All words in all human languages have multiple spellings. Any portion of these words or any combination can provide insight which also depends on the reference materials and living advisors you are using that provide explanations of these word components.
As a starting point, I am dividing the word “Place” into:
1. Places as Prakes or Khriukhes
2. Places as Prikhu or Khriu-Khe3. Pla-Ce, then Pri-Khu then Fri-Khu
4. Khi, Ki, Khu, Ku, Khe, Ke, Khes, Kes, Kha, Ka, Kho, Ko. All of these are from Khiu and mean area, spot, location, place, land, earth, floor, inner region, rapid waters, gate, mine, quarry, library. altar. These words also mean spirit-soul, breathing, power, glorious actions, call, cry, stand, stay, rest or be thrown to the earth, seat, throne, stone, phallus, horned, god, Sta, Stay, full stop, duality, seed, egg, sieve, the whip, rule, govern, screen, benefit, protect, beat, dominate, cover, make go, quick, birth, “of”, born of, black, figure, reproduction, representation, paint, white, ceremony, cross of two truths and the child that rises, extends, elongates, spreads with great rapidity.In simple terms we know spirit has to be somewhere, so wherever spirit is, is a place. And since spirit-soul is everywhere, everywhere is a place. Thus the meaning of place begins and ends with spirit-soul. Every place has spirit-soul and is a manifestation of spirit-soul, even when transformed by any creation or muddled by huddled masses.
5. Heaven in recent Egyptian is AÂru (AAlu) with the accented sign which shows it was the earlier Apru, even earlier Afru. Since no initial vowel is a primitive of speech, even earlier forms are Kafru and earlier Kafruti and Kafritae.
ÂÂ, Af, Au, Aau, Kaf, Kef, Kheb and Khab, all signify “Born of the old first place”. The Ru is the outlet, gate, place of emanation, the mother-mouth. Afru denotes the place born of, and from. Ka is an inner land, and Africa, or Kafrica, is the interior land of the human birthplace. “ Aurka” is a monumental name for a country in the south of Egypt. The consonant form is Afrka. (BB2)
Kafru becomes Fruka becomes Place. The meaning of Rukha lost.
Kafruti becomes Fruti becomes Place. The Ka for inner land removed from the meaning.
Kafritae becomes Fritae becomes Placae becomes Place and Palace.
Af includes the meaning of, wring out drop by drop. This is because Af is a later form of Kak, Kek, Khekh. Unknown to Aflac, it is a form of Afra, Afrek. Af from Ak, the name of the duck, the crosser of the waters, just as the Afra is the hidden crosser of the waters. Ka is a short form of Quack. In shorter words, Africa above and below is that which comes forth drop by drop to fill the world which is also an inner land of the solar system.
Ultimately the words “place” and “places” mean Africa above, below, within, without. Africa above is everyplace above, the entire heavens and all its contents. Africa below is this Earth, then it is Africa the continent, then it is Africa as all other dry lands, islands and lands beneath the waters and lands within Earth. Africa is Everywhere because everywhere is a place where the spirit of Khef resides, rules and forms.
Thus changes have, are and will continue to take place everywhere.
Apia as country denotes the first land attained.
Aeria. Aur (later Aer, Aru) is the name of the river. Aeria is the land of the river, araea, or red earth. This red earth is blood matter, the mother substance that forms the child in the womb and that becomes milk to form the child outside the womb. Aeria is a later form of Kharua.
Area is a later form of Aeria. Area is generic for any geographic place or subject of study or location of anything. When we say things like, I can't place it, we are seeking an area in our logic, in our worldview context to recall or fit in information. This is another reasoning why area is place and both apply to multiple aspects of life and existence.
Am, paradise, haven, God.
Ati, Atia or Atiu is a common Polynesian name of the original birthplace equivalent to the Egyptian Aati, Afti, and Khept the second, or a dual Khep.
AN, Annu is the dark land of birth of all.
Au, place or country
Burg, from Simurgh, a form of Ankh (BB2)
Ca. To this point, we have listed all the components of Am-eri-ca. Yes, one of the meanings of America is bloodletting.
Car. This and the entry above evoke California.
Hun (Han) means to rule, rule of whip, flog, territory, field. Ten is place, seat, land. Hunten is the seat or land of whip-rule. Also Huntington.
IA as a terminal is equivalent to Jah, Ahu, Hea, Yav, and Af, the lower sun or Af-Ra, the deity of the deep.
Ing (Ankh, Nge)
IT is place (BB2)
IU, quickly reminds me of Iowa.
Jose from Joseph from Jo-Sif from IO-Sif from IU-Sif from IU-Kif from Khef and Usekh and Sekh
Ma (Pa)
Ma, place
Mes (Muskogee)
Mass (Massachusetts, Mississippi)
Na, water
Opia. Of course Aethiopia. Also Europe (Aer-opia), another place of bloodletting and group of bloodletters.
Qua, thus in equator and Aquaria we can see spirit and waters. Kua, Kui, Kiu, Khiu, Khau
Rat or Lath (Egyptian) and Lade (English) means place.
Ru is the birthplace, outlet, mouth, opening. Ruru is the horizon as the place of the two lions
Ta. T adds the location, place, womb of the child, a residence that belongs to the Parent.
TA can be reversed to form AT which comes from Hat from Khat, the land formed by the feminine lord.
Takh means a frontier, and to cross
Tun (Ten, Ton, Town, Den, Dom) is place, seat, land, an enclosure of souls, dead and living.
“U” as a prefix or suffix means land of or country of
Uta. This and the entry above remind me of Utah and Yucatan, especially Utes (Yutes) often mentioned in old western television shows and movies, and in no way portrayed as Africans by way of Central America.
Ville from Vari, the very beginning, a new order of things.
Wa. This brings to mind Wa-Sh-Ing-Ton for Washington. This will be reinforced in the weeks to come.
We are reminded that no primary word begins with a vowel. Thus there are earlier, more comprehensive, forms to place names that begin with vowels.
You have taken on place names as part of your identity, but know not what they mean beyond the superficial and artificial.
The place names we choose as part of our identity hinder or help us place ourselves in time and space, helps us find ourselves, helps us understand where we fit in, influences our thinking and behavior.
Where we find a place name, we can always find a people name. People and person is not limited to human and neither did those words originate as meaning humans. I'm certain nothing originated as human at the root. Humans are the last creation on this planet and thus experience delayed reactions to all other actions experienced by and manifested by other creations. Which is why we are the last to know when it's about to rain or earthquake or many other things that other creations know before we do. On our way from ignorance to stupidity, most humans maintain we are the most intelligent. This is evidenced solely by human-made technology and its use to maintain dictatorships.