Inundation. Thus a component of Armageddon.
Ure (English) means use, custom, practice from Ur (Egyptian) the first great, oldest, principal. Ured means to be fortunate, that is, fruitful. Urt (Egyptian) is to be gentle, meek, peaceful, bearing, pregnant, maternity, luck, fortune.

g) The pregnant hippopotamus breasts are Udders (English) from a rearrangement of Ur-Teti (great teats, tits, titties, breasts). We know the Great Mother is on the rise due to emphasis on butts and breasts. Udder most likely also from Urt-Ar. Udder and Utter and Uter are equal and mean the place and release of the word. Ut-Ar is part of many words, two of which Are Mut-ar and Put-Ar. Mother and Father who are the place and release of the word as seed and as nutrients for the four inseparable aspects of self. We can see that Uter as a form of Urt, the bearer, leads to Uber. And quite possibly to the word Over as a form of Art, the height. This then must lead also to the word Under for opposite balancing articulating reasons. Uter-N adds the water, repetition and nuter, ruten, neteru below to the Air, repetition and neters Above, thus understanding is based on the waters and the below, while overstanding is based on air and the above. We go further to see that under is uner is iner is inner. Under is Uter is Oter is Outer and Other. Thus unother is another coming from the udder, the utterer and birthplace. (BB). It is noted that I like Big Butts by Sir Mix-A-Lot is by Tser, the seat, throne hind end (back, bekh) and AS who mixes a lot. Each half of a circle cycle is a back and butt. Also all celestial bodies known as planets, moons and stars are butts, the bigger butts are the constellations such as planets and their moons, and all star constellations, including our solar system.

h) Utter is otter. On their back floating in the water, an otter opens oysters. Do not be deceived by your current understanding of an otter. An otter is the opener. The potter is the one who forms, as the waters forms the oyster shell that forms the oyster flesh who takes a seed of mes and forms the pearl.

i) Uber is not only one who carries, but one who carries many, plenty, the supreme epitome of the carrier. We can see Uber is a form of Meru and a part of liberty and puberty or shall we say luberty and piberty? Much more can be articulated regarding Uber, starting with changing U to E, O, I, A, Y. This might be put forth in a later message under its own name.

j) Though Urt is the gentle, peaceful, meek, be not deceived by this portion of the definition. Urt is tied to Kart which in one sense is the dark and silent, while in another sense, Kart means a cataract. the strong typical force. Cataract might lead to Qatar, as does Hathor as Katar, Kat-Ar, Khatar, Khat-Ar. When the inner and above cataracts are opened, we get counteract and Khiunteract and Khiunt-Erupt and... Bring on the heavenly waters of Nut and Nun. (BB). Art is Ark is Urt and also means bearer... of good news and bad nui, Khut nui and But nui. In other words, Great Mother Urt or Urta or Reta is Reta-Ble, capable of producing a litter (retter) of many. Reta-Ble is Tera-Ble is Terrible. (BB2)

k) Terrible is also possible from Ter-Rep-Ple and Rereterkle (Regrettable). We go back to Ble from Ple from Plu from Vlu from Mlu (milieu, melee) from Slu (Slew) from Tlu from Hru from Khru from Khrui from Khiur. Khru means to utter, give word, notice, cry, slowly drip by drop, then suddenly all at once by inundation.

l) Once again, within this weblog (cutrock), you have even more than enough to go back and fetch what the word Bible means earlier and nowadays. One schema strategy is to make a list of possible word forms. For instance, Bible from Biblu from Bibru from...Once you complete this back to the original consonants, then you can go back to the list you made and separate the letters into different groups. Then you can also rearrange some letters. This is a listening, dewing and tuing process.
Another skhema to be used coincidentally is to write down what a word sounds like. For instance Bible sounds like Babble, Babel, Cable, Dabble, Dible, Fible, Gible, Hible, Jible, Kible, Kibble, Libel, Label, Mabel, Sible, Tible, Viable, Gomer, Kymer...
Stay firm and loose to allow juices to weep and wick out of one firmament into the next.
Another tool of coincidence is to consider the definition of the word you are seeking to understand better. If a bible is the word of God, the what is Word. Word must be Spoken and Heard. Heard is Heart is Hert is Khart is the Circle. This gives us a clue to add to other clues that a Bible must express the circle, the complete word, the complete truth, not just the Kart or Art in a one-sided or half truth sense.
Another approach is to search the internet for “words containing xx” Replace xx with bible, ible, uber, iber, umer. All this is part of the becoming and being more articulate.

m) So the Sphinx is related to Shu and the Great Sphinx is aligned with Leo Constellation and Aquaria-Nut Constellations, thus also with Ma-Shu-Kefnut Constellation also called Kepheus due to being a form of Kepha, Khepa, Kefa. Shu is connected to the hinder-part of the Sphinx, a metaphor for two simultaneous connected celestial events. Aquaria is the hinder-part to Kepheus as Leo is the hinder part to Aquaria as Keheus is the hinder-part to the southern circumpolar constellation that will rule coincidentally, but in front, thus the southern hemisphere and eastern quarter will lead events on Earth for the next 3,000 years, the changeover above almost completed, on earth mummies are coming forth soon to a the-art-er near you per the previews and trailers already released. Mummies are movies retaining the form. By extension, taking up the rear position will be Earth's north and north-west, on Earth as it is in the Heaven of Beginning.

n) We are now reminded that the Great Mother-Sister-Daughter as Ta-urt-Tefnut-Sekhet is a composite of four types: Hippopotamus Body for Water of the north, Kaf-Ape Nose for Air of the east, Lion Feet for Fire of the south and Crocodile Tail for Earth of the west. (BB2)

Obviously the Supreme Being is articulate in every way to create such a diverse integrated set of systems. Humans today are simply verbose in the manner of speaking in sentences full of sound bites that the masses use as a substitute for understanding, overstanding, innerstanding and all-around standing.

The love described in the opening section of this message is Supreme Love that must account for everything in the universe. For us humans, is it possible to manifest, show, express love without being able to articulate love? Especially since articulate means the same thing as manifest, show, express.

**Having already spoken of red bull and now also clams, it is a fitting co-incident coincidence coincide-nce that the new Red Bull commercial speaks of the Venus clam. This is another reference to the Age of Aquaria, Planet Venus, Big Butts and our Sun Ecosystem being reborn into Great Year Spring. Venus is the Tun-As conspiring with Aquaria, thus we should expect significant influences from Planetstar Venus, a Sister Khen-Ut-Ter of the River Inundation [Khuin-Un-Da-Nuti, Khiunm-Un-Da-Khiunm].